In My Truck Again

Start from the beginning

"You still have this truck." She said in minor surprise.

"Yeah, it was Matthew's." When I said his name she stiffened a bit. I didn't realize until I said it, the awkward outcome. I had told her about Matthew after we slept together and it was cherished memory for the both of us. I wanted to bring it up, to apologize. But she spoke before I could.

"Wow, you must've had it for a while then..." Leave it to Macy to break the awkwardness, even if it still lingered.

I didn't say anything because I didn't want to screw something up again. We were at a red light when the glove compartment suddenly opened up in front of her. In it were more crayons, that picture Cory drew and a whole bag of sour patch kids.

Macy let out a comfortable laugh. "This has Cory written all over it," She smiled, unfolding the paper to see the drawing and she laughed again.

I looked over at the giant pack of candy that probably weighed the compartment down. "That kid," I groaned, reaching for the candy. "I always forget where he hides this." I said, taking a handfull of them and feeding myself while focusing on the rode.

"Angry loser-face." She shook her head.

I let out a grunt at her probably agreeing with him.

"King of conrads?" She tilted her head and laughed some more.

I only sighed at her and suppressed the need to touch her.

She took the crayons and papers and put them back in there. I handed her the candy bag and she put it back too.

When we got to Watter's finally, she told me to go Victoria's Secret. I looked at her funny and she said, "You don't have to get down with me." But I still did.

As soon as we got inside there were screams and squeals with joy when workers tackled her. The same workers were there for four years, I guess I wasn't surprised. They looked pretty wealthy aside from that.

"Macy!" A very unattractive woman hugged her tightly and had a badge that said 'Manager.' I vaguely remembered her being the one to stare at me when I came in to bring her McDonalds.

When they let Macy breathe, their eyes turned to me and widened. "Is this your fiancé?" She looked to another worker and said, "I told you something was going on!"

"Oh! No, he's a friend of Xavier's, remember?" Macy said and shot them a quick warning glare and they slumped their shoulders a bit.

"Who is it then?" Someone asked.

"His name is Jared." She said and they fawned over nothing.

"Aw! Did you see how her eyes lit up when she said his name?" Before I rolled my eyes, Macy did it for me.

"Well, I was just coming by to say hello," And she turned so we could leave, but the manager stopped her.

"One second!" She said.

The workers were staring at me and I was beginning to feel uncomfortable. Suddenly a few came to me and started shooting questions. "Where are you from?" "What kind of cologne do you use?" "Are you single?" "Can I have your number?" They kept shushing eachother so the other could speak but it wasn't working out very well.

"Mary came by and said you would too, so she told me to give you this." The manager help up a sheet of paper that had a chocolate bar drawn and a stick figure running next to it. She did a shitty job.

Macy's eyes lit up immediately and she ran over to me and grabbed my sleeve and ran to the door, waving her hand back and saying her good-byes. "Thanks Alexis!"

I could hear the workers groaning as I left and I was feeling relieved that she saved me. I was happy that she was touching me, only she was running.

She dodged peopled gracefully with her hand still gripping my sleeve and I was so confused. Finally when we ended up in front of Sublime Chocolate she stopped and looked at her clutched hand around my wrist and pulled back. "Sorry..." She mumbled and turned away and went inside. I followed after her and saw Mary waiting at a table with a coffee in her hand, eyeing me angrily.

"Hey!" She said to Macy, standing up. She completely switched her mood from pissed of and pure hatred at me to a happy, girly, sweet friendly person. I hated her just as much as she hated me.

They hugged briefly and Macy sat down, motioning for me to sit down also. I did, and it was weird.

In front of Macy were a box of chocolates shaped like roses and a few below that had butterfly designs on it. Typical, for Macy. Her two favorite things.

"Wow it's been a while since I've been here..." Macy said, looking around in a nostalgic way.

Mary just glared at me and I wasn't afraid to glare back. "I didn't think he would come with you." Mary said sipping coffee in front of her.

Macy had a trace of warning when she said, "He had to come along because Jared is using my truck."

Mary rolled her eyes and glared at me again.

I pushed back my chair, trying not to be too rude since Macy was watching. "I'll leave you two to do your girl thing and just wait outside." I said, pushing in my chair.

"There's no smoking around here." Mary snarled rudely.

Macy kicked her from under the table and Mary hopped up a bit. "Mary, sh!" She scolded in a whisper, then looking back up at me. "It's fine, it won't take too long we just-"

"I'll be outside." I said, then walked out and let out a long angry huff that I had been holding in for too long.

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