Chapter 19: Pain, Every Day That I Awake

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Title Credit: Pain by Of Mice & Men

~ One Week Later ~

~~ Abigail's POV ~~

"Abigail!" I hear Austin yell my name from downstairs.

I quickly get up from my bed and run downstairs, "what's up?" I ask as I walk up to Austin, "Where's Pamela?" I ask as I look around, Pamela was here every day so it's a surprise she isn't here today. I love her, she's alright and all but she is pretty clingy to Austin. 

"She had to work," He says as he sighs.

I knew that type of sigh, it was the bad news sigh, "Is something wrong?"

"Um, Jake got in contact with your biological father," he gives me a slight smile but it wasn't a full one. It's the type of smile where he didn't want to smile but he still did because he didn't want me to worry. 

"W-what did he say?" I actually stuttered. I'm surprised they actually found him, now it was just to prove that he was my actual biological father, "did he agree to a DNA test?"

Austin quickly looks down then he looks me in the eyes, "yes, but on one condition," He's worried I can see it in his eyes, "he wants to meet you," it made sense why he would worry.

"So, he'll take the test as long as he gets to meet me?" he nods, "What if I don't want to meet him?"

"Then there will be no DNA test and..."

"And the adoption will be kind of screwed wouldn't it?"

Austin sighs, "I don't know, honestly. He's agreed to do the test next week but he wants to meet you the day before."

"Do you want me to meet him?" Austin gives me a confused look

"Of course, I mean, he gave you life. I want to adopt you, Abigail. Even if you have to meet him I still want to adopt you. I might be a little worried about situations that might never happen but that isn't gonna stop me from letting you meet him because I want to make this family official."

"I thought we already were a family. I mean, do we really need a paper to say that we are a family?" he nods, "The whole system sucks but okay, I'll meet this human that gave me life in order to be adopted."

Austin smiles and gives me a hug, "I'll call Jake and let him know," he says as he walks to the backyard as he dials Jake's number.

I'm going to meet the man that didn't know I existed but still gave me life. isn't that weird?

Austin comes back in the house within a ten minutes, "Change of plans, instead of next week we have it set for two days from now, apparently your biological father won't be in New York next week due to a business meeting," he says as he sighs.

"It's gonna be okay, trust me," I say smiling

He returns the smile, "Alright, well, I'm going to bed."

"Right, I should too," I say as I hug him

"Goodnight, sweetie," He says as he smiles and kisses the top of my head.

"Goodnight, Austin," I say as I walk in my room.

I change into my PJs and climb into bed. I fall fast to sleep.

I wake up to a thud sound, I look over at my clock that was set on my bedside table.

3:03 A.M.

I sigh to myself and get off the bed, you know in scary movies how every time something is about to go down it is usually around 3 in the morning? Yeah, I'm kind of getting that feeling. Anyone got any salt?

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