Chapter 14: Adventure Time!

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~~ Austin's POV ~~ 

I wake up to my alarm blaring as loud as it could, I sigh and turn it off as I get out of bed. I put on some shorts and a tank top. 

I walk downstairs to the kitchen and begin to make breakfast, I decided that I'd make Abigail breakfast before we head on out to wherever the day led us. 

I hear footsteps, I turn around and see her, "I was gonna wake you when I finished cooking," I say with a smile

"It's okay," she says as she stares at the pancakes that are currently cooking on the pan, "Pancakes?" 

I nod, "Yes, then we are going to have the whole day to ourselves so I thought we should spend it together," I say as I turn back around and flip the pancake

"I thought you were gonna be busy doing stuff at the studio or rehearsing?" 

I shake my head, "Nope, I have the day off," I smile, "Do you not want to hang out?" 

"No, I mean I didn't mean to mean it like that," She sighs, "I'm not making any sense, what I'm trying to say is that I do want to hang out," she smiles 

"Great!" I place a couple of pancakes on a plate, "eat up!" I say as I hand her the plate

I find it odd that she stared at them for a while, "do you not like pancakes?" I ask as I begin making myself some.

"What? No! I love them! I just think it's a lot of food," she says as she grabs the syrup 

"A lot of food? It's only two pancakes, are you feeling okay?" I didn't want to jump to any conclusions. 

"Perfectly fine!" She smiles as she spreads the syrup onto her pancakes

I knew how to spend our day together, I place my pancakes on a plate and sit beside her, "You know you could tell me anything right?" 

She looks over at me as she takes a bite of her pancakes, "Yes, I do know that." 

"Good because I don't want you to be afraid of telling me something because I want to be there for you, it's my duty," I say as she laughs; I chuckle, "I'm being serious, though... Okay? Don't be afraid of talking to me about things that are personal"  

"Have you ever noticed how much people use a word repetitively? like the word because or like, those words are the structure of a sentence and without them, it's like a sentence won't make much sense! Like right there and there! Or do I just not know how to use the English language as well?" she says as she begins to cut more pieces of her pancakes.

"That was the most random thing ever, are you trying to avoid the conversation or do you just get distracted easily?" I sigh to myself, "I can't believe I asked you that, it's like I don't even know you that well and you've been living with me for almost two months and it's like I don't know you on a personal level..." 

She sighs, "I'm done eating can I go get ready for whatever the day holds us?" 

I nod as she gets up and leaves the kitchen, I look at her plate and the untouched pancakes, she only ate half of one. Something is wrong and I believe I know what it is, I just need her to open up to me. 

I finish my pancakes and clean up, "So what's the plan?" I turn around to see what she was wearing. 

"You might want to change those jeans, maybe some shorts," I say as I turn back to washing the dishes

 "Do I have to?" 

"Well if you want to be comfortable," I say as she groans, I hear her footsteps as she walks upstairs, I chuckle to myself. 

A few minutes late I finish wiping the counter and Abigail comes back down with some shorts that went about mid thigh maybe a little higher, "better, now you will be comfortable," I say as she sighs, "Now let's go!" I grab the keys, my wallet, and my sunglasses.

"I call dibs on picking the music!" 

"What did that guy from that show you like say," I begin to think about the quote

"Don't you dare!" 

"Oh! Driver picks the music shotgun shuts his, well, in this case, her cakehole," I smile at her as she sighs 

"how dare you do this to me," she glares at me as I laugh 

"Hey, you brought this upon yourself," we walk out of the house, I lock the door as she gets into the car. 

I then get in as well, "you know I will have my revenge," she says as I turn on the car and pull out of the driveway

I chuckle as I turn on the radio. 

"What time is it?" Abigail asks as she turns on her phone

I smirk, "adventure time!" 


We finally arrive at our destination, "A lake?" Abigail asks as she takes off her seatbelt

"Yup! We're going fishing sweetheart!" I smile at her as I get off the car 

She gets off the car and walks towards me, "Fishing?" 

"Yeah! I used to go fishing a lot when I was younger, it's peaceful, calming, and it's just a great way to spend time together," I say as I look over at the lake

"I always thought it was boring" 

"Have you ever gone fishing?" I look over at her

She shakes her head, "No." 

"Then don't judge if you never tried it, now let's go get our stuff," I say as I begin walking to the store nearby 

"Don't you need to like to make reservations or something?" She asks as she trails along side me

"Not if you know the owner," I smile as I enter the store

"Austin! Long time no see!" 

I smile and walk over, "Jackson!" I say as I hug him, in a manly way, though. 

"How you been?" He asks as he lets go of the hug

"Great! Oh this is my daughter Abigail," I say as I place my hand on Abigail's shoulder 

She smiles, "Hi," she says as she begins to look around

"Hello," He returns the smile, "I didn't know you had a daughter, Austin!" 

"Well I just adopted her," I smile 

"Oh well that's great!" he smiles and looks at Abigail, "You've been adopted by one of the most greatest men alive!" 

She smiles, "I know," 

"Well, we wanted to go fishing," Abigail glares at me, "well I thought it'd be a great idea to go fishing," 

Jackson chuckles, "Well good thing for you that today isn't such a busy day, come on back and I'll get you guys all set up." 

I smile as Abigail and I follows him to the back, "I promise you are going to have fun," I say to her. I'm hoping she that just maybe she would open up to me as well. 

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