Chapter 13: Small Discussions

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~~ Abigail's POV ~~ 

It's been two weeks, the funeral was the Saturday after she died. Caroline's funeral was beautiful, her parents spoke about the wonderful girl she grew up to be and how she left so many wonderful memories with her friends and family.

"Can I come in?" I hear Aaron's voice from the other side of the door.

"Sure," I say as I get up from my bed

"How are you doing?" He asks as he walks in, "About the whole coping?"

"I'm doing pretty good I mean I haven't cried or anything, so yes, I'm doing good," I say as he shakes his head

"Abigail, I don't thi-" 

I interrupt him, "Aaron, people deal with death different ways."

He nods, "Well Austin wanted me to tell you that the food is ready so come down and eat," he says as he walks out of my room.

I sigh to myself, how was I supposed to get out of this?

I walk downstairs to see the whole band already at the dinner table, I see that there wasn't a chair for me, "oh! Alan was just about to go get you a chair, I was using it a while ago to put some portraits on the walls," Phil says as he smiles at me

"No worries," I say as I grab a plate from Aaron and begin serving myself I look over at Austin, "do you mind if I eat in my room?"

"Why would you want to eat in your room?" He asks as he looks up at me

"Because I would really like to be alone right now," I say hoping he would say yes.

He looks at the guys as they eat, "sure," he says with a small smile

"Thanks," I smile and take my food upstairs.

I lock the door behind me as I enter my room, I grab a container I had under my bed, it already smelled from week old food. I sighed as I placed my food inside the container, it was for my own good.

I place the plate on my bed as I hide the container again. Now time to look for a good movie, I turn on Netflix on my laptop and set it on my bed.

~~ Austin's POV ~~

"So, has Abigail said anything to you about her coping with the death of Caroline?" Aaron asks me as he sits next to me

"What do you mean?" I ask as I look over to him.

"Has she cried? Has she come to you for comfort?" He asks as he begins to pick at his food

I began to think of the times she has but there was none, she has never gone to me for comfort in any way. I look at my plate, I was a little disappointed, I shook my head, "no, I've been too busy being excited that she was finally with me and I had to mourn myself over the loss of Caroline. I guess what I mean to say is that I was too busy to pay attention if she was coping or how she was feeling." I sigh, "gosh I need to get my act straight, It hasn't even been three months and I'm already messing up," I whispered.

"Don't be too hard on yourself, maybe you should talk to her about it. See how she feels, if she won't talk then maybe try to get it out of her somehow... It's not healthy that she doesn't cope, she needs to let out her feelings somehow and we all know we don't want her to let out her feelings a certain way."

I nod, I knew what he meant, many of the fans have told us that by harming themselves it helped them cope with traumatizing situations in their lives, but I didn't want Abigail to do that too herself. It's one thing if my fans do it, and it absolutely pains me to see the fans do that. But when it's my own daughter? I can't even think about her doing something like that.

"You're right," I say to Aaron, "I'll talk to her tomorrow. I have the day off and I'll spend the day with her."

He nods, "If you ever need anything just call me or one of the guys."

"I know," I say as I look at the guys who were now paying attention, "thank you guys for being there for me and Abigail through all of this... It means a lot. Especially since I'm doing this on my own."

"We're one big family, Austin. Like that movie says, family never gets left behind," Tino says

"You mean Lilo and Stitch?" Alan asks looking at Tino

Tino snaps his finger and points at Alan, "Yeah! That one!"

I laugh, "Well I guess this is our little Ohana."

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