Chapter Thïrty-Twø: Ïmpërfëctly Përfëct

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"Ms.Dawson, you're clear to leave now. Everything is in check." The nurse unhooked the machines. Zoey started to get out of bed and Josh helped her. "Hang on, let me grab your shoes." Josh bent down. His necklace popped out and hung there. Zoey smiled. She bent down and held it. Josh looked at her. "You still wear it." She smiled. "I've never taken it off." Josh grinned as his dimples showed. "So I've heard." Zoey kissed him. Josh put his hand on Zoey's neck and kissed her back. They stood up still kissing. Josh pulled Zoey close wrapping his arms around her waist firmly but gentle. He went deeper into the kiss as Zoey put her hands on his shoulders. "I love you Zoreo." He smiled. "I love you too dork." Zoey kissed his nose. Josh looked at the small cut on her lip. "Oh. I didn't hurt you did I?" He completely forgot. "Not at all." She laughed. "Only thing that hurts really is my arm and my head if I touch the bandage." She pointed to her head. Josh grabbed her finger and pulled it away. "Don't touch it then!" He stressed and frowned. Zoey snickered and kissed him. "Let's get out of here huh?" Josh rubbed her arm. "Please." Zoey chuckled. She got changed with Josh's help and threw the gown out.

"Hey Zoe!" Jenna waved in the waiting room. "Tyler's bringing the car around." She helped Zoey to the door. Josh walked closely behind in case she fell back. He got the door for the girls. Tyler was waving and beeped the horn. "Hey Tyler!" Zoey laughed and waved. Josh helped her get in. Jenna sat in the front seat. "Hungry killer?" Tyler looked in the rearview mirror at Zoey. "Yes. The hospital wouldn't let me eat anything but their slop and I would have rather starved." She groaned. "Well let's go get you some well deserved tacos." Tyler laughed and drove off. Josh put his arm around Zoey carefully. He didn't want to hurt her. Zoey nuzzled Josh. He laid his head carefully on hers and within minutes he fell asleep.

Tyler pulled up to the drive through. Josh woke up when he started talking. He moaned and nuzzled into Zoey's neck. Zoey rubbed Josh's neck. He smiled and kissed her neck gently. Zoey leaned her head on his and continued rubbing him. Josh placed his hand on her lap and rubbed her leg. She kissed his head and played with his duck tails. Josh smiled, he missed the feel of her playing with his hair. As Tyler pulled up to the window, Josh fell back asleep.

Tyler parked at the hotel. "You guys go ahead. Imma stay with Josh for a couple more minutes." She whispered. Tyler and Jenna nodded and quietly got out. Zoey rubbed Josh's head and let him sleep for a couple more minutes.

"Josh." She said softly. "We're at the hotel." Josh opened his eyes slowly and stretched. He looked over at Zoey. He gently touched the cut on her lip. "I'm okay." She smiled. Josh traced her smile and pulled her chin. Josh kissed Zoey ever so gently. "Come on beautiful." He smiled like a dork. Josh helped her out and they headed to the room.

Tyler met them in the lobby and handed them their food. He walked them to their room before residing to his. "No more hospitals." Josh shut the door. "Agreed." Zoey laughed setting the food on a tray. Josh touched her back and startled Zoey. "Sorry." He frowned. "No not your fault." She half smiled. "Are you guys gonna perform tomorrow?" Zoey rubbed his chest. "We were supposed to but I was gonna wai-" "Nooo you're not." Zoey poked his nose. "You just got out." Josh pouted. "Don't fight me on this. Don't let me hold you guys back. You gotta catch up." Zoey kissed his neck. Josh hugged her. "I'll be right there watching." She smiled. Josh kissed her head. Zoey looked into his mocha puppy dog eyes. Such a kindness in them. Zoey kissed Josh. "We should eat before it gets cold." Zoey blushed as she broke it. Josh didn't want her to pull away. He hugged her from behind as she set plates. "Mmmm marry me." He said muffled. "What?" She giggled. "I just want you to be mine forever." Josh snickered kissing her cheek. "You're such a dork." Zoey shook her head. "But you're my dork. My big, strong, alien, dork." Zoey turned around and smiled wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Josh blushed and kissed her. "I call the left side of the bed." Josh said before kissing her again. "No fair! You kissed me I couldn't call-" Josh kissed her again. "You're abusing your power of knowing how to shut me up." Zoey smirked. "Really? Cause I didn't think so." He smirked and kissed her again. "Josh." Zoey couldn't resist. His hands held her waist pulling her close. Zoey ran her fingers through the back of Josh's hair. He kissed her more. Zoey's heart fluttered. Josh broke the kiss, them both out of breath. "I gotta use the bathroom." Josh kissed her nose. "Way to kill a mood." Zoey laughed. "I'm sorry." Josh snickered and kissed her again. "Go! I don't want you to pee on me." She laughed. "Alright alright!" Josh laughed and ran to the bathroom.

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