Chapter Twëñty-Ëïght: Ïñ Thë Blïñk Øf Åñ Ëyë

Start from the beginning

"Hey. What happened Josh?" Tyler tried to calm Josh. Josh's anxiety was rising. "Josh. Listen to me. Sit down and talk to me." Tyler patted his back. They sat down. "She didn't tell me!" Josh yelled. "Hey, tell you what?" Tyler put his arm around Josh. "It happened again during the concert!" "What?" Tyler rubbed his back. "She didn't tell me because she didn't wanna kill my mood." Josh put his head in his own lap. "Tyler. Something's wrong. This is serious." He looked at him. Josh was teary eyed. Tyler looked at Josh and gave him a look. "You're right. I'm not saying you're wrong to be upset but, think of it from Zoey's point of view. If you saw her happy after I don't know, let's say a job interview she nailed, would you tell her right in that moment?" Tyler asked. Josh sighed. "No...but she had-" "All this time. It probably slipped her mind while she was spending time with you. She didn't try to hide it, she told you today." Tyler tried to reason with him. "You're right. Oh my god. I got so mad. I just care- Tyler I yelled at her. She hates yelling. She doesn't respond well to it. She ran crying." Josh's heart raced. "It's alright. I'm sure she understands." "No Tyler! I made her cry! Oh god! Zoey!" Josh pulled at his hair. "Hey! Hey!" Tyler stopped him and pulled him into a hug. Seeing Josh like this crushed Tyler. "Go talk to her." He said. "No. She hates me. She probably never wants to see me again." Josh held back tears. "You're wrong. If I know anything about Zoey it's that she's crazy about you Josh. Zoey doesn't know what's going on either. She may not admit it but she's probably just as scared as you are. She needs you. Go to her. Talk to her." Tyler smiled. Josh nodded. He wiped his tears and shook his head. "Come on, let's go find her." Tyler stood up.

"Zoey!" Jenna yelled after her. Zoey was running down the stairs and towards the lobby door. Jenna caught up to her and hugged her. "Zoey what happened?!" Jenna held her. Zoey was a wreck. "Josh hates me! He's mad I didn't tell him!" Zoey cried. "Shhh, about what?" Jenna asked. Zoey explained the fight and the pain from last night. "Come here." Jenna walked her over to these chairs. They sat down. "Now you know Josh isn't capable of hating you. He adores you. You are his whole world Zoey." Jenna wiped her tears. Zoey was silent. "I'm sure he didn't mean to yell at you. Josh is just upset. He cares deeply for you. Josh doesn't want anything to happen to you. He's scared out of his mind that he could lose you Zoey." She held Zoey's hand. "I don't like being yelled at." She said softly. "He didn't mean it. His emotions got the best of him." Jenna assured her. Zoey whimpered. "I said such a nasty thing to him." Zoey cried. "Josh knows you don't mean it. He's probably up there worrying about you right now." Jenna smiled. "He's a dork like that." Zoey pouted. "But he's your dork." Jenna smiled. Zoey giggled quietly and smiled. "I have to go apologize." Zoey stood up wiping her tears. Jenna rubbed her back.

Zoey took a step forward and then winced in pain. "Zoey? Are you okay?" Jenna grabbed her. "Ahhh! No!" Zoey cried and grabbed her head. Josh was at the top of the stairs. "She still looks upset." Josh said. "Talk to her." Tyler told him. Zoey cried louder. Josh knew it was a cry of pain. They ran down the stairs. "Zoey!" Josh yelled. Zoey grabbed her head. "Somebody call 911!" Josh ran over to her. Tyler called for an ambulance. Zoey tried to take another step and her legs gave out. Josh caught her as she collapsed in pain. "Oh god! Zoey I'm so sorry!" Josh held her. "Josh!" She clenched his arm in pain. "You're gonna be okay baby!" Josh kissed her head. "The ambulance is on it's way!" Tyler ran over. "Someone get me some water!" Josh yelled. The lobby manager ran over with a bottle. "Drink baby." Josh held her tight.

At the hospital Josh and the crew were in the waiting room. Josh's knees kept rocking. He was fidgety and worried. Tyler was rubbing Josh's back while he had his arm around Jenna. A doctor walked out. "Joshua Dun?" He asked. "Yeah." Josh got up quickly. "We're running some test now. Mr.Dun, has she experienced anything more yesterday?" "Yes actually. Last night she felt it again." He answered. "May I ask why she didn't come in?" "Zoey didn't tell me until this morning. She's stubborn like that." Josh sighed. "May I ask what happened prior to her pain today?" The doctor was looking through some papers. "We...we got into a fight. About her not telling me.." He went quiet. The doctor looked at him. "Well. I think this was soon to come. However the added amount of stress from the argument must have triggered it sooner." The doctor explained.  Josh's heart sunk. It's my fault. Oh god. I started the fight. If I had just remained calm. Oh Zoey.. "Mr.Dun?" The doctor looked at him. Josh snapped out of it. "Sorry." He said softly. "You can't blame yourself. Now I can't say for certain her condition. There is a possibility this isn't life threatening. However, she will probably need medication." He explained. "But she doesn't like-...." Josh took a minute to breath. He knew how Zoey felt about meds. "And if she doesn't take medication?" Josh asked. "She could get worse." "Okay okay. Is there any alternative?" He asked. "At the moment I'm not sure until we figure out what this is. However, that being said stress seems to be the trigger. The cause of it. Keeping her stress free and her anxiety down will help greatly. Medication or not." The doctor told him. Josh nodded. "When can I see her?" "Right now if you'd like. She's not awake though." Josh's heart skipped a beat. "What do you mean?" He asked. "We had to give her something to relax." Josh's eyes widened. "You sedated her?! No. Zoey doesn't like that! She's afraid of not waking up! And she's all alone!" Josh's temper was rising. "Josh." Tyler got up. "No, that's my girlfriend. I don't want her to wake up scared and alone. She hates hospitals." Josh ran to her hospital room. The doctor walked away.

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