3 Brothers (12)

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The guy let Jackal go after about two minutes and he was gasping out in pain as he stumbled to the floor.

He smiled at me angelically

"Your turn sweetheart." And he stalked towards me.

My instant thoughts were 'Run, save yourself!' But I knew Jackal really would die then. Hell! Who am I kidding were both gunna die anyway!

I backed away a little even so, my stomach lurching.

"What are you gunna do to me?" I whispered, terrified

"The same I just did to him."

"Yeah I guessed that but what exactly did you just do to him?"

He just chuckled and leaned forward towards me, closing his eyes and inhaling.

"Delicious." He murmured softly.

I gulped, he smiled.

Okay. Fuck this.

With that thought I spun round and started running, wind sweeping past me as I stumbled a little now and then.

"You cannot get away from me, its going to happen either way." His voice seemed to stay with me as I ran through the trees.

I cant die yet! That's bullshit! I have my whole frickin life ahead of me, devastating much?

"What the-!?" I screamed as someone yanked onto my arm, I fell on my ass and hissed angrily.

"Oops sorry" He sniggered.

"Leave me alone!" I whined as he pulled me back on my feet.

"Hmm no." With those words he pulled me closely to him and pressed his lips against my neck gently.

"Dude let me go!" I whispered.

"It doesn't hurt that much." His lips murmured against my skin

"I'm not scared about the pain fuck wit!"

"You seem to be."

"Well I aint"

"Then what are you scared about?"

"Um being bit?"

"I wont bite you... hard"


He chuckled against my skin

"Let me go!" I squirmed angrily

He laughed and held me tightly against him.

"Please!" I moaned

"Sorry but its in my nature." He whispered and slid his tongue across my neck

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?" I screamed with panic

He sniggered and looked me in the eyes

" I can do whatever the fuck I want. So just shut the fuck up and stay still, its annoying. You squirming."

"Fuck you." I mumbled softly. His eyes were fucking glowing purple, WTF?!

"Not yet love." He sniggered

I growled

"Oh frightening"

With that he scraped his teeth along my neck, holy shit they were sharp.

I shut my eyes tightly and waited.

I didn't have to wait long.

As soon as I closed my eyes he slowly sunk his teeth into my neck, I could feel the warm trickle roll down my skin and I felt a horribly agonising pain shooting up and down my neck. I tried to open my mouth to scream but it just came out as a dried wheeze. His arms slowly lowered down than felt comfortable. I tried to push against his chest but he grabbed my hands and put them behind my back painfully.

My neck burned horribly. The pain was unbearable , it hurt a lot more than when I got my tattoo and a lot more than when Raven stabbed me accidently when we were at that Dead By April gig three weeks ago. I thrashed about in his arms and that just seemed to annoy him a little as he pulled me even tightly closer to his chest, which I must admit was quite hard. We stood there for about two minutes before he suddenly let me go and I crashed to the floor yet again, I lay there completely still.

"There. That wasn't so bad was it?" He broke the silence.

My eyes fluttered shut, my sight was clouding over with black. I couldn't think straight. My heart beat felt like it was going to explode, I could feel it pounding so hard in my chest.

I blacked out.


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