•Stuck~Charles Xavier•

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Y/n looked down at the forty-foot drop below her. This was not how she wanted to spend her evening. She had never been a good at climbing trees and yet here she was, at the very top of the tallest tree on the extensive lot of Xavier's school for gifted youngsters.

Y/n had moved into the school a few mouths ago. There weren't that many students there yet, it was still starting up, but she loved all of the friends she had made.

Y/n had immediately hit it off with Charles. He was witty and handsome and charming. What more could a girl ask for? She was pretty tight with Erik too. It surprising actually, he wasn't exactly a social butterfly. Raven and Y/n were been practically joined at the hip ever since Y/n moved in.

But Y/n considered Charles to be her best friend out them all. They talked almost constantly; most of their conversations were telepathic so they hardly ever stopped. It wasn't uncommon for one of them to burst out laughing for no 'apparent' reason during the day.

Charles had always liked the way she thought, from day one. She was funny, caring, optimistic – Y/n could be a bit naïve at times, but that was something he loved about her. Charles didn't have much innocence in his life anymore.

And every night Y/n would go over to his study with a bottle of bourbon and they would just relax together. Speaking wasn't necessary, and offend they wore out all topics of conversations during the day. It was enough to just be in each other's presence. It made them both happy. And that's what's really important.

When she first arrived at the school, Charles had promised her help with her mutation. Y/n had never really gotten the knack of it. And at several points in her life she believed it didn't actually exist. She was still a little shocked that she was going to a school for mutants.

Y/n could control air and wind currents. Well... control was a strong word. She was almost never in control. And Charles had promised to help her with that.

For most of her life, Y/n pushed her mutation down; defying it's very existence to the point of dilution. Now, in her early twenties, it was extremely difficult to bring her powers to the surface. And more importantly to maintain control.

Charles started her off with something easy: pushing a pencil off of his desk. Y/n could effetely create a breeze around her; she had that down long before she moved into the Xmen's mansion. Now she just had to focus all that energy on the pencil. Honestly, it was a piece of cake.

Next Charles had her levitate a paperweight. That was much harder. Focusing and sustaining enough air to keep something floating was so much more difficult than knocking it off a table. Most of the time Y/n would put to much force into it and just blow the paperweight straight up into the ceiling. She thought that was hilarious. Charles did not.

But that was months ago and the young woman had made a lot of progress since then. Charles was very proud. He loved the way Y/n beamed when she made a breakthrough. He could almost feel the happiness radiating from her. Recently he urged her to try something harder, challenge herself. And Y/n did. She decided to learn how to fly.

She had always loved the idea of flight. Maybe it was in her blood (or maybe the love developed when she played Peter Pan in a school play and spent half her time on stage running around with her arms outstretched making whooshing noises). Either way Y/n wanted to try as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, Charles did have a school to run and didn't have a lot of time for one-on-one training with her anymore. This made both Y/n and Charles upset.

So Y/n decided to do it by herself. Seemed pretty straightforward right? Same concept as the paperweight. Should be fine right? Wrong.

So wrong.

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