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You woke up in Tony Stark's room again with his arms wrapped around you tightly. You groaned, mentally slapping yourself in the face. You changed form in order to slip out of his embrace, which was rather easy since you were born with powers of elasticity. You watched his smile widen in his sleep, you thought about what he could be dreaming about, and an image of last night popped into your head. You shook away the thought before grabbing some clothes and putting them on. Then you left without so much as a good-bye.

My heart booms at the speed of light
But the exit signs always on my mind, always in my sight.
I can say that I really want to stay,
But the devil inside always wins the fight, always gets his way.

Jump out the window gotta get out on the highway,
Think things are getting too attached I need an escape.
I'm seeing stars and there is nothing more that I hate, baby.

There is something that I gotta say.
It's disgusting, how I love you.
God, I hate me. I could kill you.
Cause your messing up my name.
Gotta walk my talk my fame, but I just want to touch your face.
It's disgusting.
It's disgusting, how you changed me.
From a bandit to a baby.
Thinking about gotta change my name,
If I'm gonna walk this walk of shame.
Look at what you do to me.
It's disgusting.

*flashback to the first day Tony met your alter ego*

"Elastica!" Iron man shouted as you began to make your escape.

"Sorry metal mouth. Let's do this again sometime." you grinned as you avoided being captured once again. On the way back home you changed your clothes. You obviously couldn't go walking down the street as your super villain alter ego. Before you could enter your apartment your neighbor stopped you.

"Oh miss (Name)." the older woman waved for you to come over.

"Yes ma'am." you said as you approached the woman.

"I have an enormous favor to ask of you." she stated. You waited for her to explain. "There's this charity event happening tonight you see? I'm one of the many benefactors but I can't make it since my sister is very sick and needs someone to take care of her. I've already asked my son to go in my stead but he won't accept unless I can find him a date."

"And you want me to go with him?" you asked, shocked. You only talked with this lady a few times before and now she's asking you to go out for a night with her son to a charity event.

"Yes. Is it too much of a bother?" she asked. You could see by her eyes that you were probably her last hope.

"No, it's just that I don't think I have anything to wear to such a fancy event." you fibbed. You did have evening gowns for such a night but if you were to do this then you wanted something in return.

"No problem. Here's some money. I'll tell him to pick you up here at eight." the lady smiled as she handed you a bundle of cash.

"Thank you so much." you grinned, counting the cash.

Your doorbell rang a quarter to eight. All ready to go you made your way to the door. Surprised to see a very handsome man standing there. Why on earth did he ask his mother to get him a date? He probably could've done fine finding one on his own. He complimented your beauty before the two of you got in his car and were off to the event.

➳ Oh, Well Imagine Marvel➳ FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now