Fourty Two

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It had been three weeks, Luke hadn't wake up, he visited Luke in the hospital everyday, he would sleep over there, wishing that every time he open his eyes Luke would wake up.

He had worn his glasses since then, he was too tired and sick to put his contact lens on.

It was obvious that he was depressed, just by the way he looked, no, he didn't self harm because Michael and Calum were watching him every time, they had forced him to sleep between them at Michael's house, he didn't mind, but he still couldn't express his emotion.

When he wanted to sleep over the night in the hospital, it was either Calum or Michael stay, once Dustin too.

"I'm tired," he sighed as he take a seat on the chair next to Luke's bed and placing his backpack on the floor, "How are you?"

He took Luke's hand and kissing it, rubbing circles on Luke's hand.

He felt himself starving, if Luke isn't in coma I wont be starving right now, he thought puffing his mouth.

He picked up his backpack on the floor, pulling out a tupperware with his meal in it that Michael and Calum made for him.

He ate silently, not looking away from Luke, he chewed on his spaghetti as he focused on Luke's fingers hoping they would move a bit just like in the movies.

He placed now the empty tupperware on the hospital table, drinking water from his bottle.

He sighed again, he really didn't know what to do without Luke, he grabbed Luke's ipad from the table, he opened photos, there were many pictures of Luke doing silly faces, and pictures of himself candid; mostly Luke would take the picture from behind or he was too happy to look back at Luke when Luke told him to calm down.

Seeing the battery was only 13%, he quickly charged the ipad, some notifications from twitter and instagram wishing he would wake up soon popped up.

He leaned to Luke to whisper in his ear, "If you wake up I'll give you a blow job." then pecking him on the lips.

Still Luke didn't move, he looked at Luke's heartbeat, it was moving up and down quickly and he smiled at that, knowing it had an affect on Luke somehow, then it was steady again.

"Ash," someone said making him turn his head, "Have you eat your dinner?"

He picked up the empty tupperware and showed it to Michael, "Good." Calum praised.

He nodded smiling, looking at Luke again, "I wish he would wake up soon, I miss him too." he heard Michael says.

He turned to Calum and Michael who were sitting on the couch now, "We are all miss him, Mike." Calum said kissing Michael's head, Ashton frowned.

He missed Luke's kisses and hugs very much, he missed Luke's voice, he missed Luke's blue eyes, he missed when Luke was rambling, he missed Luke.

"Ash, don't cry." Calum came rushing to him, wiping some tears away.

"I miss him so much." he said in between sniffle.

"I miss him too, pray for him okay?" Calum told, he nodded slowly hugging Calum, the bigger boy moving his hands up and down Ashton's back.

And then he prayed, he pray that everything went to normal again, Luke isn't in the hospital bed, praying that he was now snuggling into Luke's chest as they watch American Horror Story; Luke's favorite.

"You look tired, let's get you to sleep." Calum said after they pull away from the hug.

Ashton nodded and walk to the couch, taking a seat next to Michael and cuddle him as Calum wrapped him with a blanket.

"Please wake up when I open my eyes." he whispered before closing his eyes to sleep.

He had woken up to the sound of people rushing, it made him groan and went back to sleep again, but he couldn't, so he decided to open his eyes to see what happen.

He rubbed his eyes before grabbing his glasses from the table and put them on, a nurse named Maddie, she was in her fourties, came to him with a smile.

"Hi, Ashton, he has woken up," she said, still with the smile, he jolted up from the couch quickly that made him dizzy, "Honey, slow down." Maddie said as he was held by her.

He clenched his eyes shut before he opened them again, he slowly walk to Luke.

He saw him, Luke, some bandages were taken off showing some of his scars on his tattoos on his pale skin.


Then Luke turned to him, with the same blue eyes and familiar smile, "Ash." he breathed out.

"I miss you." he let the tears came before hugging his boyfriend.

"I miss you too," Luke sniffled, he was crying too, he felt like everything was a dream but felt too real, "How long have I been gone?" Luke asked his voice cracking a bit.

"Three weeks, three weeks without you was like hell," he sighed, playing with the cannula as Luke wiped his tears away then he asked a question that he really wanted to know, "Have you seen heaven?"

Luke thought for a moment and he rubbed Luke's cheeks, "I don't know." his voice low.

"Do you remember what brought you here?" he asked again.

And Luke thought again, furrowing his eyebrows, "I can't remember really, I remember hugging you?"

Ashton smiled showing his dimples, "No you're not."

"Well, what is it then?" Luke challenged but Ashton couldn't brought the topic up, it always remind him of the down times.

"Car accident." he said coldly, moving his gaze to Luke's tattooed arm.

He heard Luke sighed after a moment, "Oh, I'm sorry."

He looked up at the blue eyed boy, "What?"

"I'm sorry for being." Luke said but he was cut off.

"Luke holy fuck, I miss you so much, man." Dustin said as he barged into the room, he smiled and moved away from his seat and went to the door, giving the brother his time.

"Ash," Luke called, "Stay."

He nodded and sat on the couch, smiling away as Dustin was telling Luke the things he had missed, somehow making him laugh and choke on air, Dustin called the nurse and he was rushing and searching for some help too.

The nurse ended up saying that Luke needed his rest and that they should go home and come back tomorrow.

He pecked Luke's forehead and leaned his cheeks to Luke so he could get a kiss too.

"I'll be back tomorrow after work, love you." he said waving his hands off.

"Okay, love you too." Luke smiled as he wave back.

He stepped out of the room to meet Calum and Michael, "I'm sorry I can't meet him now, I'm too emo when I saw you guys." Michael said and he nuzzled into Calum's hug, the tanned boy smiled at him.

"Yeah me too," Calum mumbled, "Let's go."

Ashton From Quiksilver » Lashtonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें