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The alarm woke him up at 6 so he got an hour to prepare and go to work.

He turned to his stomach and laid like that for a little bit, he pushed his bottom up to the air and stretch his back, then he got up and took a shower and put on his uniform, not really.

He got his stuffs, wait for the bus and he was at work.

Ashton worked for Quiksilver inside a mall near the beach, the store was on the second level so he should take the elevator to reach the place.

He walked inside the store and met Michael behind the counter, kind of shocked because Michael always come late.

"Morning Mikey." Ashton said smiling.

But Michael was never a morning person, he always grumpy in the morning.

"Hi." Mike replied.

Ashton nodded walking to the back of the store, put his back inside his locker and walked to Michael again.

"Why did you come early?" Ashton asked leaning to the counter.

"Calum woke up early so." Michael chuckled remembering why did Calum woke up early.

"What's with that?" Ashton asked, giggling at the taller boy.

"Calum," laughed, "he," laughed, "Omg, I can't." he laughed rolling his body on the floor.

"C'mon Mikey!" Ashton giggled as he help Michael to get up.

"He had a wet dream." Michael finished his sentence without laughing anymore.

"Oh, okay." Ashton said, he didn't want to hear further of it.

"And he dreamt of a girl." Michael chuckled.

"Stop right there, I don't want to hear it anymore." Ashton said with disgusted face.

Hours passed and many costumer came, many hot boys came, Ashton didn't mind at all.

At around eleven this boy walked inside the store, tattoos and piercing everywhere, Ashton couldn't tell if he liking the vibe or not but he walked to him anyway.

"Hello, I'm Ashton, what can I help you?" Ashton said with a smile plastered on his face.

The guy showed Ashton his phone, a picture of a boy wearing a blue and green stripped trunk with a hole that showed a little bit of skin, Ashton blushed at that.

Ashton looked up to the guy who had a smug face before lead him to the trunks isle.

"I want a trunk like this, spesific." The guy told Ashton and wow his voice was deep making Ashton shivered.

That came whenever he heard deep voices.

"Let me search it for you."

Ashton started looking to the bottom shelf and then the second shelf and the next higher shelf, he found it nearly at the back, Ashton was sure he couldn't reach it because he was just 6 feet tall.

"I'm going to call my frie-"

"No, I got it." the much taller boy reached for the trunk.

"Thanks," Ashton blushed, "Is that's it?"


Ashton lead him to Michael, the cashier, Michael smiled fakely.

"Very bright red hair you got there, mate." so Australian yet Ashton was hoping Michael didn't make any move.

"Thanks blondie." Michael decided to shrug it off because the last time a costumer compliment about his hair he got in a fight and almost fired.

The guy chuckled and paid for his stuff then walked away.

"One attractive yet annoying." Michael rolled his eyes, Ashton didn't say anything he just hummed agree with Michael.

It was their break, Ashton and Michael made their way to Starbucks on the first floor, to pick Calum up.

Calum saw his bestfriends, he slipped out of his green apron and walked towards them.

"I'm so hangry." Calum muttered.

"And why is that?" Ashton asked.

"This punk boy, he came to buy a drink and do you know what he said?" Calum stomped his foot, Ashton shook his head, Michael didn't really care hearing Calum ranting, "He mocked me, that's it, you know I don't like being mocked." as he frowned.

"Aw, what can I do to make you better, Cally?" Ashton asked putting his arms around Calum's shoulder though he was shorter than Calum.

"Bubble tea." Calum instantly smiled.

"Bubble tea it is!" Ashton chirped too loudly and Calum laughed to loud making Michael scoffed at them.

Ashton From Quiksilver » LashtonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant