Chapter 25

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I wont find my way home tonight

Austin's POV

The steering wheel is cold in my hands as I'm prepared to drive. I know I'm going to get a few scars when I bail out of the car, but I know I will have less damage than the car itself.

Turning to the left I see Alex in his car, concentrating at the road he faces ahead. To my right is one of the guys from the west side. His name was Nelson or something. He looked young for his age, really young. Our engines rev as Cassidy takes her place at the front, ready to start the race. But I'm not ready for any of this.


She's there. She was always there early. I had heard her say several, the faster she got to biology, the sooner biology would be over.

I didn't mean to be rude, but I had to see what she was working on, so I picked up her book. The song wasn't bad, in fact, it was brilliant! She was really talented.

"This isn't bad" I say humming the tune, I wanted to be different around her, I wanted to be myself. But she hated my guts!

"Give me my book back" she says refusing to look at me. I wanted her to look at me, I wanted to see those eyes. The eyes that would glare at me with hatred, but I could still see past it, see that little glint of hope which made her so special.

"You want it back, your going to have to ask nicely" Just give her the damn book back Austin, stop being a jerk. I told myself over and over, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

"Don't touch my book. Ok" she says as she stands up. Her head tilts as she says it, snatching her book back from my hands. Another thing I lov...cough...liked about Sarah Lawson was her guts. She definitely had them, unlike the other girls in our school.

"Calm it sweetie" I say, making her cringe. I couldn't help but laugh at the way her nose cutely crinkled. "Fine, but I want to hear the song when its done" I say honestly, taking my seat behind her. I did want to hear her song, she was too talented to hide it away. I hear her whisper something afterwards, but then the guys come in, and I have to be one of them.

End of flashback

I laugh as I remember what a jerk I was too her, and how now she thinks I'm that exact jerk again.

I don't know if that letter would work, if I would ever see her again, if Zach would even give her the letter. But for once in my life, I had to have hope. The same hope Sarah would always have in her eyes.

Then I see everyone's ready to go, and we race.

Sarah's POV

What was I doing here? It was pointless to morn a guy like that, he was useless, did nothing worth remembering him for. But still there was something forcing me to stay.

It's not like that many people showed up anyway. There was Alex and Robert here, looking smart for once in suits. I had already warned them not to talk to me at any point during today, and for once, they actually seemed to listen.

There was Zach, which I didn't understand. Austin had always been such a dick to him. I guess he was like me, just here because we had to be.

There were a couple of older people. Not his parents. 1. They probably didn't even know this had happened. 2. If they did, his dad would actually probably be celebrating his death. 3. His mom would probably be forced to stay at home and 4. His brother was too young to come along alone.

When I got the news, I cried for hours. I had dealt with people dying before, my grandpa, one of my aunts. I had cried of course, I would have considered myself to be inhumane if I didn't cry. But this was different. The fact that a presence such as Austin's, even as jerky and selfish and stupid as it was, was just suddenly wiped from the earth, it was mind-blowing to me. I heard it was fast, painless as possible for a death to be. He swerved, straight into a tree. I wondered if his life flashed before his eyes, and if I was even a part of that flashback.

After the ceremony, there was a gathering, just something small to celebrate his life, even though there was nothing about it I wanted to celebrate. I sip whatever drink I was given, even though it was tasteless, Alex and Robert on the other side of the room. They had not said a word to me all this time and it will probably be the only time I will be grateful to them.

I hated the fact that I missed him. I didn't want to miss a single bone in his body, but I seemed to miss all of him. I wanted to be ok, I wanted this to be some sort of relief, but it wasn't, and I wasn't going to be ok.

It didn't last long, soon people started to go home. couldn't stand to be there anymore. I stayed the whole time, till I was the last one there, or so I thought.

"Sarah" says a voice, I walk into the hall to see Zach stood there, still looking smart in his suit, his hands behind his back.

"Hey" I say giving him a weak smile. "I thought you had left"

"Not yet, I have a promise to keep" he says smiling back, but his wasn't weak, it was a full, happy smile.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask, to which he nods his head, the smile still printed on his face. "Why did you come today? You and Austin hated each other"

"And by the sound of your last meeting, I guess you did too, so I could ask you the same exact question"

"I came... I don't really know why I came" I sigh.

"You came because you still love him. I know you do, so there's no need to pretend."

"But that's pointless now. He's gone" I sigh again, trying not to cry.

"Look, I had a promise to keep Sarah. And I promised that I would give you these" he says pulling out a jacket, Austin's leather jacket, folded up neatly with a letter on top.

"What is this?" I ask confused.

"Just read, you'll understand" he smiles, so I grab the letter, opening it as carefully as I could and unfolding the letter inside.

Dear Sarah,

I hope my brother has given you this letter just after my "funeral", if not, you have my permission to shout at him.

"Wait, what does he mean "brother"?"

"Just keep reading, you'll understand everything" he smiles.

I'll be honest, I didn't lie to you, well I did, I lied to you about lying. That night was everything to me, and I only left afterwards because Alex wanted to see me, he wanted to finish all of this. So I agreed to come along. He gave me two options, one which meant you getting hurt, in a way I would never accept. The other, was to fake my own death.

"What is this?" I apprehensively say, unsure if I should believe any of it.

"Honestly, just finish reading, it should all make a little more sense!"

I didn't want to hurt you, so I chose the second option. And I wanted to make my "death" easier on you, so I made you hate me. When I was shouting about how I didn't love you, that was a lie, because I do love you Sarah Lawson, with all my heart.

I can't promise you that you will see me again before I go. I'm leaving town with Alex and Robert, and I'm going to miss you, so, so much. I would give up the rest of the years of my life just to spend 5 more minutes with you.

But I can't come back, at least not yet. Zach will be staying in town, so once again I'm trusting my brother to tell you everything. I promise you I will be back Sarah, I don't know when, but I will be. I will come back for you, then we can go wherever you want to go. I remember in French class, you said it was your dream to go to Paris. We can go there, we can go see the Eiffel Tower, together.

I well up as I read that. I can't believe he remembered that. I said that years ago, before Austin got his reputation, before I even knew who he was.

I love you with all my heart, and I promise I will be back for you.

I love you Sarah.


And as I fold up the letter, all I can do is hug Zach Mahone.


And the tears begin to fall 😭 so Zach and Austin are brothers!!! Who didn't expect that?? Lol

I love you all


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