Chapter 24

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We all do stupid things when were in love. Sometimes we do something stupid to show how much we care, other times we say something stupid to make the pain easier for them when you leave. In some cases, you have to do both just to say goodbye.

Austin's P.O.V.

"I choose option 2" I sigh, dropping my head down so my chin hits my chest, looking down at the ground since I couldn't bare to look at any of them right now.

"Really?" Trent says with a wide grin. Proud of everything he's achieved in just a short few moments. "Lover boys going to let his girl go, forever?"

"If that's what I have to do to keep her safe" I whisper, trying to hold back the tears that were forming in my eyes. Knowing I was going to have to say goodbye to the girl of my dreams in just a few short hours.

"Good choice" Alex says, patting me on the shoulder. "Go, spend your hours wisely Mahone" he says as I start to walk back to my car.

Getting in I pull a cigarette from the pack and light it up, once again used to the smoke. How was I going to do this? I needed a plan. I needed a way for Sarah to hate me, so the pain would be easy on her, a relief that I was dead. I needed to do something nasty to the girl I loved.

Sarah's POV

Where the hell was he? Why did he leave? Maybe everyone else was right, maybe you can't tame a bad boy, maybe it was all pointless.

Ding Dong

Goes the door bell, I rush straight to the door, opening it to see Austin.

"Hey" I say with a smile, then it fades as I notice the cold stern look on his face. "What's wrong?" I ask, before he barges past me and into the living room. I cautiously close the door before joining him.

"Nothing" is all he says, his eyes are squinted and evil. Something was definitely wrong.

"Then 1. Why did you disappear this morning? 2. Why are you acting like this? And 3... Why do you smell like smoke?" I ask, so confused at everything that was going on.

"I'll answer all three of those in four words. None. Of. Your. Business." practically shouting those words, I can feel annoyance build up inside of me.

"What is wrong with you? Earlier you wer-"

"Earlier I was a fucking pussy Sarah. That's all I was. And you know what? I was acting, all of it was fucking acting!" he shouts, evil in his eyes, the same evil that was there when I met him. The same evil that I had tried to avoid.

"What do you mean? I don't understand" even though I was starting to understand pretty well I wanted an explanation.

"Are you a fucking idiot? I acted all of it, this whole "romance" it was all fake!" he says with a smirk. "If you'll have me, I want to be your first, and you can be mine" he says in a mocking tone. "Pathetic! And all of that You and me Sarah, we were meant to be together. I love you. I've never made up so much bull crap in one go! But it worked I guess, I got you into bed!" he laughs as my heart breaks in two. I can't believe I even trusted this guy.

All of the rage inside of me builds up as I rush over to him and slap him hard in the face, the same way I did when he kissed me in the store, but harder. His cheek turns bright red, I can see tears in his eyes, but still the smirk is on his face.

"I can't believe you" I whisper. "I told myself never to get involved with you, that you were bad news. I should have trusted my instinct and stayed as far away from you as I could. Your nothing but a cold hearted bastard Austin Mahone. Your cold and alone, it suits you well!"

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