Chapter 17

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Sarah's POV

"Where have you been?" I ask tiredly as Austin walks into the living room where I am laid on the couch, half of my brain still asleep since it was so late.

"Robert just wanted to see me" he sighs, obviously as tired as me.

"Oh, you have fun?" I yawn in mid sentence, resting my head back on the cushion below me, my brain now switching off so I wasn't paying any attention to the answer he gave me.

Without realizing, my cushion changes to his chest as his strong arms wrap around my body and lift me from the couch, carrying me up the stairs to my bed which he gently lays me down on. Climbing in the other side, he pulls the covers over the both of us before his arms gently wrap around me, holding me close to him so I felt the warmth of his body. Just as I'm about to fall asleep, I hear him whisper something quietly. Probably thinking I wouldn't hear it, he whispers.

"I don't care what Robert says, your mine, and will always be mine"

But I don't have enough energy to answer, instead, I just fall asleep.


The next morning I wake up alone.

I sigh as I climb out of bed, typical of him to leave me again. I can understand, he probably just didn't want to go to school and I did, so if he stayed, he knew I would make him come as well. I sigh again as I change out of my Hollister sweatpants and pyjama top into some black skinny dark blue skinny jeans and a red vest top since it was warm outside. Noticing the time I quickly put on my red toms and grab my bag, rushing down the stairs. As I'm about to open the front door, a pair of arms wrap around me, making me yelp out of fright. But then they start to slowly kiss my neck to calm me down.

"I thought you were gone" I sigh, slowly relaxing into his arms.

"Nope. I wouldn't leave you love." says a voice, but it isn't Austin's. I quickly throw his arms off me and jump away, turning around to see Alex smirking at me.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I shout. "How did you get in?"

"Calm down love! I just want to know where Austin is"

"I...I don't know. He was gone when I woke up" I stutter, wanting to run right out of the door.

"Don't lie to me. Austin is in a lot of trouble with us, you don't want to be mixed up in this. Now tell me where he is!"

"I swear I don't know" I reply, my mind wondering what shit Austin got himself into now, but I daren't ask since Alex was scaring me.

"You'd better be telling the truth love. We don't want you getting hurt" he says, shoving past me and opening the door.

"What are you going to do to him?" I ask as he walks onto the porch.

"You'll find out soon enough" he laughs as he walks off the porch and down to his car, climbing in and turning the engine off. As he's about to drive off, he rolls down the window and winks at me, making me want to be sick right there and then. My mind still racing about what is going on and how Alex even got into my house as I get a cab to school. My whole body still in shock as I pay the cab driver and walk straight to my locker.

I walk past Trish and her new "friends" as they snigger when they see me, no doubt starting a new rumour about me already, but my face is still blank as I walk past everyone. My mind confused about everything that has happened in the past hour.

"Sarah" shouts a voice, but I'm staring into my locker, not concentrating on anything as a figure walks up to me and gently shakes my shoulder. "Sarah, I need you to pay attention" he says, shaking my shoulder harder, making me snap out of my daze. I turn around to see Zach standing in front of me. This is the first time he had spoken to me since our date, and I could already tell it wasn't going to be a good conversation.

"Sarah you need to tell me where Austin is any you need to tell me now!"

"I'll tell you the same as I told Alex this morning, I don't know!"

"Wait, when did you see Alex?"

"Don't pretend like you don't know. I wouldn't be surprised if you were the one who told him how he could get in my house!"

"He went into your house?! God he's already started"

"What are you talking about?" I ask, even more confused about what was going on.

"Austin's in danger, a lot of danger. And Robert and Alex aren't going to stop until they get him!"

"Get him? What do they want to do to him? What's going on Zach?"

And that's when I'm suddenly left speechless, the air around me unable to fill my lungs as I'm in shock when Zach says.

"They're going to kill him"


I love writing drama! (And then being mean and leaving it on cliff-hangers!) sorry!

Thanks for putting up with the short chapters, I'm trying to write them longer each time, I swear!

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