Chapter 15

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Sarah's POV

The second month brought nothing but arguments.

Simply two infuriated kids who fought because they cared too damn much about each other. His voice bouncing off all of the walls with anger as he shouted. Arguments changed from his alcohol consumption to simply how sometimes I didn't want to kiss in public. I was never a big fan of public affection since my parents despised each other and would only fight in public, but Austin loved it. He wanted to show everyone that I was with him, and no other boy could come near me, it made him feel proud somehow. But my reluctance meant arguments when we got home, and today was like any other.

"I just don't see why you have to be like this!" I shout at him as we stand at opposite sides of the living room. His face as red and angry as mine was.

"What?! You don't see why I have to be like myself? This is who I am Sarah. I smoke! I smoked when we met and I'm going to smoke now!" he growled through clenched teeth. Both of us screaming at each other as empty threats were thrown around the room. I could never convince him to my way of thinking. His smoking was just a way for him to get closer to his own death, which I didn't like the sound of, even though he did piss me off most of the time.

You could tell how fuming he was in his eyes. How there brown color shadowed darker with anger. How bad they needed dominance that he was never going to get.

"Fine! Why don't you just leave then!" I shout, tired of the argument as my voice started to strain from all the screaming that had just happened. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hands as I stared at him, his jaw clenching as he grabbed his jacket from the sofa and started to leave, abandoning a pointless argument. But he stopped at the door, thoughts running through his mind as he realised that leaving the argument, meant leaving the house, and this meant that he would not be allowed back. So he turned back. His eyes softening as he walked towards me. His hands came first, gently trapping my face as his lips crashed on mine. My hands gripped the collar of his shirt and he kissed me long and hard, his tongue tasted desire as we stopped fighting.

His lips worked on mine as he gently pushed me up against the wall. Slowly his hands start to move down to my waist until he gently grabs my ass, signalling for me to jump. I do as I'm told as my legs wrap around his waist. Steadying me against the wall, his lips start to go down my neck, lightly biting the same spot over and over again, determined to leave a mark. His mouth moves back up to mine as they move together in sweet harmony. His hands now moving down my body again until they reach the bottom of my tank top and start to move it up.

That's when I pull away, unwrapping my legs and jumping down from him, his face looks irritated as I am the one with the smirk for once. I leave him with his libido, and nothing to do to control it as I climb up the stairs and lay down in my bed. Soon to be joined by Austin who happily wrapped his arms around me as we fell asleep. Completely forgetting the argument from earlier.

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