Chapter 6

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Sarah's POV

"So, I realized you got to know Zach a bit more" he says, his hands gripped tight to the steering wheel in front of his. The blue veins showing clear on his hands. His eyes focused on the road a head. Was he really this jealous?

"Yeah, a bit. Do you have a problem with that?"

"Nope. But I never trusted him" he says. I focus my eyes on him, but his are still on the road. Was he being serious? He trusted everyone else in the gang except Zach.

"Why?" I ask him, wanting at least one answer from him. "Why do you trust the others and not Zach?"

"Because the others don't hit on my girl" he smirks. Knowing that saying I was his girl would annoy me.

"I am not your girl. But if we're staying with the subject of your girls, care to tell me about you and Cassidy?"

"What? That slut? What do you want to know?" he says, his smirk fading from his face. For once it was me with the smirk as I saw his pride fading.

"Anything you have to tell" I say, trying not to seem to egger on the subject.

"Lets just say me and Cassidy used to fuck occasionally back then. Nothing much, just a bit of fun. But she got to serious about it all. Got to clingy for me. But you are definitely  nothing like her" he says, turning his head to me for a second. The smirk back clear on his lips as he rests his hand gently on my thigh and starts to gently stroke it.

I quickly pushed him away, disgusted about how casual he thought it all was. How he thought he could just take advantage of all the girls he wanted to then get rid of them when he was bored. He treated it all like it was no big deal, but it was to me. To me, sex was something you would have with someone who cared about you and who you cared about. I guess that's another big difference between me and Austin... that and the fact he deals drugs...

"Why do you sell drugs?" I ask, my mind suddenly concerned on the subject. And for once, I started to get answers from him...

"Because it pays my rent"

"That's what jobs are for" I say, turning my head out of the window, not wanting to look at him anymore. I could hear a small laugh escape his lips, but I refused to live up to it now.

By the time we got back to my house, it was late afternoon. My head was still hurting from the night before so all I wanted to do was go upstairs and go to bed, but I somehow needed a way to get rid of Austin first.

Since I couldn't shake him off at the car, he ended up coming inside the house with me. We walked into the house, Austin taking his jacket off along the way.

"So, you have an empty house. What do you want to do?" he asks, his eyebrows raised, a confident smirk on his lips. I knew exactly what he wanted to do.

"You know. I don't feel like catching any dieses tonight, so don't even think about it" I say, about to walk up the stars.

"Oh, leading me to your bedroom I see" he says behind me as I carry on walking.

"Nope, I need aspirin" I sigh, my head still aching. I walk into the bathroom close to my room and search through the cupboards till I find the box of aspirin... empty

"For fuck sake!" I shout, throwing the empty box on the ground.

"Sarah, Sarah are you ok?!" shouts a voice. I hear feet coming up the stairs before Austin comes rushing into the bathroom, a look on his face that I've never seen before. A look of concern.

"There's no fucking aspirin and my head is killing me" I say, putting my head into my hands since I felt so dizzy, I leaned against the side of the bath, feeling like I was about to pass out and Austin could see this. He carefully placed one arm under my legs and the other under my arms, picking me up. Usually I would have made him put me down but as I snuggled my face against his chest I felt to comfy to care. He gently placed me down on the middle of my bed and whispered into my ear.

"I'll be right back" he says before leaving the room and going down the stairs. I didn't know where he went, but I soon started to fall asleep.


I wake up to a shadow casting over my bed. I slowly open my eyes, my eyelashes fluttering on the lids. I look up to see Austin standing above me.

"Where did you go?" I ask tiredly. It was dark outside so I hadn't been asleep long.

"Thought you might need these" he says, pulling box of aspirin from behind his back. I quickly jumped up from the bed, almost throwing myself at him to grab the pack.

"Why did you get me some?" I ask, since it didn't seem like a very Austin thing to do.

"I had to, you looked like you were going to pass out, so I just ran to the shop to get you some" he says, an honest look on his face.

"Thank you" I say, opening the pack and swallowing couple of pills.

"Anytime sweetheart" he says, stroking back a piece of hair that had fallen in front of my face, I soon flinched away and laid back down, my head hitting the pillow hard as I closed my eyes. I thought he would leave after this, but seconds later another weight joins the bed.

"Make some room" his voice says, gentle for once. I didn't have time to move before he climbs in behind me. He brings the covers over the both of us before his arms found a way to gently wrap around my waist. Pulling me closer to him. As hard as it was, I tried to lay still as his body wrapped around mine. His arms still lay around my waist, his legs entwined with mine, his neck nuzzled in my neck. To my surprise, his hands stayed where they were, making no move to go anywhere else. For once I felt safe around him. I was comfortable.

"I like this" he whispers in my ear, his breath warm but nice.

"What do you mean, this?"

"Being like this. Being close to you without you pushing me away"

"Well, don't expect it again anytime soon" I sigh tiredly, closing my eyes once again. Feeling comfortable in his arms.

For once there was no space between us, for once I didn't mind him being close to me and having his hands around me. I didn't want to flinch and make him move away from me because I liked it. Austin annoyed the living hell out of me, but not this time. I had the real Austin, the guy who cared about things other then sex, alcohol and drugs. He actually trusted me enough to be real, show me what he was really like. I liked him like this.

But I knew it wasn't going to last, so listen to me Sarah. You can NOT fall for Austin Mahone.

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