Chapter 5

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Sarah's POV

When I woke the next morning I could feel someone next to me, their arm draped around me. I should have been more conscious, but in that one moment, I was so comfy I couldn't care less. I was happy where I was, so I gave a small sigh and buried my face further into this persons chest. My eyes still glued shut, the mystery guy placed his other arm around me, bringing me closer, making me even comfier. I guess most of my brain was still convinced that I was still sleeping, but when I sniffed, I smelt the all to familiar smell of Calvin Klein cologne...

My eyes quickly snapped open, making me jerk backwards, my body untangling with his. I looked over to see that one of my biggest nightmares had become reality, because lying opposite me was the confident smirk of Austin Mahone.

"Slept well love?" he asks, the smirk becoming bigger on his lips. I got myself as far away from him as I could, but had to stop and cover myself with the covers on my bed when I realised I was only in my bra and panties.

"What the fuck is going on?!" I shouted in shock, trying to cover as much of myself as I could. What happened last night? There is no way I could have slept with him last night, even if I did have more then one bottle of vodka.

"Yesterday at the park, you drank so much you kind of fell asleep, I couldn't just leave you there, I had to take you home."

"That doesn't explain why you're here right now"

"Oh yeah. You woke up later on and begged me to stay with you. I had to be a gentleman and stay with you" he talked like this was just a normal thing to wake up to.

"Ok then Austin, if your actually the gentleman you call yourself, can you please explain to me why I woke up with barely any clothes on?"

"That had absolutely nothing to do with that, I swear. When we got back, still being drunk, you stripped yourself. I didn't do anything, I never touched anything lower then your shoulders! I mean, I would appreciate it if you were, but at least your not naked!" he says with a cheeky wink. Getting up off the bed.

"This had better be the truth" I sigh. "Now get out, I need to change"

"I'm sure I would enjoy that show"

"Get out!" I shout. Austin laughs as he walks out of the room.

I find it hard to believe that Austin didn't do anything to me last night, I can't remember any of it, so I wasn't sure if he was lying or not, but I would prefer to think that he didn't do anything.

I climb out of bed and change into some dark blue skinny jeans, a black vest top and black hoodie. As I leave my room, I hope that he has already left my house. Got the hint that I didn't want him here. But as I walk down the stairs I realise that he never got the message since he's sitting on the couch in my living room.

"And your still here" I sigh, walking into the room.

"You said I had to leave your bedroom, not your house"

"Anyway" I say, changing the subject. "Why did you have that many bottles of vodka last night?"

"You know what, I have a question for you once Sarah. Why did you come and find me? Were you stalking me?"

"Don't flatter yourself Austin. I wanted to apologize for what I said when you dropped me off. Now answer my question"

"Wow your demanding" he sniggered. "I just needed a drink to forget some stuff"

"Must have been some huge stuff to want to drink that much"

"Well you drank half off the bottles anyway!"

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