Chapter 12

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Sarah's POV

"Sarah what are you doing?" Trish whispers to me during our English class as the teacher droned on about the book Of Mice And Men which I had already read and knew everything about, so there was no point in listening.

"What do you mean?" I ask, pretending to read so I wouldn't get in any trouble.

"I mean, you got rid of Austin and then went to Zach to get back at him. That's only going to piss him off and you know it"

"I'm not doing this to get back at Austin. I don't want him. I went to Zach because he's a nice guy. I like him"

"You know Sarah. You always used to say that you would never get involved in their games, that you were better then that. But your not, your loosing"

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused at what she was talking about.

"I mean that you're a part of their games now, a huge part in it. You failed to do what you said you wouldn't do. You've changed so much, and I don't really like it" she whispers back, making me go silent and think about what she said.

Things had changed so much since I went on that first date with Austin, and I guess I had changed along with them. I had to become stronger to put up with everything that Austin did and said, and I guess as my strength changed, so did I. I couldn't blame Trish for what she had said, because she was right, but I was unsure on what I could reply to that, so I didn't. I sat the rest of the lesson in silence and so did Trish. When the bell rang, both of us got up from our seats and left, taking different directions. Unsure on what was left of our years of friendship.


It was exactly 7:30pm when my doorbell rang, signalling that Zach was outside, ready to go. I opened the door to see a huge smile on his face, his eyes filled with excitement.

"You look amazing" he says, making me blush. I will admit that I had tried harder to look nice then I ever did with Austin. I was dressed in a cute orange dress that was cut off just above the knee with shapes cut out on the neckline, some black heeled booties on my feet. My make up consisted of a bit of orange eye shadow, black eyeliner and some nude lipstick. My hair was curled more then usual.

"Thank you" I smile as I close the door and lock it. "You too" I say. He was wearing some black fitted jeans, a dark blue undershirt with black blazer. The bruises and scar on show clear, even though I could see he had tried to cover it up. He had actually made a big effort to look nice for the date, unlike Austin who would just throw on a polo shirt and expect me to say he looked smart. "So, where are going?"

"It's a surprise" he smiles as he takes my hand and we walk to his car together. Opening the car door on the passenger side so I can get in, it reminds me of exactly the same way that Austin did, but I don't say anything and push it to the back of my mind.

"Your kidding right?" I ask as he climbs into the drivers seat. "I hate surprises" I laugh as he turns on the engine.

The journey is quite but comfortable. Not much conversation happens, but we soon pull up to a parking lot near a park. Zach gets out first before opening the door for me. Locking the car and putting the key in his pocket, his hand intertwines with mine. We walk up a small hill and back down into the middle of the park where I see a picnic blanket laid out with a wicker basket next to it. A few candles lighting up the area.

"Wow Zach, this is amazing" I say, shocked about how much effort he's put into it all. We sit down on the blanket and he starts to unpack the basket, bringing out all kinds of different foods.

I laugh as Zach finishes telling me the story about how he pranked his brother when he was younger.

"I'm having a really good time with you tonight Zach" I smile as I sip my drink.

"Me too. You know, this might sound silly, but at first I was scared that you were only going on a date with me to get back at Austin"

"Don't worry about Austin, I'm not doing this to get back at him, I really wanted to come tonight" I smile, even though I was only half sure on what I had just said.

"Good, cause I really like you Sarah" he says, which makes me blush. He smiles as he lays down on the blanket, looking up at the stars.

"Wow, come look at this" he says, so I lay down next to him, his arm going around my shoulders, comfortable holding me close. Looking up at the stars which twinkled in the darkness. It was breathtaking.

"Its beautiful" I smile, this was perfect, the whole scene, although a part of me unsure about who I was with, but I pushed that to the back of my mind. Knowing that if I was going to be with anyone, it had to be better then Austin Mahone, and Zach was the perfect person to get me back on track. I feel Dallas's stare on my, so I turn my head to come face to face with him. Only inches apart.

"Your more beautiful then any star" he says, a serious look on his face. I could feel my face burning up, but I didn't care. I stared into his eyes to see his were looking down at my lips, slowly both of us started to lean into each other.

"Well isn't this cute" says a voice, making me and Zach break apart before anything happened. I sit up to see a tall, leather jacket covered silhouette. Determined to grab our attention as soon as possible, because he thought if it wasn't about him, it probably wasn't worth listening to.

My whole body tensed when I saw him, making Zach's grip on me tighter, trying to reassure me it was all going to be ok. My mind unsure of why he was here and why he followed us. I tried to loosen Zach's grip on me as Austin walked closer to us, but his arm stayed strong around my shoulders, trying to show that he wasn't going to be beaten this time. He stood right in front of us now, his stance tall, trying to look powerful. Something violent about his look already.

"What... what do you want Austin?" I manage to stutter, refusing to meet his harsh gaze so I looked down at the grass below him.

"We need to talk" he says harshly. No question in his words, just an order he expected me to follow like everyone else did.

"I don't want to talk to you" I say, standing my ground like I had tried to do all this time. Hoping that this would be the one time where he would listen to me, but of course I was wrong.

"Now" he orders again, not even acknowledging that Zach was even there. He had his sights set on me, and wasn't going to leave until he got what he demanded.

"She said she doesn't want to talk to you" Zach spits to him. Trying to do his best to make him go, even though he knew as well as I did that he wasn't going to leave, and that he was stronger then him in every way.

"No one asked for your opinion Zach, stay the fuck out of this. I'm not leaving till I get my girl" he says, lowering his hand to me, wanting me to take it. I reluctantly took his hand, standing up from the blanket, I quickly turned my head to Zach.

"I'll be right back" I say, but we can both predict that I wont be.

I walk with Austin back over the hill and to the car park where I see he parked his car right next to Zach's, the engine still on, meaning he expected he would get what he wanted very quickly so he could get out fast.

"Fine, you want to talk, talk. Make it fast because I have to get back to Zach. And I know that you've only come here to give me shit about how you don't want any guy near me if he's not you. But I don't care anymore Austin. So go ahead, yell and shout about that all you want, but know that I would be listening" I yell at him, and then he replies in a calm voice, something I didn't expect.

"I came here to tell you that you were right"

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