Chapter 1

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Here's my new story guys. I'm working on more stories as of right now. I hope you enjoy this one! It will be kind of short but the others won't be as short. I promise!! Enjoy. :)

Sarah's POV

Austin Mahone. The best living definition of ever little thing I hate in a guy. His ego bigger then the school he's been held back in 2 years in a row. His confidence so high it could be in space. Cocky and confident that he was always right. He thought his every move was perfect and that he should be worshiped because of it.... The list can go on. I don't even know why I have interest in someone like him. He is everything I hate. He tries to be a bad ass kid, wearing his tight jeans low, one of the regular smokers, destroying his lungs. But there was always something about him. Every encounter I had with him made me hate him more, but I couldn't help but go back for more. Every. Single. Time.

He didn't care about anything. The way he acted everyday when he would sit behind me in class, every cocky comment made my blood boil. But a small part of me knew there was something there. Something he was hiding from everyone. I needed to find out what it was.

I sat alone in my biology class. There was no one in the room that I wanted to go near let alone talk to. My best friend Trish was in another class. I grabbed my song book out of my bag and started to write down some new lyrics and chords for the song I was working on when suddenly the book was snatched out of my hands. I didn't have to look up to tell who it was. The strong smell of Calvin Klein cologne was coming from him.

"This isn't that bad" he said before humming part of the tune.

"Give me my book back" I said, refusing to look into his green hazel eyes which every girl always melted for, but not me. I wasn't going to be part of his petty games.

"You want it back, your going to have to ask nicely" he said, I could sense the confident smirk appear on his lips without even looking at him. I stood up from my seat and looked at him, snatching my book back in the process.

"Don't touch my book. Ok" I say, tilting my head to the side to show him I wasn't scared of him.

"Calm it sweetie" he said, making me cringe. I hated it when he gave me a pet name. "Fine, but I want to hear the song when its done" he says before walking to the seat behind me as usual.

"In your dreams" I whisper, sitting back down in my seat.

I couldn't concentrate on the biology lesson, not that I wanted to anyway. Austin and his friends were laughing and talking loudly the whole way through. Checking out every girl in the class room, making a game out of who they would fuck and who they would pass. I knew them all, all of his friends.

First there was Alex. He didn't look like he would belong to any gang. His style to quirky and wired, but he sure got a lot of girls. He could get anyone he wanted, well, that's what he said.

Robert was a confident one. Using his dance moves to get girls. He was a talented dancer, but had the dirtiest mind I've ever seen. Making everything he could be as sexual as possible. He always had a comeback to ever little comment.

Then there was Zach. He was different from the rest. He didn't talk much to anyone, but whenever I saw him he had a cigarette in his hand. He cared about things unlike the others. He was different. Nice.

That's when I realized they had started to talk about me.

"I would take her" I heard a confident voice say. Instantly knowing it was Austin.

"Cut the crap Austin and shut up" I said, turning in my seat to face them.

"Put your claws away Sarah-Cat" he jokes, giving me another pet name. His green hazelbeyes showed everything, his whole plan. How he loved it when I argued back to him, how he enjoyed challenging me. I could see it, I could see his brain held nothing but horrible ideas.

"I'm not dealing with this bullshit" I say just as the bell rings. I grabbed my bag and left the classroom as soon as I could, trying to avoid another encounter with them.

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