Chapter 7

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Sarah's POV

As I woke up the next morning, my breathing hitched as I realized that his arms were still wrapped around me. We were laying in different positions, but his arms were still on me. I was laid on my back now, but one of his arms around my waist, the other on my leg. I adjusted my eyes to the sunlight pouring through the window, it was probably late in the afternoon by now. I brushed some of the tangled messy hair out of my face before closing my eyes again.

"Well, don't you look perfect this afternoon" whispers a voice gently in my ear. I sighed, unsure on whether I should be happy that he was still here and didn't sneak out during the night, or disappointed and annoyed he was still here. "Is your lazy ass going to get up today?"

"I thought you liked being like this" I say, stretching my body so his hands left me.

"True. And right now I have you in bed" he says with a cheeky wink, the Dan I'm used to coming back to the surface.

"Keep it PG Mahone" I sigh, closing my eyes again, but I could sense his on me. Looking at me and seeing what he could do next. Its then when I feel his hand place on my leg again, gently stroking upwards. Its then when I regret stretching and leaving them open like that. I slap his hand away and look away from him, closing my legs and making them as small as possible.

"Come on love, you don't have to close your legs for me" he whispers into my ear, his hot breath making me shiver. The smirk grew bigger on his lips as he propped himself on one elbow so he was higher then me. Suddenly, he pulls himself over me, his hands spread on either side of my hips. He gently opened my legs so his could fit in-between them, propped up by his hands, he looks straight down on me. The smirk on his face showing how much he loved to have even a small amount of power over me.

"Austin" I whispered, warning him to stop but of course he didn't. I wanted to deny it, deny him. I wanted to shove him off of me and make him leave me alone for the rest of eternity, but I couldn't. I hated the way I felt about him. How I liked the sweet, real Austin who stayed with me when I was drunk, bought me medicine when I was hung over and laid beside me making me feel safe, but then he had to go back to this. The guy who thought he knew it all, who got what he wanted. And right now... he had me.

His head dipped down to my level, his forehead leaning on mind, his lips centimetres away.

"Are you scared sweetheart?" he whispered gently, his eyes looking deeply into mine.

"I'm definitely not scared of you" I whisper back, my breathing hitched in the process making me seem weak.

"Liar" he purred, lowering himself even more. "If your not scared. Why are you shaking" he says, taking one of his hands and pushing some hair away from my face. His touch making me shiver. My breathing shacked as he lowered himself, in that one second, I didn't care how annoying he was, I just wanted his lips on mine. He placed his lips inches from mine then pulled away, making me go up with him, teasing me, wanting to make sure I wanted him. He gave a small smirk before lowering down again, this time not to tease, but as he was inches away again, my cell phone rang...

A wicked smile appeared on Austin's lips as he climbed off me, he could hear my heart beating fast all because of him. I grabbed it off my bed side table, glad it saved me from doing something stupid.

"Hi darling! I miss you, how are you?" my mom says down the phone. Her voice cheerful and happy. She was still in Europe and far away from my dad, I'm not surprised she was so happy.

"I'm doing ok mom, how are you?"

"I'm doing great darling. The sun is bright out here, the book is going well, and I have some news... I just met..."

"I'm sorry mom" I interrupt as I notice Austin winking at me as he is about to walk out of my bedroom. "Can I call you back later?"

"Sure. Why? What's wrong?"

"Um, nothing. I'll call you back later" I say before ending the call.

"Why didn't you tell her the truth? Tell her you were having to much fun with your boyfriend to talk to her" Austin says, leaning against the door frame.

"You are definitely not my boyfriend" I laugh, sitting up on the side of the bed.

"Really? Why not? This is the second night I've spent with you. I've kissed you twice as well, oh, and I've seen you half naked... I guess its my turn next" he says with another wink.

"Ok, one of those nights I was drunk, the other you kind of forced yourself to stay. You've kissed me twice, but I slapped you one of those times and the other was when you ended up punching a guy. And the half naked thing, I was drunk. And I don't thing I want to see your turn" I say, stupidly playing into his hands. "Oh, and to be my boyfriend. I would actually have to have a proper date first, you know, where no one gets hurt"

"Ok sweetheart. Do you want to go on a date with me?" he says, the confident smirk on his face, already predicting the answer I was going to give him. Reminding me of how much I hated him.

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