Chapter 2

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Sarah's POV

I marched past everyone, gaining a few stares as I harshly swung my locker open and shoved all my books into it.

"Wow, calm down miss" says a familiar voice making me turn on my heels. I soon come face to face with my best friend Trish. "What's up with you?"

"I'll give you a clue. First name Austin, last name, Mahone." I sighed as I closed my locker.

"He likes you" Trish laughed. She had said this to me many times before, and I never believed her. How could I when I heard every story about every girl he had been with whenever he sat behind me in class. He wasn't capable of liking someone. It was all meaningless to him. Every girl, every moment.

"Not again Trish" I sigh, leaning back on the group of lockers.

"Its true. He's bugging you because he likes you, and he wont stop till he gets what he wants"

"What exactly does he want?" I sigh.

"You know" she laughs. I did know. And there was no way in hell I was going to give it to him.

"Well he can go to hell. He's ugly, he smokes, his ego is bigger then his head. I hate..." I stopped talking when I saw a shadow cast over my shoulder. And making that shadow was the guy who I wanted to avoid for the rest of eternity. I could smell the cologne which made me want to gag.

I looked at Trish but she was quietly laughing to herself.

"I...I'm gonna leave you to it" she laughed before quickly walking away.

"Can I talk to you?" said the voice which was all to familiar from the biology class.

"What" I sighed, still looking away from him.

"Turn around. Please" he said, trying to be polite, but I wasn't fooled by it. I know manners were things that this guy didn't have.

"What do you want?" I say, turning on my heels to face him. His famous cocky smirk still on his face, it wasn't going to be wiped of any time soon.


"Well you have no chance in hell of getting me" I say, about to turn around and walk away, but his hand gently grabs onto my wrist, spinning me around.

"Go on a date with me"

"Hell will freeze over before I even consider dating you, now let go of me" I say, throwing his hand from my wrist. I turned around again and walked away, even though I could sense his eyes on me as I left.


I stood behind the counter at my dads store. He was away on a business trip as usual. I never really got to see my parents that much anymore. My dad was always abroad for business and my mom was away in Europe writing a book. I was surprised they weren't divorced by now. They never saw each other and whenever they did they would do nothing but argue and scream. I liked having the house to myself. I liked running the music store by myself. It made me feel independent.

"Hey sweetheart" says a voice, making me snap out of my daydream. I turned to see the confident smirk of Austin Mahone. He was lent on the white doorframe of the store.

"What do you want?"

"Is that any way to treat a customer?" he laughed as he walked over and jumped on the counter, spinning round so he was facing me.

"No, it's a way to treat a idiot, so I'm doing things right" I said, turning away from him, getting back to work.

"Come on sweetheart, its me, Austin" he said, following me. "So about that date" he said, the cocky smile stuck on his face again. I just wanted to find a way to wipe it off him.

"I already said. No chance in hell am I going on a date with you"

"Well, I'm sure I could change your mind" he says, grabbing my wrist. He pulls me closer to him and wrapped his arms tightly around me as his lips pressed onto mine. My eyes were wide with shock as this happened. I placed my hands on his chest and pushed his as hard as I could, making him stumble backwards.

"What was that" I shouted as I wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my jumper.

"You can't tell me you didn't like it" he says, stepping back closer to me, looking me up and down. I couldn't take it anymore. I raised my hand and slapped him hard on the face. His head turned to the side, his cheek turning bright read, biting his lip through the pain, but still the smirk was there.

"What the hell do I have to do to get you to stop harassing me?"

"Go on a date with me" he said, turning back to me. His cheek still red, but he didn't seem to care.

"The answer is still no" I say, going back to the counter. Glad that the store was empty so that no one saw anything that just happened.

"Are you afraid of me" he sniggered, jumping back onto the counter.

"I'm not afraid of you"

"Prove it" he said, staring into my eyes, challenging me.

"Fine. One date, but I can already tell that your going to fuck up" I said, looking away from him.

"I always get what I want" he chuckled, smiling at me cheekily. His eyes go down to the counter where my phone is lying. I try to grab it, but he is quicker. "I'll forgive you for not having my number" he says as he types his in. "There, all done" he says handing it back to me. "I'll see you at 7. Make sure you look hot" he smirks, winking at me before leaving the store.

What have I just done?


I hope you guys are enjoying this story!! Love you all


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