Chapter 21

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Sarah's POV


Sitting alone in Austin's car as he goes and pays for gas and what he's promised will be his last box of cigarettes EVER, even though I highly doubted it would be.

Moving around the car I tried to find my phone which I had left behind in our last journey to wherever we wanted to go. Opening the glove compartment a piece of paper falls onto the floor, I search through the glove compartment before picking it up. It looked like just a plain piece of paper folded in half, but before putting it back, I get such a temptation to open in, so I do, revelling some song lyrics, but what I notice first is the date.


That was about two months after I had ever had ever met Austin in my biology lesson, and the first time he ever annoyed me so much I wanted to kill him. I can remember exactly what happened, how he stole my book, reading out how I had been crushing on the guy Ethan who sat behind me in German. How he used so many disgusting chat up lines on me I wanted to throw up, but that's when the piece of paper was dated, and the lyrics read.

You're all I ever need

Baby you're amazing

You're my angel

Come and save me


You're all I ever need

I can't help but keep a smile on my face, even though I doubted it was about me, it was so incredibly sweet. Before I could even finish reading I realize Austin is walking towards the car. I quickly fold the paper back up and shove it back into the glove compartment as Austin climbs into the car.

"You find your phone yet?"

End of Flashback

"Please be mine tonight..." he whispers, words breathless as he reaches my ears. It takes me a second for my mind to catch up with me and realise what he is asking, but I soon realise.

"I couldn't think of anyone else I would rather be with..." I say, raising up on my tiptoes so my lips meet his in another embrace. Slowing everything down already, wanting it to be as romantic as we both had imagined. His hands cupped the sides of my face, both our mouths opening at the same time, but refusing to use our tongues yet.

"Just say the word and I will stop" he whispers before his lips are on mine once more, no more words needing to be said.

My hands slid around his neck as his body pinned mine once again against the wall, giving me no escape, not that I wanted one. My fingers soon started to tangle in his hair, gently pulling it when his tongue was added to my mouth, making him hiss every so often. As he pulled away for air, I could see the lust in his eyes, wanting me as much as I wanted him. Preparing to go back in, he places his lips inches from mine before pulling back, making me go with them. He kisses my neck with pleasure, teasing me the way he did a few months back.

 He kisses my neck with pleasure, teasing me the way he did a few months back

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