Chapter 22

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Sometimes its easier to run away from what you love to face your demons. Because in the end all the boy wanted was to be envied, he wanted malice, he wanted attention. Boys will be boys...

Austin's P.O.V.

5:39am read the clock by her bedside table. I needed to leave, now, I had already stayed way too long. I sigh as I climb out of the bed I shared with the most beautiful creatures in the world, but I couldn't tell anyone that. She never believed me when I said it to her, so from now on I refused to say it anymore.

Untangling my arms from her small frame I grab the clothes that had been discarded around the room the night before. Quietly rushing down the stairs I pull on my blank black t-shirt and my leather jacket before rushing out the door.

I considered leaving a note, but my words could never even express what was happening right now, I could never put the right words down to tell her how much I loved her, how much last night meant to me, how perfect she was in my eyes. But I had to get rid of this soppy side, it wasn't helping me get anywhere in my life, and it wasn't helping her either. I was wreaking her life and she was wreaking mine.

As I drive down the streets, the sun coming up slowly I think of how wrong we are together. How she was such a perfect girl, admittedly way to nosey and stubborn for her own good, but its one of the things that made me love her more and more. How I was all wrong for a girl like her, smoking, drinking imperfection, but its how I lived and I wasn't about to change that now, not at this time, not with those people.

Pulling a cigarette from the secret box I kept under the drivers seat, I placed it between my lips and lighted it up. Coughing since it was the first time I had smoked it ages, it frustrated me how I had changed for her.

I was Austin Mahone, the guy that the girls chased after, wanted to be with. The guy who was barley seen sober and without smoke being puffed from his mouth from the lit cigarette. The guy who was changed by a girl, a girl who he wanted one cheep night with, that was it. The girl that he had completely fallen for.

Stopping the car at exactly the same park which I had found only hours earlier, I saw three other cars parked only a few meters away. When they see me pull up, I see them climb out, one by one.

Alex, my "best friend", for once not dressed in his quirky clothing. His green pinstriped jeans replaced with plain black, a blood red top and black sweatshirt.

Robert, the guy who said he would stand by me when I was kicked out of my home. His confidence showing stronger then ever on his face, dressed in the same dark blue jeans, blue button up top and black leather jacket the same as mine. A black fedora perched on his head.

Zach, sweet, sensitive Zach looking less of that now. His black eye showing as strong as ever, stitches on his lip and cheek, dressed almost exactly like me, but his leather jacket replaced with an over shirt.

I place the smirk on my lips, prepared for everything to come. Opening the door and climbing out to the sound of a bullet being put in the barrel of the guy.

Sarah's POV

Ever since our relationship started to be counted as "serious" I had started to wonder what it would be like to wake up the next morning with Austin Mahone's arms wrapped tightly around me, still getting flash backs from the night before.

I imagined how gently he would wake me up with a gently kiss on my lips, both still swollen from the previous night.

How safe I would feel as his arms wrapped around me, protecting my still exposed body the way he would protect me at any given time during the day.

How we might fall back to sleep in each others arms for a few minutes then wake up once more remembering it was all real and that it was perfect.

How he would make an attempt to make last nights events happen that very morning, and how I might have given in to his irresistible touch.

I had imagined all of this before, and thought how my imagination had brought the most perfect image in my mind. But reality screws you over.

Instead of waking up with a kiss, I woke up by my alarm clock. I was wrapped in something, but it wasn't his arms. My sheets covered my exposed body, and I didn't feel as safe as I had hoped. There was no chance of me falling back to sleep since I knew I would wake up as horribly as I did just seconds ago. I was not going to be giving in to his irresistible touch that morning, because there was no touch to be given. I opened my eyes and looked over.

I woke up alone.

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