Chapter 16

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Austin's POV

"Austin! Austin wait up!" shouts Robert behind me, but I carry on walking, my fists clenched, but I refuse to use them. I just wanted to get to my car, and fast.

"You know what, fuck you man! Your nothing but a fucking pussy! Ever since you started to date that bitch, you've been nothing but a pussy!"

"Fuck you! Don't bring Sarah into this" I say, still marching furiously to my car, the whole of my body resisting the temptation to turn around and give him a new nose.

"Why not? She's the reason your in this shit! If you hadn't have met he-"

"Don't even go there!" I shout, turning around to face him. A smirk on his face, knowing how he's getting to me, how he knows that Sarah is my only weakness.

"Sarah Lawson. I heard she isn't even a virgin, a little slut apparently. So don't go thinking your special. I'm surprised that Alex hasn't gotten to her yet, since Zach has been so close"

"Shut the fuck up" I whisper through gritted teeth, trying to stop his lies getting to me. My fists clenched hard, so close to taking a swing at him, but I refuse. Keeping them strict at my side.

"What? You say something? Oh yeah, that's right. You're a pussy now! Sarah's stopping you from doing everything" he laughs before putting on a fake girls voice, trying to imitate Sarah. "Austin, no more smoking! No more drinking! No more bla bla bla! Because I'm Sarah Lawson, the fucking slutty bitch who's doing nothing but leading you on!" he says, the smug look printed on his face as he pretends to be her. Saying all these horrible, disgusting things about her, right to my face.

My fists clench as tight as they can, but its not strong enough to hold me back. I march forward, heading straight for him as my fist flies up into the air. Instantly my fist smashes down onto his nose, making him stumble backwards, almost falling to the cold concrete floor below but he manages to keep his balance.

I clench my fist hard again, prepared to hit again, but then something inside of me manages to sober up enough to stop myself from doing it again. Still furious with both Robert for being such a dick, and myself for rising enough to hit him like that, I quickly march back to my car. As I'm about to climb in, he starts to shout at me again, and I pause in mid-movement.

"Don't think I'll be letting you off lightly for this Austin. I'm gonna get you" he smirks, the hint of a laugh in his sentence, only making me more furious at him, but I refuse to do anything this time.

"And I'm gonna kill you"

I stare him straight in the eye, showing him he has no chance at this. I swing open the car door, about to climb in.

"Bring it on"


Dun dun dunnnn!! Drama is coming soon guys. I promise!!!! 😏

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