"Which one do you like?" Scarlet shouted.

"Blue glow sticks!" Chris yelled back.

Scarlet rolled her eyes, "That's my ex!"

Chris blinked. Awkward.

Scarlet continued, "It's okay. We're friends now! But she's with..."

"What?" Chris couldn't hear the second half of what Scarlet had said over the music.

Chris watched as the other woman walked towards the washroom. She quickly told Scarlet that she'd be back and headed towards the washroom as well.

"Hey you," Chris tapped her lightly on the shoulder.

The woman turned around with an eyebrow already up, "Can I help you?"

"The girl you're with, she's mine," Chris said with confidence.

The woman laughed, "I don't think she's into boys, honey."

Chris felt crimson rise from the roots of her neck and overtake her face, "I'm not a boy."

Stacy looked her up and down, observing Chris' flat chest, her short hair, and then rolled her eyes, "Well you sure look like one. What are you then?"

Chris swallowed. "I'm Chris." I don't even fucking know. Non-binary? Woman? Half woman? What the fuck is up with this asshole anyway? Chris began to feel uncomfortable in the women's bathroom. It was like her chest just didn't belong to her anymore. Like it was hard to see even the side of her own reflection on the mirror in her peripheral vision. Dysphoria... If I can name it, I can deal with it. The effect of what Stacy said was causing her to shake with anger. I just have to keep breathing and walk away. Just walk away Chris...

Suddenly Scarlet was behind Chris, "Listen Stacy, there's no need to be transphobic here. Just get in the toilet and take your piss and get out of here."

Chris' jaw clamped itself shut. It took everything in her to walk away from the bathroom and out of the establishment.

"Who is that?" Chris demanded when they got outside.

"Stacy's the one who broke Raine's heart. She was married to another woman but kept her marriage a secret from Raine. Eventually Raine found out and Stacy chose her wife over Raine," Scarlet explained as she shook her head and then added, "She's a total bitch."

Chris stared at Scarlet with a blank face. She had just acquired more information about Stacy from Scarlet than she had from Raine in a matter of minutes.

As they chatted more, Chris found that she knew less and less about Raine's past. Scarlet divulged information about the turmoil she was in after Stacy's breakup and how she nearly got kicked out of school for failing classes. Shortly after, Scarlet headed inside to grab them some drinks after Chris revealed that she needed some time alone to digest.

Chris leaned against the brick wall, closed her eyes, and took in slow deep breaths. When she reopened them, she found Raine with a cigarette in one hand while her other was on Stacy's waist. Raine was sharing a passionate kiss with Stacy.

It was like a sudden surge of energy appeared in Chris' blood and accelerated to her head. Her hands were clenched as she tried to take her deep breaths.

Chris shoved people aside as she took the most direct path towards the two. There was no time to think. She grabbed the long brown hair and pulled it away from Raine's head. Without even taking one glimpse at Stacy, her other fist came into contact with a nose.

Raine gasped and stared at Stacy, who had her hands covering her face. Immediately, Raine felt the adrenaline course through her body. She glared over at the attacker and was ready to defend Stacy, but instead, her immediate rage disappeared as fast as it had come. It was replaced with absolute horror and confusion when she realized it was Chris.

Raine's jaw dropped as she scrunched her face, and placed her palms upwards as she shouted, "What the fuck!"

Raine's mind was reeling with confusion. Why?

Chris yelled, "She's such a - Ugh!"

Stacy had gotten back up from her daze. Her nose was bleeding profusely, but she managed to shove Chris backwards, "You fucker!"

Raine stepped in between them and held a hand out towards Chris in the form of a stop sign. She turned over to Stacy and scurried her away from Chris. Raine blinked lazily as she shook her head at Chris in disappointment.

Let me know what you thought of that fight. What would you have done if you were Chris? 

I have a feeling I know what your favorite part was... Nonetheless comment below and let me know. Maybe I'm psychic after all. 

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