Chapter 10

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Raine rolled over on an empty bed, dazed from the darkness in her room. Raine wondered if she had dreamt about sex with Chris, but when she sat up, the soreness between her legs confirmed that it was real. She tried to suppress a dorky smile, but it inevitably spread across her face. Fuck.

She wanted more of Chris but she had only accounted for their last encounter to be just that; the last. There goes that plan... She reached over to grab her phone off the nightstand and flicked on the small lamp. She rubbed her eyes twice to make sure they weren't deceiving her. Three unread text messages and two missed calls. To Raine's dismay, none of them were from Chris.

The texts were from Quin.

Quin at 6:44pm: Wtf you're on every news channel! When did you do these interviews?!

Quin at 6:45pm: Btw you don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable

The only person she had ever spoken to on a personal level about Hush was with Quin. While he didn't agree with the morals of her company, he celebrated her successes and let her vent when she had challenges with her team.

Quin at 6:52pm: You didn't tell me you were going public!

The truth was, Raine didn't have a choice but to go public. The media had already figured out her identity as the Chief Executive Officer and contacted her for interviews, so it was better for her to have a say than to have others guessing at the company's motives.

Raine grabbed the remote off the nightstand and turned on the TV across from her. She stared at video footage of herself on the wall. Urgh, my eyes are all almond shaped. I should have used eyelid tape. I look so fucking Asian in this.

She flipped through several news channels. It was surreal. She was on every major news station. One of which, had a banner beneath that read "CEO of Hush is 23 year old lesbian college student" and half of the screen showed her interview while the other half showed Raine's about page on social media where she had indicated her romantic interest in women. Raine shook her head slightly and performed a half-ass eye roll. Forget about all the hours of hard work, just focus on the gender of the people I hook up with.

She called her voicemail and heard a message congratulating her on the success with the press from the PR company she had hired. They said they'd have statistics shortly on the new social media campaign that launched earlier in the week. She didn't need the stats though, Raine ventured over to her desk and moved the wireless mouse. The black screen populated with website statistics in the form of pie charts, numbers and percentages. There were more people on her website than ever. She smiled. It was only a matter of time before these people browsing would convert into members.

Her second voicemail was from Scarlet. It was full of profanity about how horrible Raine was to keep the fact that she owned a company from her friends. Then she rambled on about how terrible her life had been from listening to Cindy's teenage heart being crushed by Raine. Raine shook her head. Scarlet was always good at making things about her.

Suddenly, there was a knock on her door. Who the fuck? 

Raine threw on a new pair of panties, ran over to her closet to grab the nicest pair of jeans she owned, but she was unable to find them. She fumbled around and found some worn-in jeans instead.

"One second!" Raine hollered as she pulled them over her legs.

Her back arched forward as she buttoned and zipped the jeans. She was sure they looked ridiculous coupled with the blouse she had on from earlier, but it had to suffice. She opened the door and true to his nature, Quin was smiling and holding a bottle of champagne in his hand. Raine knew he couldn't stay mad at her for that long... especially when there were celebrations to be had.

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