Chapter 8

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It had been nearly an entire week and none of her friends texted her since the nasty voicemails Raine received from them. Raine generally had no qualms with fucking strangers because it really wasn't her issue if they were going to go all U-haul mode on her. That was why she preferred to hook up with strangers, with the exception of Scarlet, of course.

Raine completely understood her friends' desires to protect Cindy. Hell, a part of her even wanted to reach out to the girl and apologize, but she knew better than to do that. It would just bring up feelings of resentment and bitterness on Cindy's end. After all, Raine had been in Cindy's position and having someone try and amend things wasn't the best idea.

Raine could manage getting the cold shoulder from her friends, but it was Quin's refusal to talk to her she couldn't stand. Knowing that he wasn't there for her to call if she needed to made her uneasy.

The moment Raine entered the lecture hall, she scanned the rows until her eyes met his for a split second. Raine could feel her chest tense up as she came to a standstill. Quin turned his back towards her and hunched over his notebook with his elbow on the table and his hand covering his upper lip. Raine stared off in his direction for a moment longer, exhaled, and then wandered aimlessly into a random row on the other side of the lecture hall.

Not long after, Chris piled in with a small herd of students and sat next to her. As Chris opened her mouth to greet her new friend, Raine acknowledged her presence with a courteous nod. Taking the cue, Chris settled into her surroundings and pulled out her laptop. Typical.

Raine rested her forehead on her forearm laid across the edge of the long arced desk that extended all the way down the row of students.

Chris observed Raine's odd behaviour for a moment. Something's up with her today. She's dressed really well - a blouse, dress pants, and blazer? Not her usual attire. Chris wet her lips and contemplated whether not she should say anything. Finally, she gave in.

"Are you okay?" Chris turned her entire body to sit squarely towards Raine.

Raine didn't bother to lift her head up, "I don't want to talk about it."

Chris' blinked and then crossed her arms with a small smirk across her face. Challenge accepted.

Chris diligently typed away while Raine simply tried her best to pay attention to the slides. It was hard for Raine to focus, so she curled up as tiny as she could against her desk and rested her chin on her wrist to look at the professor. She just wanted to get it over with and do whatever it took right then and there. She checked her phone to see if she'd received any text messages and reviewed some of the memos she'd written for herself.

The professor stood at the podium and read from notes as the slides changed every few minutes. Raine's eyes remained on the professor for the most part, except when she'd steal a glance at Quin from time to time. The second time Chris noticed the stolen glance, a smile appeared on Chris' lips. You're going to be an interesting one.

"As you can see, like gender, sexual orientation is often fluid. It's sometimes a matter of whether or not folks allow themselves - given their social environment and other factors, the freedom to question and explore," He nodded.

"Some of that exploration," with a tap of thumb on the professor pulled up a slide with a familiar logo, "can happen with other people."

Raine's eyes widened and her spine turned rock solid as she stared up at the red lettering over white logo. FF Pitu, I love that font.

"Clearly, some folks feel the need to explore more than others," the professor chuckled, "but let's end this lecture with an open dialogue. This app in particular is called Hush. Hush is an app that was created 2 years ago and specifically created as a tool for people to cheat on their partners more easily. It really became popular about a year ago. Any thoughts on this?"

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