Chapter 32: The Headless Horseman

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Hi guys. We are getting down into some great action now. If y'all think it would be interesting to see how this would turn out, then buckle up. Truthfully, I'm excited as well, so let's get it, y'all. Enjoy.

1781- Night came and the town quieted significantly. To describe it fully, no sound could be heard except for some crickets and the rustle of trees in the wind. Benjamin Franklin had managed to buy a room for them in a nearby inn and they could stay for the night. But Connor had decided that this was the time to investigate the little
the Dutch town of Sleepy Hollow. Benjamin Franklin decided to stay at the inn. So Connor left the inn and went into the night. The lights of street lamps shined and lit the road. Connor went down a dirt trail and went quietly. He pulled his hood over his head and went into the darkness. The trail seemed to get darker and darker as he continued walking. An owl hooted as he walked and crickets chirped along too. However, the moonlight made dark shadows in the trees and clouds and as a cloud moved in front of the moon, the dark engulfed the Assassin and he was now on his own.
The owl stopped hooting as if commanded to stop and leave and the crickets stopped chirping as well. Connor, now felt a chill go down his spine. The wind, which blew through the trees was chilled and misty. Connor looked around and saw something on the ground. He bent down on one knee and analyzed what was on the ground. It was horse tracks. Then he continued to look around and walk. He saw a broken tree stump and it had markings on it. He analyzed the markings. They were cut by a blade, particularly from a sword. Connor thought to himself, "The Horseman must have been testing his blade for something as he was riding his horse." Connor continued on the trail. Then he saw on the ground something unusual. It was a corpse.
Connor analyzed the corps and saw that it was dead for a long time. It was also headless. Connor thought, "This corps has been dead for some time. It's bones have now began to show, and it seems to have been decapitated from the neck up. The Horseman must've come around for his victim." Connor then moved forward. Then he saw a broken pumpkin on the ground. He analyzed it as well and concluded, "The Horseman is famed by his pumpkins of fire and throwing them. By frontier legend, he always had a pumpkin with him. This pumpkin is old and it's seeds have been dried after being spilled out. It was a waste of good crop and stock that could have been used for a pumpkin pie or a jack o lantern. It is a true shame that it has been put to waste. Perhaps the Horseman is now close." Connor moved forward and the moonlight began to create shadows again on the dark trail.
Then, suddenly, Connor stopped at the sound of steps coming from ahead of him. They were the sound of horse steps and Connor could hear the breathing of the horse. The Assassin ignited his tomahawk and readied himself. From out of the shadows, a black horse emerged, who's rider was wearing complete black and it seemed that he was headless. The rider was also wearing a long black cape behind him. As the rider emerged, he drew a long steel sword that shined in the pale moonlight. Connor breathed faster and he began to feel terror rise in him. While holding his tomahawk in his right hand, he unleashed his left hidden blade. The rider then laughed a very wicked laugh and Connor then realized that he was standing in the midst of the infamous Headless Horseman.
The horses eyes were red and once Connor saw that, he decided to run the other way. The horseman laughed and chased after the Assassin. As Connor ran, he knew that his running was no match for the speed of a horse and as the horseman came closer behind him, Connor jumped into the dark bushes on his left and dodged and swipe of the Horseman' sword. Then, Connor came out and the Horseman stopped his horse and turned around. Then, he came to gallop back to Connor. The Assassin ran, and tried to outsmart the dark phantom by climbing up a tree. The Horseman stopped under the tree and looked up towards Connor, who loomed over him like a bird. But the phantom got off of his horse and climbed up the tree as well. At the sight of this, Connor tensed. The Assassin out a rope dart, and shot it at the phantom. But the phantom quickly jumped up onto another branch and dodged the dart. Connor reeled it back in and then jumped off of his branch and onto another tree. The phantom followed just as gracefully. Once there were no more branches to climb on and balance, Connor looked back. The headless phantom slowly moved toward him on the branch as his dark cape moved in the wind. Then, with all faith, the Assassin jumped off of the branch and landed on the ground. He sort of tumbled as he landed, but he was alright. He looked back at the phantom. The phantom jumped off of the branch and grabbed his cape making it look like demon wings. Then the phantom landed in front of the Assassin. Connor pulled out his pistol and shot at the Headless Horseman. The bullet hit the ghost in the chest. But the phantom didn't get hurt. Connor shot him again with the other pistol in the side, but still, the phantom was not wounded. The phantom pulled out his sword and brandished it around. Connor knew what he had to do now. He had to do what he feared not to do. He had to fight the Headless Horseman.
Connor ignited his left hidden blade and drew out his sword. The Horseman laughed wickedly. Connor sneered at the Horseman and readied himself. Then the phantom went to him with a blow of the sword. Their swords clashed and apparently the Horseman put such force in his strike that it moved Connor back a bit. They clashed back and forth. Connor sliced at the phantom's torso with his sword. Then, after using his hidden blade to parry his opponent's sword, Connor spun around, stabbed the Horseman in the chest and kicked him back with a side kick. The phantom backed up. Connor didn't know why he did at first, but then, the phantom pulled out a fiery pumpkin from behind him, and threw it at the Mohawk Assassin. With a summersault to the right, Connor dodged the explosion. But then the Horseman rushed him with a swing of his sword, which sliced Connor on his arm. Now Connor was hurting.
The Assassin grabbed hold of the Headless Horseman and then, ignited both his hidden blades in him. This hurt the phantom, but it wasn't enough, because he smacked Connor across the face with a back fist and hit Connor with the hilt of his sword. Connor bled from his mouth and arm and before he could react, the phantom used his sword and sliced Connor across the chest. Connor panted heavy. He didn't know how to kill the Headless Horseman. But then, he had an idea. Connor pulled out three smoke bombs and threw them so that the phantom would become disoriented. It worked. Connor snuck up behind the phantom and started slicing him all around with his sword. Next, Connor used his left hidden blade, stabbed the phantom in the chest, and shot the phantom with his pistol. The Horseman was weakened and Connor took his sword and hit the phantom's sword out of his hand. Now backing up a bit, the phantom drew out an axe. He swung at Connor, but the Assassin summersaulted and dodged the blow. He used his hidden blade and tripped the Horseman under his feet, causing him to fall, and then, Connor, angered by the fight loomed over the Horseman, ignited his hidden blade, and stabbed the phantom in the chest one last time.
Connor, still kneeling, watched the Horseman bleed. Connor said, "I know not if you can speak without a head, but I do know that you were affiliated with the, 'Old Sea Captain', Samuel B. Myers. How do you wander and roam the nights of Sleepy Hollow knowing that you will never truly find your head?" Then, through some way, the Horseman replied in a whispery voice, "The Ghost of the Sea made a deal with me long ago. That......if I sided with the Templars......that he would grant me power and......share a portion of the treasure. But I failed him. The pirate is now gone away from me......and I am doomed to die." Connor said in response, "Your infamy is known quite vast along the Northern Frontier. Pioneers are afraid of you. But now, I release you from your slavery as a captive of this world. Go in peace." The Horseman breathed, "You......are dead.......Assassin." Then, the Horseman died and Connor stood and replied, "No. It appears that you are dead, Horseman." Then Connor went away.

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