Chapter 4: The Black Death

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           What up guys! Getting suspenseful? Tell how you like it. Brace yourself for this next one. Enjoy!

1780- The night was upon them. They had left their horses at the city border of Boston. The fog was still just as thick and vast as ever. They went on foot through the city which was now dark and quiet at midnight. The two walked as a chilled temperature came through the air. The threes were wintered with no more leaves. They were dead because of October's fall season. Yet an eerie entity arose within their midst. Besides the chill down their spines, their senses were on high alert. They finally walked into a graveyard cemetery. "Let's search here in this cemetery for any clues," said Connor. "But, Connor. I'm a bit frightened," replied Eva in a voice of terror. Connor looked into her eyes and said, "Don't worry. You go toward the east and I'll go north."
She nodded and then went on.
Connor went on as well. He passed several gravestones of different variants and sizes. He then saw something on the ground ahead of him. As he got closer he was able to make out a figure of a person. He was just upon it when he noticed that it was headless. Dried blood was everywhere. The sight terrified Connor so badly that he took a few steps back away from the dead corpse. Then, he heard Eva screaming. He ran through the fog in her direction. Once he found her, she ran to him and embraced him. "Look,"she cried, "They're everywhere." Dead carcasses were scattered around the graveyard. Some headless, some impaled, and some hung by their necks on limbs of trees. Connor was mortified. He thought to himself, "Who could have done this to so many people?" He had no answer. He looked around and noticed one clue; a cloth. On one side it bared a mark of a Templar's Cross on it and a few blood stains. What did the Templars have to do with this?
Eva, still scared for her life, said nothing. Connor looked at her with his regained confidence and said, "It's okay now. We have some information about just who this ghostly killer is. It must have affiliations with the Templars because the clues that it left indicated that it was with them. It is a murder though. Somewhat to the likes of a bounty hunter. But for its own pleasure and joy. If only we could lead it to the sea or the Mohawk Tribe, then it wouldn't be so reluctant by its schemes." Eva asked, "Where to now?" Connor knew of a desolate rundown place on the outskirts of town. Since it was nearing the time of the hollows, Connor wanted to hurry. So they ran out of the cemetery and headed to this dark location. Connor described it as a shack of sorts.
                               After thirty minutes of pure running, they finally reached their destination. The wood of the shack was grayish-black as if a burnt color. It blended well with the fog. A huge confer tree stood high over it's side. The branches held no leaves. Eva moved closer to a dusty old window and looked in. "What do you see, Eva?"asked Connor. "Nothing," replied Eva, "It's dark and dusty. Nothing is visible to me."
                               They went to the front door. A sign hung on it and it read, "No Trespassing." Connor knocked on it. Nothing was heard. He grabbed the doorknob and tried twisting and shaking it. It was locked. "Given up yet?" asked Eva sarcastically. Connor ignored her. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a lock-pick. As he tried to open the lock it broke on him. Then he remembered the key that Watson had given them which was meant to open any lock. He pulled that out and stuck it in place. He turned it and then the lock opened. Eva smiled and laughed. So did he. He grabbed the doorknob and opened the door. As it opened it produced a dreadful, eerie, creaking sound. Connor turned to Eva and asked, "You don't supposedly have a lantern and oil on you, do you?" She looked at him with an annoyed face and said, "Does it look like I do?" Obviously not. But what was the point of having two Assassins on a mission when they can't even help.
                                    Connor blinked and used his Eagle-Vision ability and saw red splotches glowing all around in the dark void. It was as if something was splattered on the nearby objects and the floor. Using his regular sight, Connor looked around. Objects were randomly fallen. Papers and books were misplaced on the floor, as well as a table that was laying on its side. The curtains were shredded and torn, and dust was everywhere. Then, as he looked at the splotches, his analysis was that it was blood. He looked at Eva and said, "Someone was killed here." Then they heard a noise. It was a quiet little knocking thump from above them upstairs. It turned out that the shack was someone's home. Connor unleashed his sword, stealthily, and so did Eva. He pointed towards upstairs and said, "We're going upstairs. Be quiet. We are not alone." She nodded and did what he said.
                        They quietly moved through the rubble and snuck to the stair's beginning. They looked up it. Nothing was in sight but a dark, dusty hallway. That's when they proceeded to go up there. They tiptoed as stealthily quiet as possible. The stairs creaked as they went up. Even the littlest, or faintest of sounds were enough to anger Connor, but he didn't say a word, nor did Eva. At the top, they saw a dark, wooden door. Connor grabbed the knob and found that it was locked. He took out his key and tried to unlock it but that didn't work either.
      "Well, said Connor, "Not even this key works."
      "What if the lock is broken?"
                         That's right. The lock could have been broken from the inside. Connor jerked out his left hidden blade and dug it into the lock. He twisted and turned, and he could hear metal being bent and screwed from the inside of it. Then the lock open and the door loosened. Connor opened the door, quietly, and with great caution. Eva followed as they entered the room. In this old room, there was more light from the windows but the room still felt dark to Connor. "There is much evil here, Eva."
Eva looked around. She saw the dusty rubble of objects and felt a bit chilly. "Connor," she called, "Do you hear anything?" Connor looked back at her and shook his head. She could barely see his face with his hood over his eyes. Then, a rocking chair started moving slowly. They both noticed it. Connor went over and stopped it from rocking. There was no wind. On the seat of it rested a little piece of cloth which held a black Templar's Cross emblem on it, symbolizing that Templars were there. The Templar Cross was pitch black. Connor picked it up and turned it around on the other side which held the mark of a "F". What did that mean?
Connor and Eva found what they were looking for and so they left that place and headed for New York. Connor was hoping to find a good friend of his; Benjamin Franklin.

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