Chapter 25: Apopka

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What's good guys! Still writing more of the story. Is it too late to say that I'm an Assassin's Creed geek over here? Haha! Or is it nerd? I don't know. I don't care. I hope you all have been enjoying the story so far. Let's continue with it y'all. Sit back, relax, and let's get this show on the road.

   1781- The night came and the two Assassins were still in the trees. They tried to rest up there while it was night, but it was difficult. The Owls started to hoot and bugs made noises down below. Connor couldn't shut his eyes. He put his hood over his head so he wouldn't have bugs fly in his ears. The moonlight looked as if it had a bluish hue to its light. Some clouds would darken it out. Then, a twig snapped from below the trees under them. Connor awoke Eva. "What is it Connor?" she asked. Connor looked over the branch towards the ground. Something was trying to climb up the tree that they were on. "We need to move. Now!" he said, pulling her onto her feet. She was confused, but followed him nonetheless. They went through the trees again at a quicker pace. But this time they were moving with fright. They flew through the trees like birds. Connor hopped off of one branch grabbed hold of another and jumped off to land on another tree. Eva could barely keep up with him. She just kept on going along with him.
    After a while, they finally stopped. They both breathed heavily due to their exercise and rested on the limbs of a tree. "I think we lost him, Eva," said Connor through heavy breathing. Eva nodded. "Indeed," she replied, also gasping for air. But then, Connor smelled smoke. Was there a fire somewhere? Light broke the darkness up ahead. Connor gestured to Eva to follow him. They came upon what looked like a camp.
   Tents encircled a huge fire pit and men were all around the camp. The tents had the Templar Cross on them. "Templars," said Connor, through clenched teeth, "we are in Apopka, now. Eva, do you see any native Seminoles?" Eva looked around. She saw none. "No," she replied to him. "Then we can strike more easily. It will be an ambush. First I will go down and listen on their conversations. I will give you the signal for you to intervene, should there be any trouble for you to help with." With that, the Assassin climbed down, while Eva stayed and watched.
   Connor went into the bushes and hid. He went next to a tent. A Templar officer was speaking to someone else inside, "I'm just saying, these fools think that they are getting somewhere with the treasure. Hampton's our defense, and now, he's gone missing because of this. The Assassins are too crafty. They've probably killed him by now. It is up to us to secure the treasure. We've killed one thousand Assassins a day, hoping to decrease their numbers but they seem to never decease. I swear, by God, if we do not make a stand then they shall surely rise and overtake us all over the world. We are in trouble. Any word from Captain Myers on his whereabouts?"
"Yes, sir," returned a voice, "he is in Florida, haunting the Lake Apopka region, west of Wekiva. Our sources say that the Seminoles have started to raid our settlements and they're trying to fight against the ghostly Captain."
"This is unfortunate," said the first voice, "I have papers here that show our bases, camps, and the treasure sites. They tell us everything we need to be ahead of the Assassins. If we lose these, then we are as good as gone."
Connor continued to listen. He looked up at the trees and saw Eva, blocking the moonlight. He signaled for her to advance, and she made her move. She went over to some guards and killed them, causing a distraction. That is when Connor moved to the tent. A guard was there and he dogged a blow with a sword, and stabbed the man with his blade. Then, Connor pillaged the papers and maps and took other items such as money and supplies. As he finished, another guard came. "Hey!"shouted the guard. He drew his sword. But Connor used his hidden blade to parry the swing and used the other to kill the guard. Then, Connor exited the tent.
   Eva ran to him with a bloody sword and said, "They're outnumbering us. We should run, now." Connor nodded, and they proceeded to run into the woods. They ran and ran. Then they climbed up the trees. Within a little while, they lost their adversaries.

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