Chapter 7: A Haunting in Boston

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                  😅 Yeah. So what did you think of the last chapter? I totally should have gone a bit more quicker with that chapter. Sorry. Anyway, enjoy this one guys!

               1780- Connor and Eva finally came to Franklin's workshop and entered. Franklin saw them and said, "Ah ha. You arrived just in time. I was beginning to worry. Master Kenway, I think that you'll find this a bit interesting. Connor and Eva went to his desk where he was standing and saw a drawing that he was holding. It was a scratched up ink sketch of a dark figure with red eyes. Connor asked Franklin,"What is it, sir?"
                 "A friend of mine handed this to me before you had first arrived here earlier. I don't know quite exactly what this demonic depiction is, but my guess is that it is a man. It gives me the frights just looking at it." Connor studied it for a moment, then Eva said, "Maybe it's the killer who keeps haunting the colonies and the Frontier. His popularity has spread as far south as Georgia." Connor asked, "What else do you know Dr. Franklin?" Franklin said, "I'll tell you everything, my boy. I know that it is a man who is extremely obsessed with killing people, and has a desire for wealth and plunder. He must be very skilled in physical activity and stealthy combat. His knowledge of geography and navigation is quite impressive." Connor asked, "What is his name?" Franklin replied, "They call him the 'Shadow Man'. He is a killer who haunts the streets at night and haunts the Frontier of the Colonies. Be careful if you start looking for him." Connor turned and said, "I will. Goodbye, Dr. Franklin." "Goodbye, Master Kenway. May God be with you." Then Connor and Eva left his workshop and headed for outside.
               On the illustration it said,"The Northwest District". That is where they were headed. The Northwest District of Boston was home to a huge cemetery and a hot spot for recent killings. The night was dark, and cold. Eva asked, "Don't you think we need a lantern, Connor?" Connor nodded and looked around. On top of a barrel outside of a tavern was a doused lantern, which Connor picked up and noticed that it had ounces of oil. Connor lifted it to a lamp on a doorway and lit it. Then they went on in the nearby alleyways. Connor knew a spot that lead to the underground tunnels that would give them safe passage to the Northwest District and they would be quiet and quick.
           They found the entryway to the underground and Connor broke the lock and chains, which were rusted. Then his pried the wooden doors open. Eva went in first and Connor shut the door behind them. The light from the lantern lit the inside and revealed its dusty unkempt status. "Dark in here, huh," remarked Eva. "Eerie," answered Connor, "Eerie and spooky. Come on. Lets keep moving so that we catch this phantom before dawn." Then they went on.
               The tunnels seemed to never end. Connor and Eva walked passed the dark evil shadow figures that danced around them on the walls. Rats and bugs ran away from the light into the skulls and bones that rested upon the floor. Eva hated this place. She jumped back and grabbed onto Connor's arm. "What is it, Eva?" asked Connor alertedly. "I saw something move down that side passage over to the right. You see it?" she explained. "Hmmmm.... I don't see anything," admitted Connor, "Lets proceed so that we can find the ghost." Eva angrily grumbled, "A stupid ghost." Then they started to walk.
                 Soon they came to the exit that said above the doorway, "Northwest District". Connor used his lock pick and broke open the lock. Then they went out from the tunnels back outside in Boston. It was still pitch black outside and eerie. There was a dark fog amidst them. They kept on walking. Connor held out the lantern in front of them. He could barely see anything at all through the thick fog. Eva held onto the back of his arm. Connor thought, as they continued to walk, "The 'Shadow Man' is said to be a ghostly killer who haunts the grounds of the Colonies and the nearby Indian Tribes of the Frontier. My tribe. Eva's tribe. I must kill him before he kills anyone else." Then as they were still walking quietly, a body, of what appeared to be of a woman, lay dead on the grass, cut and sliced in many places.
Blood was splattered on the ground next to her guts and her carcass as well as other places on the ground. Connor knelt down and analyzed the crime scene in front of Eva and him. Eva analyzed the scene too. "They struggled," said Eva, "And fought each other." Connor nodded as he analyzed. "Yes," he agreed, "They fought and he stabbed her to death. She couldn't withstand a moment and so she died." They saw a blood trail which lead out into the dark. They followed the trail of blood until it dried up and was cut too short. Connor saw footsteps in the mud which also trailed up the wall of the nearby building. Connor suggested that it was due to climbing and not walking sideways on the wall. But then again, this thing was considered to be a ghost.
                    "Should we go follow those prints, Connor?" asked Eva. "Yes. We should go up and see if there are any clues as to where he could have gone," replied Connor in a deep voice. Connor latched the lantern onto the side of his belt and hoisted Eva up the side of the wall for her to climb. Then, he jumped up the side of the wall and began to scale the building upwards. Once at the top, with Eva, Connor used his Eagle Sense to locate any clues.
                        Shimmering yellow images of footprints of blood stains were seen leading over another roof, down across through inside a window, and somehow, out the other side of the building, down to the deep, thick, foggy forest. Connor told her where they led to. She said, "What? The forest? Connor, we can't go into there at night! There's wolves, and bears, and who knows what else is lurking in there." Connor stated, "The killer ghost." She glared at him and his unnecessary humor. "Alright," he said, "Lets go on. We have to find this thing and kill it." She grumbled, but went on.
They made their way down the dark buildings and dark streets and went off into the woods. "Connor," said Eva, "What if the ghost sneaks up on us?" Connor looked at her with an obvious glare and kept walking. She just followed behind. Connor looked around at the tall dark trees around them and had an idea. "Let's climb up the trees and move about the forest."
                          Eva's eyes widened and she exclaimed, "No way! It is too dark and too wet on the branches. We may fall off." Connor stated, "Better falling off than being hung by your neck." She made a disgusted face at that and then began to follow him up the trees. Connor had no problem climbing them until he reached the slippery branches. Eva had a better time climbing over him and onto the branches. She actually climbed over the back of his body by digging her feet on his back. He almost fell off. But he grabbed onto the branch and pulled himself onto it.
"What took you so long?" asked Eva in a cocky way. Connor looked at her and said, "Your footwork. Your excruciating footwork on my back. That is what kept me," Connor condemned grizzly. Eva didn't move. Connor just moved around her and checked to see if his lantern was still attached to his belt. Yes, it was. Then, Connor and Eva proceeded. As the moved quickly about the trees, jumping from branch to branch, Connor heard something. "Stop," demanded Connor quietly. Eva asked,"What?" Connor responded, "Listen. Something is moving in the forest. It is no animal." Eva had just got the chills from that. The fog was too thick to see the ground or the next few trees ahead. Their judgment of their surroundings had to be very precise. Connor used Eagle Vision to be able to see through the thickness of the fog. He saw a huge red mass of glowing light moving on the grounds of the forest. Eva and him followed the branches to it.
As they got closer, individual figures could be spotted. And voices could be heard. Connor held Eva's hand and pulled her closer. They climbed down the trees and listened. They were British scouts and they were talking amongst themselves. Connor and Eva ran into the bushes without being heard. Connor pulled her closer to him so that she could hear the troops' words. The first guard said, "Well, I don't know. It seems like a bunch of stupidity to me. A ghost haunting the Colonies? Impossible! Mark me on this. Everyone in Boston is cracked. Completely cracked!" The other replied, "But sir, you've read the newsletters. You've seen for yourself the corpses and yet, you still doubt! How is that possible?" The first replied, "I happen to be a well set man who doesn't believe in such things." Then the troops stopped. Connor and Eva listened intently. One scout shouted, "Look! It's the ghost of the sea captain. The demon! Run!" They heard the men screaming, and heard shots firing, but then they heard silence. Cold, dead, silence.
Eva was trembling a bit. Connor's breath was shaky. He lifted his head above the bushes just a bit to see what was going on. He saw that every scout was dead. They were left right where they were standing. Blood was everywhere. Then something jumped down from above in front of the view, but Connor could only see the back of it. He put his head back down and kept quiet. Eva was shivering. Connor peered through the bushes and saw a dark, ragged cloaked, figure with a huge lumber axe in the right hand of it. It wore a hood over its face. As it began to step, Connor and Eva could hear the smoldering of the wet dirt on boots of the dark phantom. Dark blood dripped from the blade of the axe in its hand and as it walked away, they both could hear a moaning in the wind.
                          Once the phantom had left, without a trace, Connor and Eva got out of the bushes. The bodies were everywhere. Cracking the wrist of a dead scout by accident, Eva jumped a bit. Connor's hands were shaking, while trying to light the lantern again, due to the cold air, and the sight that he just witnessed. "Let's get out of here, Connor! Please!" begged Eva. Connor nodded and they hurried back to the city.

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