Chapter 44: Secret Chemicle Project

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What is up everybody? I am so excited about this chapter! What if Connor could somehow use chemistry to his advantage with the help of Benjamin Franklin? To all of those people who love chemistry and mystery, this chapter is for you, so sit back relax, and enjoy this chapter guys.

    1781- A few weeks later, Connor had been requested to come over to Benjamin Franklin's workshop. Connor had come alone to Boston where Franklin was waiting for him patiently smoking tobacco from a corncob pipe and reading a newspaper. Connor went up to Franklin and said, "Hello, Dr. Franklin. You requested my presence?" "Yes," said Franklin enthusiastically. He offered Connor a smoke from his pipe, but Connor gestured to him that he didn't want to. Franklin then said, "I have something that I think you will find interest in." Connor followed Franklin to the workroom and saw a table full of plans and outlines and experiments. Glass scientific flasks were holding blue, red, and green liquids. "Come," said Franklin enthusiastically, "Look at this, Master Kenway." Connor looked at the plans and things that on the table. "Experiments of yours, Dr. Franklin?" Franklin said, "Yes, Connor. I intend to make a breakthrough in the science of chemistry! The chemicals of certain elements mixing and collecting together to benefit the Brotherhood! Do you see what I am doing?"
    Connor looked through the pages of Franklin's journal and said, "You seem to want to create a chemical poison for ammunition. You have written down that atomic bonds and chemical mixtures of gastric and metallic properties will create a poisonous mix and serve well in making a poison. What have you come up with so far, Doctor?" "Chemicals, Connor," replied Franklin, "Sodium cyanide mixed with the element of hydrogen. And I have a double mixture of two elements, chlorine and sulfur to make chlorine sulfide. These are truly remarkable experiments and I have more along the way. I have used small bullets that could fit into any flintlock pistol and/or rifle and have attached iron shards in the front making an arrow point very sharp but very small. It'll stick into the body and the poison will mix into the bloodstream. Do you find satisfaction in my experiments, Connor?" The Assassin smirked and replied, "This is interesting, Doctor. I am intrigued. I am trying to find the Ghost, however, and I do not know if This will help me or not. Chemistry, Doctor, is not dealing with the supernatural, and I doubt that any element, whether it be gastric, metallic, or non-metallic, will be able to have effect of the Ghost."
    "I wouldn't say so," said Franklin rubbing his chin, "I would, on the contrary, think about it. The chemical poison. Who's to say that you need to use it on the Ghost? I made this to kill men. Not ghosts. Ghosts don't die if they are already dead, Master Kenway. It is scientifically impossible to die if you are already dead. Therefore, I wouldn't be stupid enough to have made a poison to kill a dead person. You need God to help you fight the supernatural, my friend. Read a Bible, you will see."
"I have read many Bibles," replied Connor, still looking at the blueprints, "Achilles had me read them when he was teaching me the arts and works of men with scholasticism and intellectual works. I had become his pupil as he was my Mentor. By reading the Bible I was able to see that the ways of the Templars and their Order, perverted the Christian doctrines of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Templars are but a fake twisted branch of Christianity and they do not uphold the principles of God, I doubt that they read the Bible in context. But this is off topic, Doctor."
"Yes," agreed Franklin now putting some mixture of chemicals together. Franklin took a glass vile and poured the blue chemical liquid out of the glass flask and into the vile. Then, he took some yellow liquid and poured it into the blue liquid making a green compound. "I have it!"exclaimed Franklin with a huge smile of success, "Here is the poison!" He handed Connor a sealed vile of the new poison and said, "Be sure to use it well, Connor. It can kill anyone." Connor examined it and smiled. "Thank you, Dr. Franklin. This is a true gift." Connor put the poison in his pocket.
   "Oh, and, Connor, I have news for you," said the inventor now walking towards the Assassin. Connor listened. "It seems," Franklin began, "that there is a manor in the islands off of Maine that is said to be the whereabouts of some witches. One of your Assassin contacts came to me to tell you that they believe that the Ghost is in that area. The inhabitants near that manor are just traders that pass by and Southern Micmac Indians. It shouldn't be too hard of a mission but they request that you put an end to the witches and that you go alone with Miss Eva so no one else gets hurt. It is supposed to be quick and you may retrieve another of the Ghost's Secrets." Connor frowned at this idea but replied, "It will be done. I shall get rid of these witches. But I will need coordinates." Franklin took a set of coordinates out of his pocket and handed them to the Assassin. Connor then thanked Franklin and then went on his way.

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