Chapter 30: Ship Wreck

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What's up guys! So did y'all like the last chapter? I did. But it looks like the Assassins have a new trip to take to the Mayans or Aztecs. Either way they are both Native American tribes that have formed into empires....ya da ya da ya da. Anyway, I wanna see how this next chapter goes. Enjoy everyone.

1781- The Aquila sailed through dark waters still through the Floridian Atlantic and went around to the Florida Keys. The waves knocked a bit against the hull of the ship as they sailed through. Connor was not at the wheel at this time. He was with Eva walking along the side of the ship talking to her. Connor and her stopped and looked out into the horizon of night. Lanterns were turned on and set on the masts and insides of the ship. Eva grabbed Connor's hand and said to him, "Connor. Did that thing in the manor, you told us about, tell you anything else besides what he said about the Ghost searching for something in Mexico?" Connor replied, "No. He said that we were getting into something far more dangerous than just Templar's and Assassins alone. I do not fully understand what he meant by that but I could honestly care less what he threatened me with. It was you that I was, and still am, concerned about. I want you safe. You're my real treasure, Eva." Eva blushed and smiled.
Faulkner walked passed to two lovebirds with a whiskey in his hand. "Oh, I see how it is then," humored Mr. Faulkner from behind them, "But don't mind me, you two. Carry about your landlubbering business. I'll just be back here securing the foremast's sail lines and perhaps having a smoke or two from the pipe." Connor smirked and shook his head. He wrapped his arm around Eva's shoulder and they walked towards the back of the ship. Then they were alone, except for the helmsman, who was steering the ship, who couldn't see them, however. Eva rubbed her cheek on Connor's hand.
Then Mr. Faulkner came out of nowhere and interrupted the silence by saying, "You two wouldn't happen to have a knife on you, would you?" Irritated, Connor turned to Faulkner and tossed him his hunting knife. "There," said Connor in an annoyed tone, "Now will you please, Mr. Faulkner, leave us be?" Faulkner saluted Connor and said, "Aye, Cap'n Kenway." Connor rolled his eyes and looked back towards Eva who was giggling. Connor dropped his head and looked at the ground. He wanted some time to himself and Eva. She hugged him and kissed his cheek. She lifted his head up and said, "Hey. Are you still there?" Connor looked at her with a downed expression. Then, someone tapped him on his shoulder from behind. He became infuriated and turned around. Israel was there. "Connor," he said urgently, "Look. A ship wreck." Connor became alert.
He and the rest of the crew went to see the wreck. It was a huge wreck that had beached on the coast of Key West. Connor ordered, "Make ready to sail for the wreck, men! Steer right, and ready the longboats." The men went to their stations and got ready. Connor was planning on exploring this wreck on his own. He loaded up his pistols. The men readied the longboat but Connor actually didn't need it. The Aquila was anchored right next to the wreck. Connor grabbed a rope and swung over to the wreck. He let go of the rope and leaped over and his feet land on one of the wooden beams that protruded out.
But the beam that the Assassin landed on snapped off and he fell. But reluctantly, he grabbed onto a lower beam and it didn't snap. So, Connor climbed up the side of the ship and hopped onto the top deck. Connor looked around and saw emptiness. Sails were tattered, ship parts were in disarray, and nothing of value was seen. Connor moved along with caution. He stepped lightly, but one spot on the deck gave in and he fell in as well. The landed on his back in the deck below. "I should be more careful where I step so that I will not fall into another accident," he thought to himself as he stood back up.
A chest lay on the other side of the room of where he was in. He slowly went towards the chest watching his steps. An arrow pierced through the keyhole of the lock of the chest. Connor ripped it off and that also broke the old rusty lock. Then the Assassin opened up the chest. Inside the chest was nothing except a note. It was marked with a black skull and crossbones. "A pirate note? Maybe it is a manuscript of another of Captain William Kidd's treasures. Or perhaps it is a letter." Connor opened the note and began to read.
"1744- Dear Captain Myers,
It has indeed been a while. How you have taught me the ways of yourself and your associates has been quite an educational and thrilling embankment that I had undertaken. The Holy Roman and British Empires have put me into the military to be authorized under the rule of His Majesty King George II of England and the Holy Roman Emperor. Captain Myers I am pleased to tell you that I am now a Hessian Officer. I will be seeing you in the British Colonies soon in North America. I hope to hear of your adventures in the West Indies and your adventures in the Colonies. Piracy is indeed a great risk Captain. The way you've managed it is truly admirable. I take great interest at collecting my share in the treasure you've collected. Meet me in Sleepy Hallow, New York by the docks. We have the Order of the Knights Templar on our side, dear friend. The French and Indian opponents will have no success over us at this rate. And I have most confidence that when you give us the treasure, you shall receive a reward of English coin. Say, £1,000 pounds ought to be fair enough for your risky pirating. Live long, Captain. And my the Father of Understanding Guide You.
                                                                                  Sincerely, Your Associate, The Horseman"
      Connor finished reading the letter. "The Horseman", seemed familiar to Kenway. Was this the Horseman? As in the Headless Horsemen? Connor didn't know. But what he did know was that things had suddenly changed. He needed to head back to the Thirteen United Colonies of America.

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