Chapter 46: Evil Spirits

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Happy New Year everybody!!!!!!! 🎉🎊 That's right! 2017 is today! I never thought I would live this long. Jk. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I plan on finishing up the story soon guys! It is getting soooo good! The suspense has just been picking up for a long time and now we need to solve some mysteries. So the secrets are being collected and Connor and Eva are coming close. Too close. So they need to keep their guard up. Ooooo. I'm so excited! Enjoy this chapter guys!

1781- News of killings and strange happenings had spread throughout all of the American territories and sea passes. Other world powers such as Spain had received word of some strange ghostly occurrence, and wondered strongly about the Americans. As for the Assassins, things were only harder and more dangerous. Connor knew that the Ghost was near and searching for him now. No more games and guesses. This was a double man hunt between an Assassin and a pirate ghost.
Currently, Connor was in the woods heading to an old abandoned house. Eva was with him and Israel had been come along when the two Assassins came back for him. The house was in view and the Assassins went up to it. Eva looked into a window to see anything. Connor asked her, "What do you see?" Eva looked in hard and a shadow went passed a hallway inside. Eva jumped back. "What is it?" asked Israel coming to her. Eva said in a nervous response, "I-I thought I saw a shadow or something within the building pass by. Could be my imagination."
Connor went to the front door and tried to turn the knob. The door was old and rotten and locked. "The front door is locked. I will have to break the lock," said Connor pulling out a lock pick. Connor jerked at the lock for a moment and heard it come loose. Connor smiled and opened the door slowly. A creaking sound came as the door opened up. The three Assassins went inside of the entrance and closed the door behind them. "Is the Ghost here?" asked Israel to Connor. "I assumed he might have haunted this place for a while," replied Connor.
The rooms were darkened and unkempt by the abandonment. Connor took a lantern that Israel had brought with him just in case and Eva lit a match for the lantern to light. Then, Israel handed the lit lantern to Connor to hold up. Connor also pulled out his tomahawk just in case there was danger. The Assassins looked around the old place and then, they heard something. "Shhhh," said Eva, "do you hear that?" Israel and Connor listened. Footsteps were heard coming from the dark hall to the left of them. The dark was itch black over there. Connor lifted up the lantern and went to that area slowly. Once he was in front of the hallway, he heard movement and backed up. "Someone is with us," he said with a bit of nervousness. Israel readied his rifle, and Eva readied her pistol. Then the three Assassins walked toward the dark hallway. Connor went and saw through the light of the lantern that the hallway turned to the right. He put the tomahawk and lantern in front of him and went further with Israel and Eva following behind.
The ground was filthy and rats ran from the Assassins into the darkness. The walls seemed to have rotten away and dust was everywhere. It didn't matter really on how slowly one walked, the boards of the floor would creak loud enough and the debris would crush under a footstep. A door way was seen ahead of them through the light. "In there," said Connor pointing to the doorway. The Assassins went forward as quietly as they could down the dark hall. The door was shut as Connor went to it. He turned the knob and the door opened so it wasn't locked. As Connor opened it slowly, something pushed it back shut, hard. So hard the Connor moved back.
"What was that?" Israel asked as Connor handed him the lantern. "I do not know, but I am going to find out," said Connor as he charged the door. He rammed right into it and it burst open. He fell down onto the ground. He got to his knees and saw that he was next to a skeleton. His eyes went wide with shock. "Ewwww," said Eva as he got up, "Connor, you landed next to a skeleton!" The Native Assassin looked at the skeleton and examined it. The skeleton was rotted and it had as sword sticking through its ribs. Israel gave the lantern back to Connor and the Assassins looked around them. They were in another dark room with no windows. Debris was everywhere and furniture had been broken. Then, from the shadows, a noise was heard. Just a little shuffle. Connor looked over to the direction and the darkness seemed to just engulf the light there. Connor said, "Is someone there? Come out!" Then he moved in closer.
As he stepped into the darkness, something unnatural growled, and grabbed at his moccasins. A slender dark arm with claw like fingers grabbed at him from the dark. Connor fell backwards and dropped the lantern to the side. Then, the dark figure went on top of him and began to attack him. There was little that the Assassin could do to deflect the blows made by the spirit. Connor ignited his hidden blades from both his wrists and began to stab the creature in the torso several times. As the creature tried to scratch at Connor with its claws, the Assassin would used his hidden blades to block himself and the creature would get cut on them. When he was able to get enough room, Connor took his hidden blades and stabbed the creature in its neck and it bled out and fell beside the Assassin.
"Lord," said Israel, "I do not know what that was, but I do not want to stick around to ask questions." Connor got up and said, "Neither do I. Let us leave this place." Then the three Assassins left that place. The next place that they would go was to an old Assassin contact of theirs, Watson.

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