Chapter 21: Dark Letter Entries

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What up meh, homies. 🎊🎉 I'm writing more Assassin's Creed. The story is getting pretty good in my opinion so hold on tight. Alright guys. Let's do this.

1781- The nights had passed on. So did the days. They had left with the old sea hook treasure and secured the boundaries of the Inuit people. They sailed back to the Davenport Homestead and while they continued on with life, the Assassins had intercepted some letters from the trade network, and intercontinental communication posting system. Connor Kenway was in the Davenport Manor in Achilles' former office. He sat at a table against the wall filing records, and dates, plans, and tasks, and the like. But then, to the side, he found a stack of some letters.
Connor picked up one of the envelopes and looked at the seal of it. On the seal it had the marking of the Templar's Cross on it and he knew that it was a Templar letter. He thought to himself,"What are the Templars doing now? I have killed their last recent associate, Lockhart and have twisted up their plans immeasurably. I wonder if they know anything more about the Ghost." With that in mind, Connor opened up the envelope and began to read the letter.
     It read:
February 14, 1781
My dear associate, Master Richard Hampton,
I'm sure by now you have heard the stories of my return to the Colonies. They are not stories to tell your children at their bedside, however. I am no Templar, but I am just as lethal as you, sir. I have come back to the Colonies to ensure that my treasure is not taken from me this time. Aye. I have already had to deal with the Assassins and tried to keep them away, but one in particular, Captain Connor Kenway, son of the late Grandmaster Templar, Haytham Kenway, and grandson of the pirate Assassin Captain Edward Kenway. He is a Mohawk Indian and a pirate, like me. But my very soul has been given to the devil and I have obtained powers beyond anyone's imagination. Even against death itself. I have just left from the northern reaches of the continent where the Inuit Eskimo people or Indians live. There is a creature called a Wendigo that roams there. It kills its  prey at night. I've seen it in action. But anyways, I wanted you to know that I am now going to an old house. A dark one off the coasts of the Spanish Colony of La Florida in the Seminole province of Ahapopka (that is Seminole Indian for the Big Potato Land). But my work isn't done more treasure is to be found in Florida, I'm sure you know. More killings must be made. For I am a Ghost of the Sea, and killing is really the only thing I can go off of now. I bid you all good tidings, sir, and wish you the best on your trip as well. Farewell. And keep a weather eye on the horizon.
                                                                                       Most Sincerely, Samuel B. Myers

Connor was most interested. This was truly a discovery. As he was about to take out another letter, Eva walked in. Connor looked at her. He noticed again at how beautiful she was by the candles light. Her long, dark, Mohawk native hair fell perfectly passed her shoulders. "Hi, Connor. What are you doing?" Eva asked. Connor leaned back in his chair and replied with a sigh, "I am going over some of the letters that our associates intercepted while we were gone in Canada. The Templars are planning on going to the Spanish Empire, particularly the territory of Florida in a province known as Apopka. A Seminole village." Eva gave and unwanted look and plainly said,"The Seminoles? You want to go now xto the Seminoles? Connor you just left Canada. Why do you want to go there?" The young Assassin tried to think of a way to persuade her. Then he remembered about his friendship with the buccaneers in the Caribbean who sail around those areas and promised him safe passage from enemies.
    "Eva, when I met Israel, we made a friendship agreement with the buccaneers of the Atlantic and Gulf seas. So if we go, we will be safe. I can take the Aquila and everything will be fine. It is much more faster to sail than to go on horseback." Eva thought, then said, "Alright. But if trouble comes, Connor Kenway, I will sit back and watch." Connor chuckled and went over and hugged her.
   Later, outside of the manor, Kenway found Israel loading and polishing his hunting rifle. Noticing Connor, Israel said, "Oh, hello brother. You be sneaking up behind me? Haha. Trying to give me a heart attack or something? Haha." Connor laughed, "I am not. I wanted to know if you were up for another mission." Israel put on his hood, and looked at Connor readily and said, "Aye. Where be the target, brother?" Connor smiled. "The mission is to go to the Spanish territory of Florida in a Seminole Indian village known as Ahapopka. The Ghost seems to be heading there and if we want to take him down, we must catch him of guard." Israel rubbed his chin. "If you think it is a good idea, then I hold no protest. Are you sure the village is called Ahapopka, bredda? On a map I swore I saw that the name was just Apopka. I will go fetch it later. Anyway, I'll go along with it. Except, I am concerned about something. I do not know the Seminoles." Connor added, "They have a mixed culture of Muskogean, and Arawak native influence. They are friendly." Israel nodded and said, "So be it then. I will get ready, and tell Mr. Faulkner to round up the men." Connor said, "Good. We sail tomorrow morning." Then Israel went down to the docks.
   Down the road, Benjamin Franklin was writing notes about some new ideas of his mind when he saw Connor passing by. "Connor, do have a moment?" asked Franklin, who was making his way to the Assassin. Connor stopped where he was and turned to Franklin. "What is the matter?" he asked the old inventor. Franklin showed Connor the pages of his journal. Connor saw sketches of a new mechanism of science. Franklin explained, "This is my new invention. I'm investing my time on the creation of a new way for my printing press machine to be able work at a faster, and easier pace. That way my posting business will be able to flow through our lands faster and easier."
"Sounds tedious, and technological to me. Do you wish to go back to your workshop in Boston? You may need your laboratory." Franklin nodded and sighed. Connor motioned to the carriage parked in front of the Manor and he said, "Go to the carriage and you will have a safe passage back to Boston." Franklin shook Kenway's hand. "Thank you very much Connor. I hope to see you soon," said the inventor now walking away. Connor turned and replied, "The same to you. I bid that you work serves up to your expectations." Then he waved goodbye to Franklin. Connor then turned and headed to the Homestead bar to have a drink before he had to get prepared for the next morning. The Aquila crew and him were going to travel to La Florida.

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