Chapter 48: Cursed Beyond

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Hey guys! What's good in the hood! I am so excited for this next chapter! It is so cool that I am finally going to reach the near ending. But first, there are a few questions that I've been asked. What is Connor going to do? Does the Ghost really follow the Templar Order? Is Watson really the Ghost? I am going to continue the story to show you what happens! So sit tight, hang on, and let's do this! Enjoy!

     1781- The time was at least near midnight. It had to be. The sky was pitch black and the only light that could be made out was the light of the lantern that Eva held onto as her, Israel, and Connor went down a swampy, South Carolina river, in a longboat, off of the island region of the coast. Connor rowed the boat slowly as Israel held the rudder in the stern of the boat. Eva held the lantern and looked out ahead of them as they entered the swamp. The Aquila was anchored off the coast by the beaches by the mouth of the river. Connor lost sight of it as the swamp trees blocked it from sight. The night was dark and quiet. There was no sound except for the creatures of the night and the soft splashes of the oars of the boat.
   Then Eva, who held tightly to the lantern in her left hand, said, "Wait. Quiet!" The sound of an owl hooting from off afar echoed through the dark trees of the swamp as the three Assassins listened. Israel said, "Relax. It is an owl, Eva." Connor tensed up, however. He was not enjoying this at all. He looked into the dark eyes of Israel from under their hoods and Israel said, "You alright, Kenway?" Connor rowed slowly and said, "Frankly, no. I do not like this in the slightest." Israel smirked. Connor looked to the sides of the river and saw nothing but darkness and vegetation. Anything could be hiding in the dark and he knew it. Then, Eva said, "Alright. There is a clearing up ahead where we can pull ashore." Connor rowed a little faster in pace. Then, they got out of the boat and pulled the boat ashore. Eva gave Connor the lantern and asked, "Do you know which direction that we need to go, Connor?" At that moment, Kenway felt a chill go down his spine as she asked him that. But he didn't know why. He pulled out the map, that Watson had given to him in the New England frontier, and looked at where they were and how far they needed to go. "We must head a little bit west. Deeper into the forest. Down this trail up ahead. Then we will reach a house. That is where the Ghost is residing."
    The Assassins then looked down the dark trail up ahead and Connor lead the way. His moccasins went lightly onto the ground as he stepped down the trail. As they continued walking, something popped out of the bushes in front of Connor. It was a metal claw trap meant to bite into the leg of an intruder on the trail. The three Assassins backed up. "Wait," said Connor, who analyzed it. The claws were already stained in blood. It was obviously used before. "Watch your step," he continued as they moved forward. Connor pulled out his pistol from his belt and kept it in front of him with the lantern. The light in the lantern flickered a few times. That wasn't the best news. There was only a little oil in it. The Assassins looked around very cautiously as they moved down the dark path in front of them.
   A noise was heard from the darkness on the right of them. A crow was seen in the moonlight, looming at them from it's perch on a leafless tree. The crow stared as if to warn them that death was coming. It made a noise and then it flew off into the dark. Connor could've swore that it's eyes looked red. That sight only caused the Assassins to feel a chill. But nonetheless, they continued down the trail. As they went down, still, a tree with a sign nailed into its trunk came into view as they went closer to it. As they looked at it they saw what it said. It read out: " Beware up ahead. Danger awaits you in this cursed swamp. This is a haunted forest. Turn back if you value your life! This is your warning!" The sign was hardly reassuring. Israel said, "Well, it looks as if we should turn back." Eva looked at him with a dark glare and said, "Oh no you don't." He looked down at the dirt ground with sadness. Connor said, "I am sorry. We must continue if we are to find and kill the 'Old Sea Captain'." So they passed the sign of warning and the forest swamp seemed to feel heavy in the air and darker.
    Then, Israel aimed his rifle to the darkness in the left, and said, "Look!" The other two Assassins looked and he said, "Didn't you see it? The Ghost?" Connor used his Eagle Vision to survey the area. Nothing was there. Connor said to Israel, "You are nervous. Do not be scared, Israel. There is nothing over there." Israel replied, "Yeah. That is what they always say." Eva rolled her eyes and said, "I can't take this. Israel, there is nothing, now. So we might as well continue with the mission." Israel nodded and relaxed. But Connor did not relax because he was feeling like they were being watched now. To make matters worse, a wind began to pick up.
    Then, as they continued, Connor looked around and saw a clearing of forest. He made out the image of a built structure, and at first he thought that it was a huge church. But then as the light shone it's form, he saw a metal gate. And behind it, he made out an old house with two stories. Connor looked at Eva and Israel and said, "This is the place. We have arrived." Eva said, "Finally. Step aside." She went to the gate and saw that it was locked and a huge iron chain was bound to it as well. "Well, that's helpful," she sarcastically remarked. Connor laughed a little to at least calm his nerves with some humor and then went over to the lock. He pulled at lock pick from his pocket and began to pick at the lock. His hands began to shake by the obvious anxiety that he felt, despite him trying to fake it all. The wind wasn't helping his situation too much either. The lock finally broke, and Connor ripped off the chain as well. Eva pulled open the gate, having it make a terrible eerie creaking sound. Israel said, "Oh there is no way we are going in there." "Yes there is, you big baby!" responded Eva humorously. Connor shook his head.
    The house up ahead didn't look any better in condition than the yard in front of them. Dead weeds and grass grew untamed in the yard due to a lack of yard work and initiative. Connor used his Eagle Vision and looked around. There was nothing is sight to see. Then, Eva, grabbing her pistol, and walking in, said, "Come on, you two. Are we gonna just stand here, or kill some pirate ghosts?" The two other Assassins looked at each other with unsure eyes. Eva rolled her eyes out of annoyance and proceeded to go into the yard. The other two just accepted the reality of the situation and marched in after her, towards the old dark house that awaited them.

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