Chapter 52: Battle of the Ghost Secrets

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Hey guys! This is getting so intense! I am super excited! If you are enjoying the story then please comment or vote or like it for me!! It is so appreciated. Okay so enough said. Thank you guys and enjoy this chapter!

     1781- The rain poured upon the damage. The fire still didn't cease to flame. Connor was hurting....bad. But the Ghost still wasn't defeated. Connor had nothing to defend no immortal powers like the Ghost did. He had no way of focusing to shoot with the rain water getting in his eyes. The Ghost flourished his sword in the air and smirked through his scraggly beard. Connor stood in a fighting stance, and drew his sword in reply.
    "Hahaha!" laughed the Ghost, "So you're up for the challenge, eh lad? Well bring it, then. Come and kill me." Connor's anger began to boil as the pains of his wounds annoyed him. The Assassin gritted his teeth and ran toward the Pirate Ghost. Then, their blades clashed and Connor used brute force. The Ghost parried Connor's strikes with his sword quickly and smoothly as Connor continued to bash his sword against the Ghost's blade. "Why won't you die?!?" bellowed Connor in his anger. Then, the Ghost used his left hand and punched Connor across the face, causing him to stumble back.
   "I'm already dead, you fool!" responded the Ghost, "I am immortal! You can not kill me!" Connor then, ignited his toxic gas bomb and threw it over to the Ghost. The smoke surrounded the Pirate Ghost as he searched for Connor. Then, a grenade bomb rolled right by the foot of the Ghost. He looked down at it and said, "No!" Then, the grenade bomb exploded and fire consumed around the Ghost. Connor watched from a distance back. Then, a figure was seen walking through the fire and it was indeed still the Ghost. "That one actually hurt, lad," said the Myers. The Ghost's clothing was never more torn up and burned. The flesh of the Ghost was burned off, revealing his bones. Therefore, he was a walking skeleton. Connor, backed up, his moccasins crunching the debris under them. The Ghost moved toward the Mohawk Indian. Connor pulled his bow and arrow out and fired the shot at the ribs of the Ghost. The arrow shot through his ribs and stuck in. "Again," said the Ghost, ripping the arrow out of his rib cage, "I am dead already." Connor pulled out both his pistols and shot at the Ghost with both of them. The bullets hit the Pirate Ghost and he stumbled back.
     Connor then saw that the Ghost was wearing a gold necklace with a red pendant with Native American design. Connor then moved forward and pulled out his tomahawk. The Ghost swung his sword, and Connor ducked and with his tomahawk, he chopped at the pelvis of the Ghost. Then, the Ghost screamed, and Connor tripped him up making him fall. Connor then went on top of the Ghost and grappled him. The Ghost used his bony hand and punched Connor in the face, but the Assassin wouldn't relent. Connor used his tomahawk and chopped the collar bone of the Ghost. Then, Connor grabbed up the Ghost's sword and brought it through Myers' ribs and, as he was screaming, the Ghost tried to free himself from Connor's grasp. The Assassin took both hidden blades and stuck them into the wrists of the Ghost and twisting them, ripping off the hands. As the Ghost suffered, Connor then cleared his eyes from the rain water, and then used his tomahawk to chop down upon the Ghost again. Then, the Pirate Ghost didn't struggle anymore. Connor then got up from holding the skeleton.
    Connor then knelt down next to the Ghost and said, "Why?.......... Why did you come back from your death at sea? Why did you haunt the Colonies and the American coasts? You raided my trade routes. Why? Why did you kill all of those innocent people? Why did you bury your treasure in so many places? Why did you summon the Wendigo to kill the Inuit and the Cree Indians, and the Headless Horseman? Why did you order the Witches to run off the Naskapi from their coastal lands? Why did you join up with the Templar Order and seek to kill off the Assassin Brotherhood? Why did you kill the pirates in the Caribbean and West Indian Islands and Mexican settlements off of the Yucatán peninsula? Was it because of the Mayans, or the Aztecs? Perhaps the Taino or the Seminole whom you tried to capture in Apopka, Florida? Why, Captain Myers? Why?" The Ghost looked at Connor weakly from his skull. Then, he said, "Captain Connor Kenway.......Assassin of the American Brotherhood. You know so little and ask so much. I.....came the wold from the dealing with the devil for my......soul. To bury all my treasure across the continent. I covered the coast......and killed anyone.......who stood in my way.......I knew.....your grandfather.......Captain Edward Kenway of the Jackdaw. He is the reason I hated the Assassins and followed......the Templar Order. I wanted to kill him and.....the rest of them all. I came back to live......and the Revolution was happening. I would use it to help my situation. I..........would kill so many.....on land and sea. All gone. And my treasure......hidden. I was given a gift from Death that would......promise me life. My.......necklace. My most secret treasure........and my most loved. I many many secrets. My haunt and kill. I knew the witches.......and ordered them to get rid of the Indians to clear their land for my treasure sites. The same......went for the Wendigo.....and the Headless Horseman. Now......I am doomed......and you.....survived. Go to Hell, Kenway." Then Connor took the necklace off of the Ghost and broke it against a rock on the wet ground. The Ghost then breathed his last.
    Connor then said, "Captain Samuel B. Myers, the feared not wait for me in Hell." Then, Connor pulled a feather from his pocket, as a sacred American Indian death custom, and laid it on top of the Ghost's skeleton, which eventually shriveled to black ash. Connor turned around back to the house as the thunder roared and saw Israel, in bloody condition, staring at him and standing. At Israel's feet lay a demon. Connor went to him and patted him on the back. "It is a hard trial, my friend," said Israel to Kenway as they limped back into the house. "We must get to Eva," replied Connor. So they tried to hurry in.
    They went down the left hallway, and heard noise in the first room where the door was shut. Connor moved back, and then, slammed into the door, forcing it open. Eva was on the ground and the whole place was trashed. "Connor! Israel!" she said, "Thank God." She ran and hugged them both. "Are you alright?" said Connor as he was being squeezed with Israel. "No. Let's get out of here!" Then, the three Assassins left the house and headed back through the swampy darkness to the beach where they could see the Aquila.

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