Chapter 42: Complications

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Hey guys! Wassup? I have been a bit busy the last few weeks and Holloeen came again. Did y'all get a lot of candy? Lol. Any rocks? Lol. Never mind. Anyway, I thought you guys might've liked the romance in the last chapter. 💘 that chapter was really for the girls but the guys can take notes. Hahaha. But this chapter is a bit different. Back to the main objectives. The Ghost hunt. So sit back, relax, and enjoy this next chapter guys. Peace! P.S. Election tomorrow! Hope your party wins!

   1781- The three Assassins were on the trail towards the Boston city, but were not there yet. They were still in the frontier. The Assassins used the trail to make it through the woods. The time was midnight and the fog came in the darkness. The air also became chilly and cool. Israel, took a piece of jerky from his pouch on his belt and handed it to Connor. "Hungry, Kenway?" asked Israel. Connor received the piece thankfully and said, "I could eat. Thank you." Eva saw something on the ground of the trail. She went up to it and saw that it was a drumstick from a British convoy.
    "Look at this, guys," said Eva, pointing to the drumstick. The two other Assassins went to her and examined it. "A drumstick," implied Israel. "Yes," agreed Connor, "from a British convoy. They are still on their conquests through the frontier to win over more tribes on their side. They have ran the French out and are attacking the patriots. This isn't good."
    Then, they heard drumbeats coming their way. "Shhh," said Israel, "listen." The drums were getting louder down the trail. The three Assassins ran into the bushes and vegetation of plants to hide themselves. Connor drew his bow and arrow, along with Eva, and Israel cocked back his hunting rifle. They aimed their firearms through the bushes. Then, they could make out three British wagon convoys. It was a caravan of British troops. They were all heavily armed with muskets, swords, pistols, bombs, knives, and hatchets. The Assassins prepared to fire. Then, Connor gave the signal, and the arrows were released and Israel shot his rifle. The British troops all readied themselves, and prepared to fight. The three Assassins jumped out of the bushes, and pulled some men in, killing them with their hidden blades. Then, once seen, Connor got out of the bushes and pulled out his tomahawk.
    "Indians!"shouted an officer. Then, the troops readied their guns. As they aimed, Connor grabbed hold of an officer and the entire squad of troops shot their rifles hitting the officer and not killing Connor. Israel pulled out his sword and sliced the head off of on troop and impaled the next one in the gut. Eva also pulled out her sword and sliced an officer and then moved to another officer, and shot him in the head with her pistol. A soldier took his rifle and prepared to shoot, but Eva bumped his rifle to the side with her sword, causing him to shoot the nearest soldier in the back, killing him, and then, with her hidden blade, stabbed the soldier in the neck.
    Connor pulled out his pistols and shot two troops down. Then he reloaded, quickly, and shot two more down. Israel shot down two soldiers, used his hidden blade to stab another soldier, and killed him instantly. A soldier blindsided Israel, and smacked him in the back of his head with a rifle. Israel fell down and tried not to black out, but the soldier stepped on Israel's hidden blade and aimed a pistol at the Assassin's head. Then, quickly Israel twisted the soldier's ankle, and pulled him down. With a freed hidden blade, Israel then came on top of the soldier and buried his hidden blade into the soldier's face.
   Eva had two soldiers coming at her. She ducked under a blow from a sword strike to the left soldier, stabbed the right soldier with her sword, and turned around and sliced down upon the left soldier, killing him. All of the British soldiers were dead now, and the wagons were carrying treasure. Since there were three wagons, each Assassin went to one and looted it. But inside of Connor's wagon, there was a letter that he saw on the floor. An enveloped letter with a black waxed skull and crossbones seal on it. "Another of the Ghost's letters," thought Connor. The Assassin opened up the envelope and pulled out the letter.
It read:
October 2, 1781
To the Templar Order of the British Rite of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, of correspondence to the Royal Crown, His Majesty the King, George III, under whose authority this document is noted, posted, sealed, and/or shipped and delivered, by Naval passage under the East India Trading Company, and the Privateering pardons of foreign acts of accused piracy against the American Patriots and their Indian allies, and under the permission of the British Royal Navy, this is secret property that is dedicated to the Templar Order.

My associate, David Black,
Heed my warning and beware of the Assassins. There is an Assassin who is well known of in the Colonies known as Connor Kenway. He is the son of our former Grandmaster, Haytham Kenway, killed by his son's own hand. Master Black, I encourage you with all of me dead heart, ye take leave of yer whereabouts in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and head to London back home where ye belong. Do not let Kenway find ye, for he will surely kill ye and pirate everything ye hold dearest. I can not remain in this world much longer, Master Black, for I must move with the wind like every spirit. But I have to obtain me treasure first. The Assassin has been stealing it from me. He has been following me trail and discovering my secrets. This must come to a stop. I have yet to inform ye, that it is to the most strictest of orders, that I command you to go to London and stay there with the British Rite. Leave the American Rite for the time being, and take the chest that I gave ye in safe keeping to London with ye.
If ye should set eyes upon that Assassin, I have given ye my upmost permission to kill him on sight. Kill him however ye see fit. If ye are not successful in his death, then he is sure to kill you and take my treasure which was entrusted to yer keeping. If ye are defeated by him and he spares yer life, be it heard well, sir, that ye do not get caught in my grip, for my wrath will burn ever so severely against ye, that ye shall wish to be quickly delivered to Heaven or Hell. Now, Master Black, I have faith in ye, for I know that you have capabilities that are better than other Templars. Should ye encounter the Assassin, I believe that you will kill him easily. My doubts are slim and I know that ye were also trained in pirate tactics. Tactics that the Assassin lacks. He is like his grandfather but not all the way. Now, go Master Black. Kill the Assassin and his friends. Peace be with ye.
May the Father of Understanding guide ye and yer voyage.
Sincerely, Samuel B. Myers

"Connor," said Eva from behind, "we are ready to go now. Are you good?" Connor put the letter in his pocket and answered, "Yes. We must be quick. I have a heading on where we have to go next." Israel asked, "And where would that heading be, Kenway?" Connor said with a smile on his face, "Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We have a treasure chest to chase before it goes to London, England." Then, the three Assassins raced as fast as they could to Pennsylvania.

Assassin's Creed III : The Ghost SecretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora