Chapter 24: Ghostly Swamp

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Alright y'all. What's up. I'm really excited for this next chapter. Get prepared for some action y'all. Peace out! ✌🏽️

1781- The Aquila sailed slowly into the inlets of the Florida's coast. The sky was overcast and the water was dark. The saltwater started to turn into fresh as they turned in a river. Sand turned into brown dirt, grasses turned into mangroves and a tree line came. The Aquila anchored itself in the river, a little distance away from the land. Connor and Eva pulled down the long boat and got in. "Anyone care to join us on this trip?" asked Connor, humorously. No one answered. Then Connor took the oars and began to row the boat towards the land. Looking around as he rowed to shore he thought, "Florida. So this is Florida. Home to the Acura Seminole Indians and the infamous peninsula of the North American Continent. The land is a complete swamp and the water is an eerie darkness of some sort. I do not know of what residents Eva and I shall find here. I assume that it will probably be some fellow natives, yet there is one thing. I also have no accurate location as to where the Ghost of the Old Sea Captain is, and therefore, I am indeed lost in my mission to seeking and finishing him off once and for all."
They were finally ashore. As Eva and Connor got out, Eva had landed in the water and got it all over her pants and legs. Connor turned so that she wouldn't see him laughing at her. But he then immediately went over to help her up. "Here," he calmly said, offering his hand to her. She grabbed it and pulled herself up. "Well," she said, "that was aggravating." Then Connor began to look around the swamp. It was dark. But then, they noticed something up the river. An old looking house, not far and very dark. Connor worked his hidden blade and looked at Eva and smiled. "What is it?" she asked. Connor kissed her and said, "Nothing. Let's go to the house." They began to walk through the marshy ground to the house.
But then, as they were walking, a huge alligator came from out of the darkness and tried to ambush them as its prey. Eva was closest to it, and she took her sword and stabbed at it as it came. But the blade was no match for the huge, scaly, beast. Connor came in with his courage and veered the beast away from Eva. He grabbed at the jaws of the alligator, who was clomping its teeth down on Connor's fingers. Despite the pain, the Assassin ignited his hidden blades and stabbed at the gator several times. Eva came on top of it and stabbed her sword into its back. Connor took his hidden blade for one more fatal blow and stabbed it in its neck. The alligator was now dead. It was covered in blood. Connor's hands, too, were covered in blood. The Assassin bent over it and skinned it to hunt. "Hmmm....,thought Connor, "I wonder what else there is to hunt in this place." The ideas reeled in his mind. Eva was wiping off her sword. Then, once they were done with skinning their kill, they began to walk towards the house.
When they reached the house, they noticed how dilapidated it was. It was in such poor condition, that the floor boards of the porch looked as if you could step right through it. Connor managed to get up and help Eva up on the porch as well. Connor looked down at the creaky floor boards as he stood, and saw what looked like blood splatters. He got down to analyze it. It was indeed blood. Then he felt something metal touch his neck. A rifle barrel.
   "Don't move a muscle boy," said an old raspy voice, "or you and this girl will be blasted to smithereens." Connor lost all feeling. He slowly got up and backed up. An old man with a grey beard held a musket rifle at them both. "Easy," said Connor, hold up his hands, "I am not here to harm you, sir. I am just passing through." The old man didn't believe him. "Oh is that right," he replied, "seems to me that you're here to trespass and sabotage me. What if you were trying to collect my scalp, eh? How 'bout that. Sound familiar?" "No!" Connor said, "please, we mean you no harm." Then the man noticed the Assassin symbol on Connor's belt. The old man lowered his rifle and the two Assassins relaxed. "Come inside. Both of you," the old man said, opening his door. They followed him and went in.
   "The name is Bartholomew. I know that you two are Assassins and that you are seeking the Templars. I haven't seen them personally, but I have heard of there whereabouts. The village of Apopka is west of here. They have been having dealings with the Seminoles. They've been fighting them Indians non-stop for their land and supplies. But the Indians have held strong this long. I, as a settler, have been protecting myself from their grasp. I'm no Assassin, but I do stand against them and their schemes with the Spanish. Oh, and another thing. Strange things lurk through the shadows of these swamps. Can't say exactly, but I believe it is some demon or ghost that roams the seas, coasts, and swamps. I've heard it at night. I've seen its shadows. It is no ordinary creature of this earth. No. This thing is a demonic spirit of some sorts. Natives that pass by on the hunt, tell me 'bout it. It is evil. They say that there is a treasure that it left behind in their territory and it wants it back. Now if you two are planning on going there, then be on your guard. Stay with the shadows and keep quiet."
  Connor replied, "We will, indeed. Are the trees claimable?" The old man nodded. Connor thanked him and he and Eva left. They went back into the marshy water and headed back to shore. They hid in the bushes as they traveled. Animals could be heard throughout the marsh and the humidity was harsh. They climbed up in the trees because the mosquitos were so terrible down by the ground. They jumped from tree to tree and swung around branches. The hardest trees to climb were the palm trees because the had no branches, but fronds. Eva kept along with Connor just fine. However you could hear her breathing as the hopped from limb to limb. Then, they heard something.
    The swamp seemed to get darker as they traveled. Connor felt like someone was watching him. Eva looked around. There was nothing to see. A snake slithered down the trunk of the tree where Connor was. The Assassin used his sword and chopped it off, killing it. It was a poisonous Coral snake. Eva looked disgusted as she watched it fall. Connor listened. Nothing could be heard. So they continued on their mission.

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