Chapter 39: The Appalachin Frontier

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Sup everyone!!! Still writing the story! The Ghost has put them on the chase, so let's see how they will take it.

1781- He slipped the arrow through his fingers as he balanced in the tree branches. Connor spotted the beaver drinking the water of the river of the Kentucky lands. He was also aware that these lands were not his hunting grounds but the Cherokee and Shawnee grounds. He pulled the arrow back on the string of his bow and released it. The arrow struck the beaver in the neck and the beaver died instantly with no pain. The Mohawk jumped through the trees and climbed down onto the ground. "Yama (Thank you)," said Connor to the beaver's corpse for honoring him for providing himself as Connor's food. Connor then, skinned the beaver with his hidden blade.
Then, Connor climbed up the trees and waited again. He saw from across the way, a grizzly bear moving by. Connor climbed down the tree and ran into the long bushes of ferns and blueberry bushes. Connor set up a claw trap and using some blue berries and salmon bait with venison meat, he laid the food on top of the metal iron jaw trap. He threw a piece of salmon in the bear's direction and the bear went to it. It was obviously hungry. Connor ran up into the trees and climbed onto the branches. The bear went over to the blueberry bush and ate some berries. Then, as it went deeper, it saw the meat, and fish cuts. He used his paw and started picking the pieces up. But after a few times, the bear triggered the trap mechanism and it's iron jaws chopped into the bear's paw. The bear roared angrily and started attacking at the metal trap. Connor jumped off of the branch, and with his hidden blade, landed on top, and stabbed the bear in the neck. It died then, too. Connor got off of the dead bear, and leaned over its corpse. He then, ignited his hidden blade, and began to skin it. His hunting skills were very good.
When he was finished with the skinning process, he then looked around. Israel came and walked out from the bushes and had his rope darts in his hand. "Brother," said the African Assassin, "I was just about to come and help you kill that bear, but you are too quick." Connor and him laughed. "Here," said Connor handing the furs to Israel, "this is a gift from me to you. That you can partake in a ceremonious Mohawk event." Israel smiled. "Thank you, Connor," said Israel. Then Eva came from out of the bushes with blood on her hands.
   They looked at her with confusion. "What?" she asked with annoyance, "I just killed a huge bear back there. No big deal." Then the two other Assassins laughed. She rolled her eyes and said, "Some white mountain men and hunters are coming this way to talk to the Cherokee people about a route that will take them deeper into the Kentucky territory. They bear the Colonial seal and they are on our side. I saw them while I was hunting and figured I should come to tell you two." Israel became more serious and asked, "Were there any slavers with the pioneers?" Eva replied, "None. They did have a Muskogean Indian guide with them but that is all. No slaves were with them. They were talking about heading passed the Mississippi River to the Spanish Mexican  Territories of some vast plains in the west. I did not get any further knowledge than that. They are friendly and have brought their families." Connor said to her, "Let us meet them since they are coming our way and welcome them to Kentucky. I am friends with the Cherokee chief. He will welcome them to pass to the Mississippi River with their families."
    So they went down the hunting trails of the woods and then they saw some wagons and people appear through the trees and bushes down the trail. Each man was armed with a musket and a variety of other weapons. The three Assassins just strolled down before the pioneers. The man in front stopped the company and said, "Look! Two Injuns and a black man are ahead of us. Get the Muskogee man. Have him tell us if they are friendly." Connor walked up towards the group and said, "My brothers of spirit, do not be frightened. I am Ratonhnhaké: ton, or Connor Kenway, and these are my friends, Israel and Eva. We are Assassins and we will not harm you because you are wandering colonists. Where is it you are trying to go?"
   The first frontiersman answered," The Mexican Plains, passed the Mississippi. The French traders looted us out in the Ohio River Valley and now we gotta head out to Oklahoma of the Wichita Injuns. That is, if you reckon we folk are gonna be safe traveling this hear trail." Israel chuckled at the sound of the man's accent. Connor replied, "You are heading into Cherokee ground. I come from the Mohawk people, myself, but I am close friends with the Cherokee. It is wise of you to bring a Muskogean guide with you through these mountains, because the Muskogee and Cherokee have an alliance. It would've been different had you brought a Shawnee guide. Go on down this trail and head straight west. Then you will meet up with the Cherokee nation."
   The frontiersman shook Connor's hand and replied, "Thank you, kind sir. I reckon you know these parts. But be careful. There is an evil Ghost heading to the Kentucky mountains. He's burying some sorta pirate treasure." The three Assassins looked at each other with wide eyes. "Thank you, too. May you do well on your journey," replied Connor. Then the groups parted.
   The Assassins ran fast through the trails and climbed up the stone cliffs of mountains. Connor saw an eagle perched high on a branch. He climbed over to the branch and the eagle hopped onto his arm. Then, Connor looked around to use that branch as a viewpoint. He then, looked down at the nest in front of him, and saw some feathers. They were beautiful. He thought of Eva and knew she would love to put some feathers in her hair. So Connor collected the best ones. Then, he jumped off of the branch and performed a leap of faith. While, falling, he hated it because it was so high. But there was a river at the bottom of the cliff and Connor dived in straight. He made a huge splash. Then, soaked, he came out of the river.  Israel shook his head as he came to him and said, "You know, brother, you ought not do such things like that for no reason. You are all wet now." Connor said, "Save the scolding, Israel. I have a reason." Connor pulled out the beautiful feathers from his pocket. Unimpressed, Israel said, "What is this to me? Risking your life for feathers? Tell me why." Connor answered, "It is for Eva to put in her hair. It is a very intimate action when a Mohawk warrior gives another person a feather." Israel had a smile on his face.
   Israel began to laugh. "Hahaha! I see what this is! You, sir, are a smooth player." Connor smiled and said, "Not yet. I have to give this to her when night comes and the stars are bright." Israel's smile widened even more. "So," began Israel, still smiling, "You are going to show her that you love her in the frontier with feather?" Connor looked around and said, "Not only feathers, Israel, but also flowers." Israel said, "Flowers? Where are you going to get them from? There are no cities or towns to buy flowers at. You need money, and a town with a store, and you still need to feel the love." Connor looked around again to see if Eva was around. She was still climbing through the trees.
   "Listen," said Connor to Israel, "I need time. Not just a little time, but at least a few hours time to think of how I am going to do this." Israel asked in curiosity, "Is there some Indian custom that your people practice when love comes around? Does your tribe even acknowledge love? In other words, brother, does love even matter to your people?" Connor replied, "Well, we hold marriages with feasts, and we hold family unities with prearranged marriages." Israel said, "But romance! Brother, do your people recognize actual romantic love? As when two people meet eye to eye and feel this burst of attraction in their hearts. True romantic love!" Connor looked at the ground and replied, "No." Israel said, "Well then, I am out of ideas. You are in a pit of trouble, my friend. Trouble. But you two are together already, aren't you? Just kiss her now and be done with it! She obviously loves you back." Connor said, "No, it's not that simple. I do these things with thought and care. She needs this." Israel shook his head.
   Eva came to them and said, "What's the waiting for? Come on, we have the treasure to find." She walked passed Israel and Connor. Israel took his hunting rifle and began loading it. "Well, brother," said Israel now walking, "You think about this, and use some Assassin technique. You know, influence." Connor looked at the feathers in his hand and shook his head. Then he went along.

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