Chapter 34: Tribal Liberation

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Hey everybody! Today I thought to myself that not everybody is good at making decisions and Connor certainly has to make quite a lot of decisions. So let us see what happens when you test your own self as an Assassin. Enjoy guys.

1781- "Remind me again, Connor, why Israel and I are going to Virginia with you. Is this even a mission?" complained Eva as her and the other two Assassins rode on horseback down a colonial rode. "We are actually already in the bounds of Virginia, Eva. And to answer your question, no. This is not my main mission. This is a side mission that can save the native population and the colonists. We are seeking a Templar by the name of James Pike. He is taking land from the Cherokee people and setting up slave plantations. We must stop him from doing anymore of this." Eva rolled her eyes.
Then Israel saw a camp with British troops in it. "Look! There they are," he said. Connor looked over the way on the right and saw a camp down by a river bank and he saw some Native Americans there with redcoats. The three Assassins got off of their horses and tied them to a tree. Then they went into the bushes to sneak into the British camp. There were two Cherokee warriors talking to five British officers. The Assassins listened.
"You do not understand the current situation, Eagle Talon. We are asking that we merely use your land as a front against the rebellious colonists who are your neighbors. We do not wish to argue further, or more forceful action will have to be taken. You do not want that, I'm sure." The warrior whom Connor assumed to be named Eagle Talon, responded, "We have no tension between our tribe and the colonists. The white settlers move around our hunting grounds and trade with us. Why would we give up such a mutual relationship with them for their enemies, who do come into our lands? Many apologies, General Pike, but the Cherokee Tribe says no. Go back across the salt water and tell the pale chief of England that we will not accept your slandering terms." Connor, who watched this from the bushes smirked at hearing this. The British officer, who Connor assumed to be General Pike, became angered by Eagle Talon's refusal to give up the land and drew out his sword and said, "Then by all means, if you will not comply to the British Crown, then you will be put down out of our way." The two Cherokee warriors back up a bit and drew out their tomahawks. Then, the Assassins moved out of the bushes and ran into the camp.
Israel, drew out a throwing knife and threw it at a soldier which stabbed him in the neck. Then, the African Assassin pulled out his rifle and shot two more soldiers. Eva, drew out her hidden blades, and went up to the nearest soldier, who thought he had an advantage over her, because she was a woman. So the soldier shot his musket at her, which missed, and then she stabbed the soldier in the chest. Eva turned around, and dodged a blow from a sword, and used her tomahawk to chop down on her enemy.
Meanwhile, Connor saw General Pike, who ran away from the scene. But Connor ran after him in pursuit. "Get over here!"shouted the Assassin as he chased after Pike. "You'll have to run faster than that, boy, if you wish to succeed," replied Pike, now turning and aiming his pistol at Connor. The Assassin leaped to the side, hoping to dodge the shot, and was successful. Connor pulled out his two pistols and fired back at the British officer. So now this was a gun fight. The officer hid behind a tree, and returned shots at the Assassin, who hid behind another tree.
Meanwhile, the two Cherokee warriors fought the British officers at the camp and Israel and Eva joined them. Once all the soldiers were dead, they looked around for Pike and Connor. They heard the gun shots and the group followed the sounds. They finally watched what was going on.
Connor climbed up the tree he was hiding behind, and Pike could not find the Assassin. Connor was jumping across one limb to another and was finally over above the Templar. He jumped down and landed upon the Templar. Then, in that instant, the Templar tried to shot Connor, but the Assassin knocked the pistol out of his hand and drew his hidden blade. With one strike, Connor plunged the hidden blade in his chest, and quickly pulled it back out. Then, Connor knelt down over Pike.
Connor said in a deep voice, "General Pike. Your monopoly of business has come to an end. You are a Templar, it seems and you have been trying to take the lands of the Cherokee for quite some time now. Tell me, who gave you these orders to command smugglers to steal Patriot cargo in New England? Who commanded you to set up plantations for slaves to be brought over across the Atlantic from Africa to here?" Pike coughed up blood, and said, "You came at a wrong time, Assassin. I was about to receive a fortune of gold and silver from a convoy coming on the main road. You don't understand anything. The Indians were resisting us, and therefore, I had to stop it. But now, that is over. To answer your question, it was the command of the "Old Sea Captain" that wanted me to do so to find his treasures. The ghostly pirate wrote me a letter which said that I would be richly rewarded by today for my efforts. You've deprived me of my gold, Assassin! The gold was mine!"
Connor yelled back, "Should that mean anything to me? You would kill and sacrifice other, innocent people's lives for just some few pieces of expendable metal? How did you live with yourself? You took liberty away from the Cherokee and the slaves, and asked for commission. The gold will come. This I can assure. But it will not go into your hands, general. But into the Brotherhood's. Rest in peace." Then, Connor watched as the General died and bled out.
Later, a British convoy came towards that area where the camp was located, and the Assassins ambushed it and raided the wagons, and killed the soldiers. The wagons were full of chests of gold and resources. Military supplies and arms were also in it. Out of the resources that were acquired, they received, Beaver pelts, venison meat, lumber, corn, barley, and wheat. Some flint was there along with chicken meat, pork, tea, coffee, chocolate, bread, carrots, eggs, and salt and pepper stocks. They loaded there loot onto their horses and rode back to Boston, where they went to there base. After a few organization skills, they headed to the Davenport Homestead.

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