Chapter 23: Light of my Struggles

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What you guys think of the last story? You know, I really like mixing the pirate life with Connor. It does work for him in my opinion. But, alas, I must get to the point. People have asked me to include Eva in more of the story now and so I thought about it and as usual, I always listen to the request of the audience. Any good author would.👍🏽 They asked if I could include some romantic elements in there, if you know what I mean.....🏹🕯💞💘 Anyway, enjoy the story y'all. Peace. ✌🏽️

    1781- The Aquila was sailing smoothly through the Atlantic Ocean. Some of the men were repairing parts of the ship a little. Yet, despite the regular work of the crew, Connor was below decks tending to his wounds. He had a gash on his arm from shrapnel and the sword of Hampton. His chest was sliced a bit too, along with his shins. Connor was wrapping white cloth around his wounds to help himself. But as he was doing that someone knocked on the side of the wall. He jerked his head with alert to the direction. Who could dare bother him in a state like this? But then he saw that it was his girlfriend, Eva. She was leaning a little against the side of a support column. "Oh, hello Eva," said Connor trying not to look pathetic and smile. Eva looked at him with a dreamy smile. He continued wrapping himself up. She came to him gently. "Need help?" she asked with a calm voice. Connor didn't say no. He nodded. So Eva sat him in a chair and she pulled one up too.
    She moved her sword to the side so it wouldn't break while she sat down. She said, "Let's remove some of your weapons so you can relax." Connor took off his bow and arrows, set aside his pistols, set down his sword, tomahawk, knife, rope darts, and smoke bombs. Eva helped him remove his hidden blades, gloves, and robes. He also took off his moccasins. The only thing he kept on were his buckskin pants, and Assassin sash. Eva set the blades aside neatly. Connor let go of being tense and felt the pain of his wounds. Eva brought a bowl of cool water and a wash cloth. She rubbed his wounds causing him to cringe from the pain. "Shhhhhh....," she assured him, "you've had a rough day, Ratonhnhaké: ton. Shhhh. Listen to my voice. Calm down. You are like a wolf on your own. Wounded by a hard life of hate and struggle. Let me free you from your trouble." She looked into his dark concentrated eyes. "Tell me what you want to say, Ratonhnhaké: ton. What is it? You can tell me anything." Connor's blood was rushing. She could feel his heart beat pump harder. But he wasn't angry, he was happier. But he softly and gently looked into her beautiful eyes and said, "You are the light of my struggles, Eva. You heal me when I am torn. Literally. You calm me when I am enraged. You help me think when I have a headache, and you sing me to sleep in my dreams. I dream about you night and day no matter where I'm at. Even when you are in the room and I look at you, it feels like a dream. Have you ever seem yourself with clouds surrounding you, cause I have, and you look more beautiful everyday. You can only get prettier in my sight. You may not think yourself pretty at times, but if you could see what I see, then you would bow to yourself as if you were a goddess"
    When he finished saying that, Eva blushed so much, that the natural red pigmentation of her skin seemed to glow. She was giggling so much. Her smile seemed to brighten everything. She giggled, "Come here, you pirate." She grabbed him closer and they kissed. It was a good end of a naval victory.
    Israel came down to check on Connor, but when he saw what was going on he turned back around immediately with his eyes wide. Then, the two stopped. Connor said, "You know what?" "What?" replied Eva. Connor remembered the Templar ring he had in his pocket. "Take this," he said, showing it to her. He pulled the Red Cross off of it and the only thing left was the gold ring. She smiled and put it on. "Thank you, Connor," she said, kissing him again. From there, it was a good end of the day.

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