Chapter 18: Dark Secrtes

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So I admit it. I was late. 😁 Sorry. But I was working with school so yeah. Anyway, I'm excited to find out what happens next in the story. 👍🏽 So enjoy guys. Let's do this!

   1781- The night was dark at the docks of Boston. Connor was alone watching the waters of the Harbor move along when he heard someone coming from behind. "Connor," said the voice of Israel, who had now come with his newly stitched hood. "Doctor Franklin wants a word with you, my friend." Connor sighed, then went along with Israel to Franklin's workshop.
The lamp was on above his workshop door. Israel opened the door and they both entered in. Eva was there and she was sitting at a table looking at maps. Franklin came in from another room and said, "Oh, good. Master Kenway. You have finally arrived. While you were gone, I took the liberty of doing some more research on our targets. You will be happy to know that our contacts in Canada have gone past the French Frontier boarder. They came into contact with an Algonquin tribe known as the Cree Indians. The actually have revealed to our contacts that men bearing the Red Cross have gone through their territory before. But anymore North and our contacts would have entered the Arctic and met with the Inuit Eskimos." Connor looked shocked.
"The Inuits?" he shouted. "Why did they go as far as the Eskimos? Do they not understand the danger that the elements and the Eskimos surround them in?" Benjamin continued, "Also, Connor. The Cree have told them that they have seen a dark and cloaked spirit. They deny that it was the Wendigo, or Bigfoot. It could be the Ghost of the Old Sea Captain. The Cree Indians have seen it and if it was headed north then I'm sure that the Inuits have as well."
Connor began to pace around. This was too much. Their targets were in the Arctic? Connor kept pacing. Eva said, "Connor. It's not that bad. The Inuits aren't that dangerous. They share a common culture as we do." Connor, frustrated said, "You have not been to the great Ice Cap! You do not know how dangerous it is for me to sail there and back. And the Cree aren't exactly friendly to the Iroquois or Ojibwa, either. This is madness." Franklin said, "But all of you are Indians. You can speak to them, plus you share a common culture." Connor argued, "The Inuits are not like the rest of us American Indians. They are more Asian cultured than we are. They will not like us. The Cree and them fight all the time."
Israel said, "Connor the mission to find the Ghost is more important, brother. You should consider that." Connor stopped pacing and asked, "We will leave tomorrow morning. Tell Mr. Faulkner. And prepare the Aquila." Then Eva smiled and hugged Connor. "Thank you, Ratonhnhake:ton." Connor embraced her lovingly.
The next day they set sail. By the middle of the day they had passed the island of Nova Scotia. Some mountains were seen on the coast. Some smoke rose from the sides of them. "The Cree," Connor thought,"they are watching us pass by. They have set up camps." The Cree Indian Tribe were a fierce tribe that fought against the Iroquois for centuries before, and they were no friends of the Inuit Eskimos from the Arctic above them in the North. Connor was never a friend of them. But the Eskimo were fierce as well, and they were used to cold temperatures. The only reason that Connor had agreed to going on this mission was to talk to the Inuits about what they know of the Ghost of the Sea.
     They were off the coasts of northern Labrador and Newfoundland. The mountains were covered in ice and snow. The water was dark and black. The crew of the Aquila had put on coats and extra pants on. Lanterns were lit and Connor pulled his hood over his head. Israel shivered in the cold. "Israel," called Connor, "why don't you go below and put some spare robes on. You may need them when we land." Israel nodded and replied, "Aye, Connor. I shall gladly do so." Then he went down below deck. Eva went to Connor and said, "How much longer, Connor?" Connor looked at the mountains and then at the blue sky. "Just around the corner, Eva," he replied.
   Once they found a good place to anchor the ship, Connor, Eva, Israel, and some crew members, came down off the Aquila and onto land in a couple longboats. They pulled up onshore and got out. Israel tapped on the snowy shore with his foot a few times and said, "Good. The ground is solid. We should be able to proceed." Connor fixed his bow and arrows on his back and then they moved inland. Trees began to come as they went up the snowy mountainside. They had to climb up rocky slopes and edges and watch for slippery areas.
     As they were climbing, Connor cut his hands on the icy rocks. He ignored the pain and continued to climb. At the top of the mountain, Connor looked at the viewpoint. The place was beautiful. But then, someone said, "Look! Ambush!" Everybody took out their weapons and and from out of the trees and bushes, people that looked like American Indians came out. But as Connor looked closer they were actually Inuits warriors. One, who could speak the English language, spoke up and said in a deep voice of authority, "Go, and leave this place. We do not want invasion of our lands from the White Man. Go back to your ships, you pirates, and take whatever curses you've brought with you." Connor responded to the Inuit, "My name is Ratonhnhake:ton. I am a Mohawk Indian from the Iroquois Nation. I have come in peace to the people from the Inuit tribes. I just wish to ask you for help." The Inuit warrior's facial expression did not change. "Of what business do you come from?" he asked Connor. The Assassin replied, "I come from the Order of the Assassin Brotherhood." The warriors looked at each other and the first warrior said, "Come with me, young Mohawk. I will take you to the Chief."
   The Inuits led the company through the woods of snow and ice and then, igloos and ice houses came in view. They went into the biggest house and a man, with long dark hair and feathers, and many colorful fur robes on his body, sat in a wooden throne. In his hand he held a spear. "Great Chief. I bring you visitors from the Colonial south, and a young Mohawk Indian. He says that they seek help for the Assassin Order." The chief sat up and looked at Connor intensely. "Young Mohawk, what is your birth name?" Connor replied, "My name is Ratonhnhake: ton. I am in need of your help, mighty chief." The Chief listened. Connor continued, "Our contacts have come here recently. They told us that the Inuits and the Cree Indians have spotted the Men of the Red Cross and a dark evil Ghost of the Sea. They say that you fear this spirit. I am here to kill the Men of the Red Cross, known as Templars, and the evil spirit. He is known as the Old Sea Captain, where I come from. He is a pirate ghost and a murderer. His intentions are to find his lost treasure and to kill anyone looking to take it. Have heard of any of this before?"
   The Chief nodded. "Ratonhnhake:ton. You speak the truth. We have come into contact with the Templars. We did not want them. We attacked them and sent them in Cree Territory. But the Cree chased them back here. So we sent them to the sea. They left a trail of where they had been while they were here. As for the ghost, the Cree brought him here to. We thought it was the Cree's spirit of the Wendigo, but it wasn't. This spirit is dark, and has already killed some of our warriors at night. We once tried to kill it by fire, but it seemed to welcome the fire. Then we tried to send it to the sea, but it was immune to the sea and welcomed it as well. So now we are in fear of its power and pray that the Great Spirit of Good will banish it from us." Israel spoke, "Do you have need of us as well to help you?" The nodded, "Yes. We would be honored if you could kill the spirit and the Templars. The Cree give us enough trouble as it is." Connor said, "Then we will make camp here and stay for the night. If the ghost come here then we will kill it."
   So the company made a camp on the shore, and in the woods by the village. If the ghost was to be spotted, then they would be prepared.

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