Chapter 27: Murder of the Shadows

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Aaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyeeee!!!!!!! What up y'all! I'm really liking this part of the story. It seems so mysterious to me. I don't know about y'all, but I'm wanting to solve these mysteries for myself. Is the murderer a Templar? Or is it an Assassin? Perhaps it was Benjamin Franklin or one of the associates of the Brotherhood. Who knows? Let's find out more.

    1781- The two Assassins went up to Dr. Franklin's workshop and went in. Franklin was talking to Israel, who had returned from his mission as well. Israel said to Connor, "I have found something, brother. I believe it is something of value." He handed Connor another Templar Key. Connor was intrigued. He put it in his pocket. Then Connor pulled out the stocking book from his robe and handed it to Franklin. "That was what Carter was working on when he was murdered. It holds secret locations of money stocks and treasure chests around the area. We found another Templar Key on his working desk which indicated that he was killed by a Templar. He tried to fight back using two Scottish designed flintlock pistols. We believe that he was able to shoot the murderer only once somewhere on his body, enough to cause the murderer to stumble. The murderer killed Carter using a hidden blade. We detected that from a puncture stabbing from the back of his chair. It could fit the size of a hidden blade perfectly. Carter would have died due to overly bleeding."
   Franklin looked intensively through the pages of the book. "Well done, Connor. If I had a job open for you, I'd defiantly have you hired." Connor smirked. Eva said, "So, do we know what we need to next?" "Yes," replied Franklin, "You are to go search out and find the killer. What you do with him, I don't know, but you should bring him justice." Israel nodded, "Right. We kill him, and cleanse the Colonies from his corruption." Connor said, "We should check the underground tunnels and see if he went down there." Franklin exclaimed, "Excellent idea, Master Kenway! The tunnels lead to all sorts of places to escape. But if I were a Templar, I would secretly go to my nearest base. The nearest Templar base would be located in the wilderness of New England. You can take the passage of the tunnels to there. Also, the tunnels hold other interesting clues too. If you find anything of interest, be sure to collect it." Connor nodded and headed out with Eva and Israel.
   Darkness came outside and dark clouds had blocked out the stars. But the moon seemed to be the only light to shine through with a bluish light. The three Assassins went out through the city in search for the tunnels. Then, they came to one of the latched doors. The chain was broken. They opened it up and the three of them went in. It was dark in there, and they had no light. Connor had a match and lit it. A lantern rested on top of a barrel and it had some oil in it. Connor lit the lantern and they could finally see. Israel said, "What man would come down here?" Eva answered, "Someone who wants to be secretive about his location." Israel nodded. They began to walk and look around. Connor remembered when he and Eva went down here in search for the Ghost to the Northwest Passage of Boston. As they walked quietly, some rats ran passed them. Eva hated the rats the most. Israel was not used to this sort of mission either. It was too dark and you couldn't see what would appear in front of you too well. But they kept on going regardless.
    A skeleton was seen laying on the side of the way. It had a sack in its hand. Connor opened up the bony hand and took the little bag. Coins jingled inside of it. Connor took them and put it in his pocket. Then they proceeded. They were looking for the exit to the wilderness. It wasn't too much farther away.
   But then, Israel stopped them and told them to be still. He said, "Quiet! Listen. I heard something." Voices were heard. Eva heard them too. They were not alone. The three took out their swords. They heard laughter. And very fast footsteps. In fact, these footsteps were so fast, it was terrifying. The three didn't advance anymore, because the sounds were coming there way. It was clearly coming from the darkness up ahead. Then, they could see what was coming at them. A very spontaneous, lengthy figure, which was rapidly running right for them. Israel tensed. He pulled out his pistol and aimed. It looked like the figure of a man in ragged clothes and he carried in his right hand a sword. He seemed to be insane with his running. He was also breathing fast and loud, and giggling all the while. He was a lunatic. Then as he was close enough he screamed at the top of his lungs and raised his sword for the kill. He was trying to strike Connor. But then, before the insane man could bring down his sword, Israel shot him in the side, and the three plunged their swords into the torso of the man, skewing his insides. The man's face had cut scars along the corners of his mouth making a bloody smile. He was bleeding out. They pulled their swords out of him. He fell on his back on the floor. He was dead. Israel watched as blood dropped off of his sword. "Devil curse me, he exclaimed, "this man was possessed by demons." Connor stared. Then they quickly went away from the site.
    Once they were at the end and saw the exit, they went to the door. There was something on the floor though in front of the door. It looked like a card. Connor picked it up into the light. It said, "The Lost Colony". Israel and Eva saw it. It also bared the Templar's Cross in black ink on the bottom of it. Connor put the card in his pocket. Then he went over to the door. It was locked. Connor took out his lock pick and began to pick at the lock. The lock pick broke the lock. Connor said as he opened the door, "Our next destination will be the Lost Colony of Roanoke Island." Then they went out of the tunnels. They knew the murderer was headed to Roanoke.

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