Chapter 22: The Pirate Battle

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Hello everyone out there in the Wattpad world who is reading my story. Thanks for reading up to this far. You guys are awesome. I'm excited about this next chapter because they are actually going to my home state and that is always exciting. So yeah, I love you guys and enjoy this next chapter.

    1781- The young Native American Assassin was on board the Aquila sailing down the American coast. It was three in the morning and Israel came over to him with the map of the eastern seaboard that they were sailing to. "Here, Connor. Are you sure that this is safe? You have been branded a pirate by England and Spain for a long time now because of you helping the American patriots. It is tough on these waters, brother. Pirates and Royal navies clashing together to make a huge soup of death right here."
Connor laughed a little as he continued to sail, " Israel, if there are pirates other than us then I'll be sure to let you know." Then, the sailor in the main mast's crow's nest shouted, "Ships ahead! British war vessels set for us!" The men on crew became alert. Connor too became very alert. "Get to stations! Prepare the guns on both sides! Full sail on the canvas for more speed!" shouted Connor. He saw the British ships.
The vessels were coming right for them. Connor steered through the waters and ordered that the Assassin flag be flown at the top of the main mast. The British ships continued to sail to them. Faulkner look through a telescope and saw that the enemy was preparing to fight. "They're preparing to fight, Cap'n, " said Faulkner over his shoulder to Connor who started to load his of the British vessels flew a Templar flag. Connor was especially ready to fight. Israel and Eva ran up to Connor and prepared their weapons. But then, time was up and the ships were too close now.
     "Fire!!!!!!," shouted Connor. Then the Aquila fire her cannons on both sides. They were surrounded by the ships. One of the ships on the left was a little war vessel and exploded and sunk by the fire of the cannons. Connor steered the Aquila to get closer to the enemy ship. "Fire!!!!!!", commanded the Assassin. But as soon as the cannons fired, the enemy shot their cannons at them. "Brace!" Connor ordered. The crew ducked down and prepared for fire. Cannons dug into the side of the Aquila and some lives were lost. Connor looked around to see who was killed. He didn't see anyone by him that was dead. But one man was shot off the side of the ship. Connor made a sharp turn right and crashed the side of the ship into the British Templar vessel. The sides were rubbing against each other. Then the Assassin ordered them to fire on the vessel. The sides and deck immediately were beginning to break up and crack on the British ship and flames began to smoke. One of the enemy crew members was shooting out of a swivel gun at Connor. As the cannon came, Connor dodged just in time. The cannon ripped right into the deck as Connor summersaulted away from it. The wheel was not hit, but the deck had been torn into a bit. Connor ran to his swivel gun and fired back at the enemy crew member. He was killed instantly.
   Then it seemed as if the British war vessel were treading water, which meant that they could be boarded. Faulkner ordered, "Prepare to board her, men. Show no mercy!" So the men readied their weapons. Connor took out his tomahawk. He climbed up to the top of the mast jumped off over the side, grabbing a loose rope, and falling straight on top off a British sailor. He chopped the sailor once with his tomahawk and got up. Then, once the enemy crew saw him, one shouted, "Assassin!" Another shouted,"Pirates," and still another shouted, "Indian!" Then the crews fought. Connor took out his left pistol and shot two men down. Then he shot another two men from a longer distance. Connor, not knowing, got hit from behind with rifle stock. But he turned around, still conscious and stabbed the sailor with his hidden blade.
   Then, Connor looked and saw a man looking at him. A cutlass sword was held in his right hand and a flintlock pistol was held in his left. Connor saw a Templar ring on his hand and a Templar necklace on his neck. Connor ignited his left hidden blade and squeezed the handle on his tomahawk. The Templar was dressed in nice sea clothes and a wicked smile was on his face. "And who might you be.....Assassin," asked the Templar in a cruel daring tone. Connor grimaced. "One who will have your reckoning," snarled the young Mohawk Indian. "Reckoning.....," said the Templar,"reckoning, indeed. You are that native pirate Assassin. What was it, again. Connor Kenway? Yes. The revolutionary. My associates tell me much about you." Connor retorted, "And you are the Templar known as Hampton! You will succumb to me, or die! The choice is yours." "So brave of you to face me in this way, and yet, so foolish. It is you, sir, who will fall under me." Then Hampton flourished his sword. Connor saw the sword. He put away his tomahawk and ignited his own Mayan sword. The Templar's smile widened. He began to laugh. Then they advanced on each other.
    Connor came in with his sword and clashed it against Hampton's. Hampton lifted his pistol to shoot Connor in the face but, the Assassin used his left hidden blade to push it away causing it to fire elsewhere. Hampton kicked Connor in the gut and then sliced Connor across the arm with his sword. The pain was terrible to the Assassin, but he returned a blow to the Templar with a slice across the face with the hidden blade and a slice to the side with the Mayan sword. The Templar shouted in pain. Blood was spilled now. Hampton punched Connor in the mouth causing him to now bleed. Connor rubbed his mouth a bit, but the Hampton pushed Connor down on the deck again. "Any last words?" asked Hampton pointing his sword at Connor. "Sit down!" Connor yelled back, tripping Hampton off his feet, causing him to fall.
   Still on the deck, Connor got on top of Hampton and began to punch him in the face. Hampton began to bleed. But with a rush of anger and willpower, Hampton pushed Connor off. The Assassin stood up and backed up a bit. Hampton aimed his pistol at the Assassin. "Fancy these odds," he said. Then he shot at Connor. But the Mohawk had the ring from Captain Kidd's treasure which could keep bullets from hitting him with magnetism. The bullet deflected from Connor. Then, Hampton had a panicked expression on his face. Connor attacked him with his sword. They clashed again and again. Connor was pushing Hampton back. Finally, Connor twisted Hampton's sword out of his hand, kicked him in the knee which caused him to fall, and with his sword, he stabbed Hampton in his side. Hampton made a gutting noise from his mouth and put his hand to his wound as he fell back on the deck. He began to cough up blood.
   Connor moved over Hampton, who was dying, and said, "It is over for you, Hampton. Let your final words redeem you of you crimes and answer me this, where is the Ghost? Why does he want to go to the village Apopka? What does he plan to do?" Hampton smiled a bloody smile and coughed up, "You.....have no much I want to kill you, Kenway. H-how....shall I........redeem my you? My associate, the Ghost is.....heading to search of more......treasure. He.....plans the Templars....the right to.....govern his American territories....even if that means.......over the Indians" Connor said, "The reason to attack my ship was wrong of you, and it could have been avoided. You sought to plunder me as well? That would only get you into more trouble as a pirate."
   Hampton coughed up more blood as he heard what the Assassin said. "We are....all pirates here, Kenway. Not one of us.....has ever....truly.....done a mission out on sea....and not sought for.....the profit. Curse you, Kenway......I hope to see hell," he finished. He breathed his last. Connor took his hidden blade and stabbed the Templar in the neck. Blood gushed out of him quickly. Then in his native language, Connor said, "Even the rulers of hell will not receive a profit in the long run. You will see that." Then Connor bent down and looted Hampton's corpse. He obtained £10 pounds, a Templar ring and necklace, bullets for his pistol, along with gunpowder, some  documents, a Native American Indian charm that Connor thought looked like Cherokee, and some food stuffs. Once that was done, he ordered that the men pirate the ship and sink her afterwards. It was done. They continued their coarse to La Florida which wasn't too far off from where that battle had taken place.

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