Chapter 47: Forest Friend

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Hey everybody!!!!! What's good? Quick question. Do any of you guys ever get a feeling that you aren't alone even when you are sure that you are? Because that happened to me today for no reason in particular. I am not a paranoid person and that feeling just came to me. It was creepy tbh. Creepy enough to make me want to write another chapter. Hahahaha!!!!!!!! But seriously, if any of y'all have felt that way before than I feel ya.

    1781- A deer was in sight of Connor's vision. He drew his arrow from his quiver and pulled it against his bowstring while aiming at the deer. The deer was in perfect range. Connor took a few breaths before any release of his arrow and then, he heard a noise from behind him. He was sure that he was hunting alone in the frontier. But he was not alone anymore. He quickly turned around with his bow aimed at the direction behind him and then a voice came from the bushes. "Connor Kenway," the voice said. Looking around, Connor said, "Show yourself, and I may let you live." From out of the bushed came forth a man. That man was Connor's contact, Watson.
    "Master Watson," said Connor lowering his bow and arrow, "It is good to see you out and about." Watson was wearing a brown leather cloak and buckskin leggings, and he was armed with a hunting rifle, two pistols, two hidden blades and a sword. "And you, my friend," said the frontiersman in reply, "It is good to see that you are still alive and well. I've heard that you have been many places since the last time we met. I've also been interested to find out that the Ghost Secrets are being discovered by you. Well done." Connor and Watson walked to a clearing where Watson had set up a fire. Over the fire was a pot hanging from a post. Something was steaming inside of it. The two men sat down and Watson offered Connor some ale. Connor smiled and accepted it.
   "Are you hungry, Connor?" asked Watson gesturing to the steaming pot, "I saw you hunting." Connor drank from the bottle of ale and then said, "A little, yes. I could eat." Watson smiled and said, "I have already hunted two deer and cooked their meet. I also have with me some smoked jerky, if you would like with some corn meal." Connor was hungry and he accepted the offer of the frontiersman and ate with him. Connor took a piece of the jerky and bit into it. "Is this jerky from pork?" asked Connor as he savored the meat. "Yes," replied Watson with a smile, "I got that from a pig not too long ago. The Coastal Indians taught me how to cook meat and smoke it over a fire in times of hunting and they also taught me how to make stews." Connor smiled back and nodded.
    Watson then said, "So tell me, Master Kenway. How has your quest gone so far for you?" Connor was eating some of the corn meal as he said, "It has been educational, sir, if that makes sense. I have found more clues of the Ghost's whereabouts and I am practically on his front door now. I have been tracking him as you have and have found that he is in the New England area." Watson, still smiling ate some of his jerky and said, "I heard that you have become a pirate now as well, Connor. Is that true?" Connor thought for a moment, remembering his grandfather, and then answered, "Yes. That is, I am a privateer for the American naval fleet. I have a ship and crew that I captain when I go on missions and travel down the trade routes to sell cargo."
      A breeze gently picked up and moved through the grass and trees. Watson looked at Connor's Assassin outfit and said, "That is quite the outfit you have on yourself, my friend." Connor continued eating and and nodded. Watson continued, "What is the reason you have your Assassin robes like that?" Connor looked at his clothes that he was wearing and said, "Well my shoes are moccasins that I've been wearing since I lived back in my village in the Mohawk Valley with my people. Along with my buckskin leggings. I have leather fringe hanging from it because that holds me close to my culture and because it helps get the rain water off of me easier. The pants that I am wearing underneath my leggings are from military surplus, and the red sash shows that I am part of the Assassin Brotherhood. I was given my robes from my mentor, Achilles Davenport and I decorated some parts of it with my cultural style, like these feathers on my right arm and the two arm bands. I have kept my native weapons and took some other weapons along my years of training. So that is why." Watson nodded. "Hmmm. Seems to me that you really appreciate your culture," he said to Connor, who was now eating at some stew and nodding in agreement.
The the breeze picked up and moved the grass as the two men talked. The sun seemed to heat up as well. Watson finally took at moment and then said, "Connor, I have something to show you." Connor looked up from finishing his stew and paid attention. Watson pulled out of his coat pocket a piece of paper and held it over to Connor to take. Connor set down the bowl, that he was holding, aside and received the paper from the frontiersman. "What is this, Watson?" Connor asked, "Is it the route of the fur trade?" Watson shook his head. Then Connor opened up the folds of the paper and saw it's contents. It was a map. It was not just any ordinary map, however. It was the location to where the Ghost was hiding. It lead to the marshes of South Carolina. A pirate base used to be there. Connor looked up with joy to Watson and said, "My friend, where did you acquire this map?" Watson said, "I took it off of one of your Templar enemies. A man named Edwards. He wasn't too much trouble to deal with. I took a dagger to his chest and he was good there." Connor replied, "Oh. I am sorry to here that." Watson shrugged. Then he said, "Well, my friend, it seems that you have work to do. I have given you the location of the Ghost and so now you will be able to confront him. This is what you've been looking for, Connor. Make your efforts count."
Then Connor stood up and shook Watson's hand in thanks. The Assassin had put the map in his pocket and then walked on his way from the frontiersman. The breeze moved through the grass as Connor walked through it on his own. An eagle was in view and it seemed to be heading in the direction that Connor needed to go. So Connor picked up his pace and tugged on his hood to block out the light in his eyes.

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