thirty-nine: a plan of attack

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thirty-nine: a plan of attack

"It's your mother who's behind all of this." Liam says after a moment, sitting down on the couch as Zayn looks at him wearily. Zayn doesn't even seemed surprised by what Liam says though, taking a deep breath as he looks at him. He doesn't say anything, continuing to stare at Liam as he patiently waits for him to continue.

"She took Easton the night before last, waited till Niall and Harry had gone to bed I'm guessing... She called me yesterday morning, saying that she had something very important to discuss with me. I told her to f uck off because last time I worked with her she tried to kill Harry." Liam says, earning a look from Zayn.

"What do you mean by last time?" Zayn asks, letting out a sigh as he pinches the bridge of his nose. He just wanted to find Louis, there wasn't much else to it yet Liam had to make it so goddamn complicated. 

"I may have had something to do with the whole... Seattle thing. It was my idea, I arranged all the paperwork for her. We sorta bonded over our hatred for you, in fact I sorta liked her until I found out she was behind Harry's accident. She took it too far and I told her I wanted out. I thought that was the end of it... but then she calls me and says she's got Easton. I didn't believe her at first but when I went to go see for myself, there were cops at Niall's place. That's all I needed to see to know she wasn't kidding. When I asked what she wanted, she just told me she wanted Louis. She didn't give me a reason as to why and I was honestly more worried about Easton than I was about why she wanted Louis. I only did what I was told to do, Zayn... I did it for my son, even if you don't believe me when I say that I did. Easton is the only good thing I have ever done in my life and I know that I don't show it. I keep myself away from him because I know I'm not good for him, Harry is a better father to him than I would've ever been. Nothing will make up for what I've done, to you, to Louis or to Niall... but the least I can do is keep Easton safe, alright? So are you going to help me or not?" Liam asks, looking at Zayn who takes a deep breath.

"Where's Louis?" 

"We have to find Easton." 

"And we will, but first you're going to tell me where Louis is. For all I know, you're lying to me and I need to make sure Louis is safe. You want to do what's best for Easton, well I need to do what's best for Louis. I'll help you, Liam. I'm not saying I won't, but I need you to take me to Louis." Zayn says, clearing his throat as he once again looks at Liam. 

"If we go after Louis first, she can leave with Easton. I can't risk that, Zayn." Liam argues, standing up from the couch as if that would help prove he wasn't going to budge on this. Zayn lets out another sigh, silently wishing that there was some other way to do this without Liam constantly nagging him. 

"Look, there i-" Zayn starts only to be interrupted by the sound of Harry's voice echoing through the house.

"Zayn? You here?" Harry calls out and Liam visibly pales as he looks towards the door in panic. It wasn't long before Harry came in and he looked like he hadn't slept in days. 

"Hey, Johannah called and asked me to sto- What in gods name is he doing here?" Harry's voice went from the usual quiet tone to one filled with nothing but hostility in a matter of seconds, his soft green eyes turning cold as he glares over at Liam. He looks as if he's about to go over there and hit Liam, but Zayn stops him before he gets the chance.

"He's here to help, Harry. He knows where Louis is... and where Easton is." Zayn says, giving his friend a sympathetic look because he knew exactly how Harry felt. Harry doesn't seem to believe him a tfirst, getting ready to shove past him just so he could take out all of his anger and aggression out on Liam who was pretty much cowering by the couch. 

"Who's to say he isn't lying, that's what he does. He lies." Harry says, his voice shaking with pent up anger as he glares over at Liam. 

"He wouldn't be here, he's not that stupid." Zayn tries to be reassuring but it didn't seem to help with Harry's anger. Liam seems to finally get over his fear, moving away from the couch with his hands held up in hopes of keeping the peace. 

"I'm here to help." Liam says quietly, a small smile on his face which was soon wiped away when Harry throws a punch. Liam lets out a grunt, his hand flying up to his face as Zayn keeps Harry's arms as bay.

"That's the third time I've been hit today... Are we quite finished with that?" Liam asks, clearing his throat after he speaks to look at Zayn. Zayn lets go of Harry, allowing the younger boy to step off to the side as he continues to glare at Liam. 

"It's the least you deserve, considering all the shit you've put everyone through." Harry finally says, earning a nod from Liam. 

"I never said I didn't deserve it... but I am on your side, Harry. I don't want her to harm Easton or Louis." 

"And what exactly is it you're suggesting we do? March right in there and demand she gives them back?" Harry asks, his voice dripping with sarcasm. The hostile look on his face seems to fade when Liam's lips twitch up into a smile. 

"You've got to be kidding." 



idk what's going on anymore.

sorry for taking a awhile again and for this shit of an excuse for a chapter. I don't have wifi at my apartment yet, I have to set it up and what not. I'm home for the weekend, so I'll try to update some while I'm here, but I have a concert tomorrow (5sos whoop whoop) and i work Saturday haha. we will see what happens.

Dedication goes to cupcake1Dlovaxx

QOTC: do you guys think Liam might have ulterior motives? 




Connie xx 

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