twenty-eight: no explanation

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twenty-eight: no explanation

"Louis, slow down." Zayn calls after his husband, trying his hardest to keep up but it was a lot easier said than done. Louis was practically sprinting into the hospital but Zayn wasn't able to do that as he practically drags the kids behind him. Nathan was digging his heels in, still upset over the fact he didn't get any ice cream while Ethan was practically falling asleep on his feet. Louis doesn't stop running though, not until he sees Niall. 

"What happened?" Louis manages to get out, panting a little as he tries to catch his breath. Niall looks up from his hands, his eyes read and cheeks tear stained. 

"Liam. Liam happened." Niall whispers, his voice cracking as he tries to speak. Louis sits down on the chair next to Niall, grabbing the other boy and pulling him into his side as Niall starts to sob yet again. Louis is afraid to ask how bad it was, but judging by Niall's state of mind it wasn't good. 

"What did he do?" Louis asks after another minute, his worry for Harry getting too much now as Niall continues to cry. Louis lets out a long sigh as he realizes that he's not going to get any answers from Niall. Louis stands up from his seat next to Niall before walking towards the reception desk, offering the nurse a soft smile even though on the inside he was screaming. He was beyond worried but from his experience with hospital staff, being kind worked better than screaming at them. 

"Excuse me... but can you give me any information on Harry Styles?" Louis asks, keeping his voice calm as the nurse looks up from her computer. She gives him a sympathetic smile which in turn just made Louis' nerves grow even worse. 

"I'm afraid I don't really have much information on Mr. Styles yet, he's still in surgery. You're just gonna have to wait with your friend over there." 

"Do you at least know what happened to him?" Louis asks, still staying calm but he's having a hard time hiding the fact that his hands are starting to shake. Zayn walks over at that point, taking Louis' hands into his as he looks at the nurse who's still giving him that sympathetic smile. 

"All I know is that he's in surgery, I'm sorry." She says and Louis lets out a sigh before nodding. 

"Thanks..." He whispers before walking back to Niall. Zayn follows behind him, biting down on his bottom lip as he tries to think about what to say. Louis sits down on the chair next to Niall, putting his head in his hands as his shoulders sag. Zayn starts to rub Louis' back, keeping a watchful eye on the kids who were playing in the kiddie area. Zayn lets out a sigh when his phone starts to ring, excusing himself for a moment as he looks down to see that it was Liam calling. 

"You have a lot of explaining to do." Zayn says, not even bothering to say hello which Liam didn't seem to care all that much about.

"About what?" Liam asks and Zayn rolls his eyes as he continues to walk down the hall. The last thing he needed was for Louis to find out Liam was on the other end, he was stressed enough. 

"What did you do to Harry, Liam?" 

"I didn't do anything to him, why does everyone always assume it's me?" Liam asks, earning a scoff from Zayn who risks a glance over to Louis who is once again trying to console Niall who seems to be a sobbing mess. 

"Niall said it was you, so what the hell did you do?" Zayn demands but Liam doesn't seem to really care as he lets out a laugh on the other end. Zayn's free hand clenches into a fist as he tries to stay calm, there was no use in yelling at Liam but that was exactly what Zayn wanted to do. 

"Well of course he said it was me, he blames all of his problems on me. But it really wasn't me this time, I can assure you that the last time I even saw good old Harry was when I told him to tell you I was looking for you. What's wrong with Harry?" 

"He's in the hospital." 

"Oh... Well I actually might know something about that." Liam says and Zayn throws his free hand up in the air after Liam speaks. He was getting sick of Liam's games, but he knew that Liam was always going to play them. 

"Imagine that, please do tell or are you going to make me work for it? Jesus Christ, Liam... I have done everything you asked, so tell me what the hell happened to Harry before I come and kick your ass." Zayn threatens, rolling his eyes when Liam makes a noise of disapproval. 

"All I know is that your mother isn't exactly who you think she is, alright? And let's just say that Harry found out what she was doing... and well... he learned his lesson the hard way. I'm only telling you this because honestly it's kinda sad how many times she's screwed you over, right under your very nose and I'm kinda sick of watching her get away with it. So if you want answers, talk to Mummy dearest. Looks like there's a new bad guy in play, Zayn." 



that's the shit right there.

dedication goes to Mayua_02

QOTC: don't really have one tonight... so I guess just comment what your favorite/least favorite thing about this chapter? 




Connie xx 

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