thirty: perfectly content

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thirty: perfectly content

The next month in the Malik household was relatively drama free. Harry went back home after only spending a few days in the hospital and he still had no recollection of who had hit him. Zayn was keeping the new found information on his mother on the down low, not wanting to act on it until he was absolutely certain that what Liam had been saying was true. Liam had pretty much disappeared in the past month, but Zayn knew exactly where he was thanks to Todd. Things seemed to be calming down for what felt like the first time in the past year and Louis couldn't be any more grateful. He knew it was really just the calm before the storm, but Louis was going to take whatever it was he could get right now. He was more than happy sitting in the backyard with the kids, watching as Zayn chases around the twins as Quinn contently sat in his lap. 

"Mummy, you have to save me!" Nathan screeches, running right for Louis and jumping behind him as Zayn makes a move to grab him. Nathan buries his face into Louis' back, giggling uncontrollably when Zayn still scoops him up. Louis can't help the smile on his own face as he looks up at Zayn who is tickling Nathan. Ethan is jumping around Zayn, laughing along with his twin before settling down after a minute next to Louis. Louis warps his free arm around Ethan, pulling him into his side. Zayn joins them after a minute, burying his face into Nathan's hair as the older twin continues to laugh. It wasn't long until the family fell into a comfortable silence, Louis placing his head onto Zayn's shoulder as he lets out a content sigh. 

"I like this." Louis whispers, moving his head so he can look up at Zayn. Zayn smiles down at him before he nods.

"I do too... It's nice to have just a few days of peace and quiet." 

"So nice that I don't want to get up to head to my doctor... Can't we just reschedule or something?" Louis asks, earning a soft laugh from Zayn. 

"As nice as that sounds, we gotta check on those babies too... besides your doc said there's a chance we might get to find out the genders today. Aren't you the least bit curious?" Zayn asks as he lets go of the twins who were starting to squirm a little too much. 

"Well yeah... but like you said there's only a chance and I'm quite content sitting here for the rest of the day. There's no telling how long it's going to be before shit hits the fan again." Louis says honestly, earning a gasp from both of the twins when they hear the swear word. It had just become a recent thing and Zayn was half tempted to get a swear jar but he knew they'd be broke. 

"I know what you mean... but I really think we should still go. We can take the kids with us and they can enjoy it with us. They don't really seem to understand what exactly is going on... but it'll be nice to spend the time together." Zayn says and he's already starting to get up. Louis lets out a whine at that, laying down on his side and looking up at Zayn with a pout. Zayn smiles fondly down at him, smiling as he shakes his head a little. 

"C'mon darling, let's go." Zayn says, holding out his hand for Louis to take. Louis continues to pout up at Zayn but he grabs his hand anyways and allows Zayn to help him up. Louis giggles a little when Zayn pulls him close to his chest, both of them completely forgetting the little girl in Louis' arms. Quinn lets out a shriek of protest and pushes at Zayn's chest, earning a laugh from both her parents as they back away from each other. 

"Sorry princess." Zayn apologizes, kissing the top of Quinn's head before taking the baby from Louis. Louis calls for the twins to follow them into the house which they did more than happily. 

"Are you sure you want to bring the kids along? I mean it'll be close to their nap time and they'll probably be pretty grouchy..." Louis says once they're all inside. Zayn just shrugs, still carrying Quinn as he looks around the kitchen for his car keys.

"They can nap in the car on the way to the hospital. I don't want to bother Harry or your mum... I'm more than okay with taking them if you are." Zayn says, letting out a noise of delight when he finds his keys on the counter by the sink. He picks them up and hands them to Quinn who happily plays with them as Louis thinks it over. 

"I guess they can... They're pretty well behaved anyways, so there really shouldn't be any problems." 

"It's settled then, you get the boys ready to go and I'll pack Quinn's diaper bag." Zayn says and Louis nods. Zayn leans in to kiss Louis softly on the lips and with that the couple parted ways, Louis taking the boys upstairs to get their shoes and Zayn going into the living room where Quinn's diaper bag was at. 

"Today's going to be a  good day..." Zayn says, more to himself than to Quinn. He wasn't going to let anything ruin today.



lame ending. 

that's life.

Sorry for taking a while again. I caught cold and I just barely started to feel better tbh haha.

dedication goes to cupcake1Dlovaxx

QOTC: what do you guys think the genders of the babies are?




Connie xx

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