twelve: the homecoming

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twelve: the homecoming

"Daddy!" Was the first thing Zayn heard as he walked in through the front door. Next thing he knew he had two three year old boys looking up at him with huge grins on their faces. Quinn was toddling after them, a bright smile on her face but she was slower than the boys. Louis walks in after Zayn, scooping up the baby and kissing both her cheeks which in turn earned a string of giggles from the baby. Zayn crouches down to pull the boys into his arms, kissing their cheeks and earning a giggle from Ethan and a whine from Nathan as he pushes Zayn away from him.

"How are my favorite boys?" Zayn asks, grinning from ear to ear as he looks at the twins. It had been a long couple of days and he really hadn't realized just how much he missed the kids until right now. 

"I good, Daddy. Miss you very much and Nate kept saying he no miss you, but I know he lie." Ethan is the first to speak up, continuing to grin at Zayn as his older brother glares over at him.

"I no miss Daddy. You miss Daddy you big baby." Nathan says, crossing his arms over his chest as he sticks his tongue out at Ethan. Ethan returns the gesture before turning his attention back to Zayn.

"Nate does not understand that I am not baby. Sister is baby." Ethan points out and Louis tries not to coo down at the little boy. 

"Well you're always gonna be my baby, but just so you know... Nathan's always gonna be my baby too." Zayn says, winking at Ethan which earns another set of giggles from Ethan before Nathan lets out another whine. 

"I am not baby." 

"Are too. Daddy say so." Ethan says, pointing at his brother as if that was going to help prove his point. Nathan glares at his brother before storming off. Ethan goes after him in a heartbeat, suddenly feeling bad for calling his brother a baby even though Nathan had just finished calling him the baby. Zayn stands back up, smiling softly at Louis before scooping a giggling Quinn out of his arms. Johannah takes that as her cue to walk over to her son and pull him into a hug, squeezing him tightly which earns a soft grunt from Louis.

"Missed you too, Mum." Louis says, patting his mum's back softly before she finally lets him go. 

"How was your trip? I trust the two of you enjoyed yourselves?" Johannah asks, following the two boys into the kitchen. Zayn puts Quinn into her high chair before grabbing a jar of baby food while Louis sits down at the kitchen table with a smile. 

"We had a fantastic time, it was nice to just have some time alone but we both missed the kids. It's hard being away from them." Louis says, pulling a face at Quinn who giggles around the spoon that Zayn was feeding her with. Johannah smiles fondly, knowing by just one look how easy it was for anyone to really miss those kids. 

"If it makes you feel any better, they missed you too. Nathan seems more than determined that he's going to convince you to get him a dog. Harry might've influenced him a tad the other day." Johannah says, earning a chuckle from Louis as he shakes his head. 

"Well he can try to convince me as much as he wishes, but we aren't getting a dog. We just got Ethan's asthma under control, I don't want to run any risks where that's concerned... and I'm not going to have time to take care of a dog along with four kids." Louis says, biting down on his bottom lip as he tries not to grin at Johannah's confused expression. Zayn and Louis share a look as Johannah continues to look confused.

"Four kids? You've only got three..." Johannah says slowly, counting on her fingers as if that would help prove her point. Louis waits patiently, still trying to fight back the grin but he couldn't after a look of realization crosses Johannah's face.

"Wait... Is that your way of telling me that you're pregnant?" Johannah asks, earning a nod from Louis who lets out a soft gasp when his mother pulls him into her arms yet again. 

"Mum, I can't breathe." Louis barely manages to get out, once again patting Johannah's back. Johannah pulls back after another few seconds, wiping at her eyes as she gives Louis a tearful grin. 

"Well, how far along are you?" She asks, sitting back in her chair. 

"Don't really know yet... Zayn and I scheduled an appointment for tomorrow to find out. I just wanted you to know cause you're my mother." Louis says and Johannah goes in for another hug only to have Louis hold his hands up.

"I love you, Mum... but I don't think my spine can take another hug." Louis chuckles out, earning a nod from Johannah who instead just grabs Louis' hand and gives it a tight squeeze.

"I'm happy for you, for the both of you really. Now I should probably get home, I've got a few things I need to take care of. " Johannah says before standing up from the table. Louis follows suit, walking with her towards the door. Louis is the one to pull her in for a hug this time, holding on tightly as if he never wanted to let go. 

"I love you, Mum." Louis whispers.

"I love you too, Lou. I'm so very proud of you." 


this is probably the last fluffy chapter for a little while... got some drama planned.

whoop whoop.

I know how much you guys love drama.

Dedication goes to 1DIrwinx

QOTC: can't think of one again... so just comment your fave thing about this chapter I suppose.




Connie xx 

Home (book four)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon